Is weight loss key to all the other benefits?

This topic contains 5 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  geewizz 10 years, 8 months ago.

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  • This is what my son understands, but is not how I see it. Do people see other benefits without losing weight?

    I never weighed for my 1st 2 months on the 5:2 lifestyle but I noticed my skin improve almost immediately and after 2-3 weeks it was totally spot-free (1st time in 20 years that I could claim that) and has stayed that way (with just the odd hormonal blip of a breakout in the past 18 months). I also noticed my periods improve immediately and they are now regular, light & almost entirely pain-free which is a huge relief.

    I’m sure a lot of the ‘health benefits’ of this lifestyle could be put down to the weight loss itself and I’m sure that a lot of diets would improve blood pressure, cholesterol, diabetes etc. etc. but as it was SO immediate for me I am tempted to believe that it is the fasting aspect & IGF-1 effect in particular that does the job with this diet and that it has very wide ranging beneficial side-effects.

    On Norwegian television last week M. Mosley stated that the secret behind longevity is to stay slim. I guess he would have gone deeper if there was more time in the interview.

    Not entirely, because slim people have the same health problems as overweight people.

    A work colleague has the same specialist as me, and he’s always been active and slim. A friend now has high cholesterol and she’s not overweight and works out at the gym 3-4 times a week (and has for years).

    to expand on what i was thinking of – that 5:2 targets visceral fat, that is fat in among the organs which is where it’s a risk.

    Thanks, people, for those helpful posts. Particularly took the point that thin people can have the same medical conditions. Two points. Can the beneficial effects of calorie restriction be obtained by people not needing to lose weight? And, the related question – what to do when you reach the target weight? I’m guessing that 6:1 will be the answer. I’m even wondering if I might continue with 5:2 since it’s been so easy. And, since you ask, I’m 75, had lost 1st 6 lbs in 12 weeks before going on holiday and Easter, but am relaxed about the few extra pounds which I’m confident of losing soon. Well done Michael and Mimi – this really has been a game changer for my wife and I.

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