Is lunch becoming a thing of the past?

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Is lunch becoming a thing of the past?

This topic contains 10 replies, has 8 voices, and was last updated by  Tmadl 10 years, 6 months ago.

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  • Hey fellow fasters!

    So I’ve lost 20lbs in 14 weeks, I have around 6 lbs left to go to be within my BMI range, I don’t particularly want to loose much more than that as I don’t think it will be sustainable for me.. So, I read the book and Michael says he does 6:1 and ‘regularly skips lunch’ so this got me thinking for my maintenance plan, and how regular is regularly skipping lunch? so i was thinking perhaps I forget lunch full stop….forever – I mean who decided we needed 3 meals a day anyway??? 🙂 thoughts?

    I think I agree with you, or just a piece of fruit and a cup of tea. I was thinking on these lines before I read the book.

    So each day you will be knocking 400 / 500 calories off the day. It must keep the weight more balanced.

    I used to skip lunch regularly – not through choice but because I just didn’t have time to get to the dining room whilst lunch was being served and had only ever taken a piece of fruit with me as a snack. I think this was what kept me at an acceptable weight.
    Now I am retired I prefer to eat well at lunchtime and only have fruit during the evenings. One of the drawbacks of getting older is eating late keeps me awake during the night.

    I rarely eat lunch…and maintain in this way. But it probably isn’t as effective as fasting for 24 or 16 hours. Problem is I like my breakfast!

    Having tried my first ever fast day of breakfast then dinner (usually I eat nothing until the evening on fast days), and seeing that I didn’t actually die of hunger at lunchtime, I’m starting to contemplate the possibility of doing without lunch on a more regular basis. Like symba7 says, 500 fewer calories a day must surely have a positive effect. And since my weight loss has been unbelievably slow, to the point of almost negligible, I’m thinking that going lunch-less could be a logical step, given that I still refuse to count calories on my non-fast days.

    “I’m thinking that going lunch-less could be a logical step, given that I still refuse to count calories on my non-fast days.”

    I’m of the same mindset.

    I can always eat later, but found that my intake has diminished.


    Diminished intake is still something I’m striving for, Rockyromero! The desire to eat is always there in my mind – 40 years of it! Maybe one day I’ll rid myself of it – how liberating that would be.

    “The desire to eat is always there in my mind – 40 years of it! Maybe one day I’ll rid myself of it – how liberating that would be.”

    What if you could move that desire from your mind, every time that you get it, and see it and move it to your left hand.

    Close that left hand slowly. Then toss it over your left shoulder. Open your left hand and it’s now empty.

    Every time.

    What would happen to you then?


    I also used to skip lunch and this made me snack more,So i now make home made soup and take it to work.All i need to do is warm it up in the microwave and thats it.very low cal and lots of veg scrumy.

    “I also used to skip lunch and this made me snack more,”

    For the last two weeks, I have Me-time instead of lunch time and eat later about 3pm.

    This is like an early dinner and occasionally don’t eat more.

    On feed days, I would like to eat only twice a day, minimally.

    It’s an interesting behavior change for me.


    Is Michael Mosley skipping lunch all the time now? He implied that in an interview. I thought he was on the maintenance schedule of 6:1 now. Does anyone know?

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