It really works!

This topic contains 3 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  marialee8866 10 years, 4 months ago.

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  • Hi. I havent been on the forum for quite a while now. Perhaps this is a good sign because 5:2 is just part of my life now. I have been going for 2 months on Sunday and I have lost – drum roll – 5.5 kg!!! I am thrilled! Happy as and although some fasting days are still hard, they are sometimes very easy. I have two young kids 8 and 12 and so I need to cook for them which is v hard on fasting days but I try to remain calm, remember not to lick bits! (that makes things worse – I am quite a good cook) and plan my meal. Even if it’s salad and an egg, I need to have that in my mind and confirm to myself that is what I will eat. Then to bed early is better when I am still hungry. It actually feels so good though, when I am hungry, knowing that my body is eating away at all these extra unwanted kilos. At my at (47 almost 48 eek) I was beginning to think I would remain 75kg and perhaps even go up! Now my goal is 65 kg and as I am 69.6 today, I am determined to do this for ME 🙂 Thanks Michael Mosley for your wonderful SBS doco in early August. 🙂

    Hi Alison! Cooking for your kids (or anyone else) must be tough… specially because a good cook is supposed to taste the food while cooking! I admire your perserverance. I’ve been on 5:2 for about a month and it’s becoming a habit, a way of life as you say. I’ve lost 4kg so far, and I have at least another 18kg to loose. I’m feeling healthier and happier. Yes, it really works. I wish you the best!

    Thanks ktf! Good luck to you too!

    surely this forum is really a part of my life also

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