Is it ok not to eat the 500?

This topic contains 7 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by  Deancurran 10 years, 7 months ago.

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  • Just a query and there is probably no right answer.
    I get to the end of my fast day, and to be honest I could quite happily not bother with the 500 and jsut wait until the next day for a normal eating pattern.
    Is this going to be bad for my health to not eat the 500 or is it important to have that little calorie intkae for your health?
    Thanks for any advice 🙂

    Croutledge, as you said there is no definive answer. I used to do 36 hour complete water fasts and it was easy. The only possible down side I have learned about is that eating no fats mean your gallbladder wont be activated and gall can sit in the gallbladder and possibly form stones over time – if it is concentrated enough.
    That plus losing weight (fat) will tend to saturate your bile.

    But many have fasted and I’m trying to find out if fasting x2 per week is insufficient to cause gallstones to form. But with so few medical people being knowledgable of 5:2 it’s hard to find out. I wonder if Dr M has any knowledge about this?

    Croutledge, some people do prefer to skip the calories altogether on a fast day. Unless you already have gallbladder disease or some other medical problem that could be impacted by it, I do not know of any reason why you have to eat on a fasting day. Your body will not go into the fabled ‘starvation mode’ from doing a 36-hour fast. Generally speaking, the fewer the calories consumed, the faster you lose the weight. There might also be additional fasting benefits from the extra hours gone without eating.

    Thanks guys – I’ll give it a try for a few weeks and see what happens…..its won’t be completely calorie free as I have to have my coffee with skimmed milk in the morning, but other than that I am good for the day…..I’ll elt you know how I get on!

    I think that’s really good to have some fat in your coffee in the morning because that will address the possible gallbladder issue I mentioned. I’m a bit obsessed with gall and kidney stones at the moment! Many people have gallstones and don’t know they have them.

    Hi, have been doing 5:2 for a few weeks now and also thinking that I could not bother with my 600 cals and just forgo food all day on fast days: by 8pm today I didn’t feel particularly hungry (having eaten nothing since dinner last night), only ate 300 cals because I thought maybe I should have something. How’s it been going for you Croutledge having 0 cals per day? (P.s. I drink black coffee, sorry Speedy!)

    I don’t have a gal bladder anymore….. Would that make a difference??

    Croutledge: Ref having no cals on fast days, see this great topic for all the answers you need.

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