is this for me?

This topic contains 3 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  DOCLEA 7 years, 9 months ago.

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  • My normal lifestyle is 2 meals a day meaning 16 hours without food every day, health and diet both good and I take regular exercise yet my belly is getting much too big, that`s why I read the fast diet book but since I have a “fast day” ever day I wonder if I should bother with this diet – it is a bit confusing. I wonder if Michael or Mimi have any suggestions.

    Sure it’s for you. Give it a try. I do both a daily 6-hour feeding window and the 5-2 diet. I didn’t notice much change with the daily 6-hour feeding window by itself, but once I added the 5-2 diet I immediately noticed movement on the scale. I’ve only been doing the 5-2 diet for 3 weeks, but I’m already down 6 pounds.

    Every day, I eat lunch and dinner. On fast days, I usually have miso with seaweed for lunch and a lite supper. On feed days, I eat lunch and dinner as normal. My only issue is that some days I’d really like to have breakfast because I don’t seem to have enough meals to fit in all of my cravings. Not a big deal, but I just find I need to prioritize what I want to eat.

    One thing I noticed is that the 5-2 diet seems to encourage me to eat healthier on feed days, while I didn’t notice this effect with the daily feeding window.

    Good luck.

    Hi DOC and welcome:

    ‘Fasting’ implies eating less. As you have discovered, eating in an 8 hour eating window does not cause less eating – if it did you would not be gaining weight.

    5:2, if you don’t overeat on your non diet days, causes less eating and leads to weight loss. Here is some information – you might check the ‘Calorie Restriction vs. Fasting’ link for more information:

    Good Luck!

    Thank bagua and simcoeluv for your replies – very helpful. I just posted a report on my first fast day – it went okay

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