Is 5.2 causing me to become perimenopausal?

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Is 5.2 causing me to become perimenopausal?

This topic contains 8 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by  NorthernGal 8 years, 11 months ago.

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  • I started 5.2 in August and although weight loss was slow I was very pleased to have lost 5 pounds over a period of 10 weeks. I am quite petite(5foot) and knew it would take time. However about 3 weeks ago on My tenth week I started suffering with night sweats and irritability, I did a check of my diary and realised I haven’t had a period since starting 5.2. I have also been suffering from insomnia but i put that down to mainly having a 2year old that doesnt sleep well. I did some research on the net(I know) and it appears that perhaps it is not such a good idea for women who are perhaps close to starting the menopause to start a diet such as this? I also read that fasting can give you low oestrogen levels. Has 5.2 started the menopause for me?
    I have since stopped the diet which has also depressed me but my symptoms have improved. Still no period though. It could be a coincidence of course. Maybe I am now a LORCA. It would be fairly early for me my doctor said. I am waiting for blood results as we speak.

    Does anyone have any similar experiences? Are their any professionals out there who could enlighten me?

    I liked being on the diet and felt it was really working for me as I was finding it difficult to lose the weight after having my baby but I don’t want to start the menopause just yet, I’ve only just finished breastfeeding!!!

    @little I think you are doing the right thing to wait until you know what is going on with your body. it could be coincidental/genetic so I suggest you find out from relatives (mum, grand mother and aunts when they entered this phase of their lives.

    I started aged 42 (now 54) and was quite shocked at the time. I was in no way on any diet. I was also (like my mum) diagnosed with osteoporosis. therefore the doctor put me on HRT.

    You seem quite young so take comfort that there is a weight loss tool that you can use when the time is right.
    good luck

    Hi Litchtie, thank you once more for your reply.
    Yes I did ask my mum and she has always insisted she had an early menopause due to having me late when she was 37. she doesn’t actually remember when her period actually stopped. Both of my sisters stopped at early fifties so we will see.
    I also had my first(and last!) baby at 43 so I do wonder If I’m going the same way as my mother.
    I have read that women are having the same problems when following the paleo diet due to the low carb/no grain. It appears that men seem to fair better overall on this diet.

    Hi, I am 48 and perimenopausal and I haven’t as yet had any major issues with losing weight. I am at the end of my sixth week and have lost 5kg. That’s not to say though that as time progresses I may start to. I tend to keep my fast days to 500 cals, rather than decreasing them as my TDEE goes down. I generally don’t eat to the maximum TDEE on most days as I am genuinely full. I will hit the figure though if I were to have a dessert, ice cream etc which I do a few times a week.

    I’d be very interested to know how your blood tests go. Chin up until you find out exactly what is going on. Hopefully, there is no correlation between your period and the 5:2 plan and you can start back. Fingers crossed for you. Take care, Tania

    Hi Tania, Thanks for your kind words.
    I have been feeling better since stopping for the last 3 weeks. But I am going to start again next week. I have decided to take it easy and just reduce the calories to a 1000 and see how that goes. I know its not 5.2 but it may still help me to continue losing slowly. I like the dicipline of 5.2 it just seemed to work for me. I’m not good at dieting every day.

    Glad to hear you are feeling better. I’m sure you will do just fine. We “shorties” need all the help we can get with weight loss 🙂 Slowly is okay…it’s the end goal that counts, not how quickly you get there. Have a lovely week 🙂

    LittleL: I am very interested in your question and in the outcome of your tests. I am 48 years old and started the fast diet about a month ago. You might know my period was DAYS early (which is not a first for me, but certainly not the norm) I don’t know if I should continue or not. I’m very bummed because it really seemed to be working. If ANYONE has any advice on this topic I’d be very grateful Thanks. As a side note: I was very encouraged by TannyBear’s comments since we are exactly the same age. However, I know everyone is different.

    Hello Jarasool, I haven’t been on here for a while. I stopped the diet because of the above so I didn’t feel a need to keep coming on. Interestingly I have been dabbling in re-starting because it suited me in so many ways. So what happened to me after this time?
    Well within a week of stopping the diet my period returned much to my relief. However it only stayed around for another 6 months and then stopped again. The first time I had the blood test my results were normal. The second time recently they have shown I am post menopausal. However I am actually still peri my doctor says because i am still having spotting and my oestrogen levels are normal still. I have had to accept that i am approaching full menopause. I felt it was a bit early for me but thats how it is. I am now 46.

    With regards to my feelings on 5.2. I do feel there was a definite connection to the diet and my period stopping. I think it is clear now that i was perimenopausal but after doing some reading on the subject it seems to be the case that women need healthy fats to support their hormones. I believe the diet was not right for me at this time and if i had continued i do not believe my period would have come back at all. We are all individuals and of course what has happened to me will not be the same for yourself. Perhaps some food for thought though. Good luck to you.

    Hi there I just wanted to pop in to what I know is an old thread and say hello. LittleL I too have a 2 year old, soon to be 3 (though yours must be older now!) who was born 2 days before my 43rd birthday. I am actually still breastfeeding after doing some research on the safety of it with fasting (obviously he’s mainly on solids). He also sleeps badly and I think sleep deprivation is what lead to a huge weight gain in the last 12 months. Anyway, I too am starting to wonder if the diet is making me perimenopausal. The problem is I’ve been so sleep deprived until recently that I can’t remember if it started before I actually started the diet or if I’m putting 2 and 2 together and making 5! If you’re still following the thread it would be lovely to hear from you. Especially if you’ve got any tips about bad sleepers!! (no-one gets it unless they’re in the same boat)

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