Is Swimming Good For Health?

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Is Swimming Good For Health?

This topic contains 14 replies, has 13 voices, and was last updated by  dlroseberry 10 years, 2 months ago.

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  • I really want to loose weight. I was wondering if swimming does indeed get you in shape I am in poor condition. and if so how much should i swim? Also,when i go swimming personally i think really self conscious and like all ones judging me. Please people assist me.

    It should do. I’ve been going three times a week for 6 months or so and my shoulders are more defined and I have less ‘bingo wing’! I’ve learnt to crawl now so am really motivated by my progress in the water considering I couldn’t put my head under two years ago! I do forty laps each time and, when I can, push it to fifty. The key is to go regularly or there’s no point. Let us know how you get on.

    Hi Garretthnatiuk, yep, it’s very good cardio (depending how much you push yourself) and great for your lung function (especially the breathing regulation of a good breast or crawl stroke) which is why a lot of doctors recommend it for asthmatics.

    I’ve taught myself to swim ‘properly’ like ChrissieinBrittany and it’s a huge sence of acomplishment. Until recently I only swam 1-2 times a week for 1 hour and just tried to cram as many laps into that hour as possible. That was good exercise but in the last couple of months I’ve joined a gym and swim 5 times a week. It really has made a difference. So I’d agree with the above, regularity is the key to keeping it up and getting a real fitness benefit.

    I always found before that if I missed a session or 2, due to illness or a holiday or something, it was REALLY hard to get back into the mindset. You just have to make it an intrinsic part of your life.

    When I first started swimming again (after years & years) I was very conscious of being in a cozzy in front of a pool full of strangers but that passes really quickly and you just have to remember that noone’s really looking at you, they’re probably just as self conscious themselves, either about how they look or about what a c**p swimmer they are 😉

    Maybe try an aqua aerobics class or 2 to start with (more chance of there being a few larger folk in with you) until you get comfortable and then add in a swimming session as well and build from there. If you’re worried about your strokes then try to go along to a ‘coached session’ or have a one-on-one lesson, to make sure you’re doing it right.

    I know that eventually I will have to explore the rest of the gym and start doing the odd class or some resistance exercises, as JUST swimming (as much as I do) could lead to a risk of developing osteoparosis but so far that is pretty much all the exercise I do and it’s keeping me in good shape as I lose the weight with 5:2.

    I’d also recommend (once you get into it) setting yourself a challenge, like doing a sponsored swim for a charity. I’ve just completed my 3rd annual sponsored swim (Sport Relief this year). I did 5K last Saturday for them and a friend of mine joined me this year and did 2.5K herself. It’s great fun, raises money for a really good cause and gives you something to strive for.


    I agree Tracy. I missed a session yesterday because my donkeys escaped and I had to spend the afternoon repairing the fencing, but I was really hacked off not to be able to go. Roll on tomorrow night when I can get back in the water!
    There’s lots of great, short vids on youtube on swimming, with great tips for breathing etc. I’m asthmatic and the difference in me is amazing! I’ll always be asthmatic – hey ho, but I don’t have to use medication half as much these days.

    I believe it is to reduce stress even if you just walk in the water. I go to the pool to have fun

    the big benefit of swimming is:
    fully body workout
    excellent cardio
    non impact

    The latter was a big thing for me. not pounding the tarmac helped with my joints.

    Thanks all….For giving useful tips

    Swimming is a good exercise and can help you to toned your muscles and lose weight. Swimming is a full body exercise and I do it at least once a week. Cycling is a good exercise too. Cardio workouts are the best if you want to lose weight easily.

    It should do
    its good for all the body

    WOW you ask swimming is the best for health and for weight, you use all of your muscle when swimm

    Ofcourse swimming is really good for sound health..I believe it refresh your mind and body too.

    Thanks @tracyj
    For useful tips

    Really swimming is good for health.It contains lot of health benefits

    Swimming is a great form of exercise. You do also want to add some weight training in there as well. The reasoning is that the body does not get the same resistance as you do out of the water. Swimming will help build your cardio but it will reduce your bone density as well. A combination program of swimming and lifting will help you stay fit and healthy all around.

    You would have to swim for 5-6 hours every day for a long period of time to impact on bone density. Swimming is an excellent form of exercise so long as it is not the only exercise undertaken.
    Weight bearing exercise such as walking, which is free, and cycling, along with some resistance training are recommended by the NHS for those aged 16-64.
    It is suggested that both weight bearing and resistance training are carried out for at least 30 minutes, five times per week, which is 5 hours exercise per week. Not much for a fit body.

    I believe inhaling chlorine can thin the membranes in the lung so that’s something to watch out for if you swim in a chlorinated pool a lot. And swimming is notorious for increasing hunger more than other equivalent exercise. A recent article in the New York Times says that this is because of temperature; i.e. exercising in the cold makes you more hungry than equivalent exercise in warm. Still, exercise is necessary, and swimming doesn’t stress joints or bones. But once you’ve lost enough weight, some joint and bone stress is good.

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