is this safe?

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Jetsman21 10 years ago.

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  • hi,i am a 13 year old boy about to be 14 in about 2 months.i am very over weight(low 160’s and high 150’s)i really want to get fit but exercising does not appeal to,here is my it ok for my to start fasting every saturday and sunday?

    My personal opinion is don’t do it. You are young and recognize you have a weight problem- which is awesome. I would ask your parents about going to see a dietician to get some sound advice. If you do decide to fast, don’t do it on two consecutive days- it is extremely hard and will be miserable. In short- it won’t last and you will binge. Also- I can understand you don’t like excercising but try to incorporate a 30 minute walk into your schedule each day. It doesn’t seem like much but it will help. Good luck!

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