Intermittent Fasting Question? Is a 24-hour cheat day okay?

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Intermittent Fasting Question? Is a 24-hour cheat day okay?

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  VibeRadiant 9 years, 10 months ago.

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  • So basically, I have started this intermittent fasting thing. It seems to be working and I find it a lot easier than traditional dieting.

    I am a big fan of the “Warrior Diet” style where you eat for about 1 hour and fast for 23 hours. I am a big fan of large meals so in order to satisfy myself when I eat, I do a 1 hour period so I can eat my deficit of 2,000 calories in one meal.

    My schedule looks like this:
    Monday-Friday 12-1 PM, Eat. 1-12Pm the next day, Fast.

    From Friday to Saturday I don’t eat for 24 hours, so from 1Pm Friday to 1Pm Saturday and then I have a cheat day from 1PM Saturday to 1Pm Sunday.

    Rinse and repeat for the week.

    Is the 24 hour cheat eating period too much, should I condense it? Or is it fine? I looked at the Hodgetwins youtube channel and they said that a 1-hour eating period is fine, but I havn’t seen them say anything about a 24-hour, once a week, cheat day.

    The Warrior Diet is 20 hours fasting with a 4 hour eating window.

    Intermittent fasting is about your own interpretation of fasting by way of self experimentation.
    I have 4 cheat days, if you want to call them that. Three days where I restrict calories and four days where I eat what I want, in moderation of course and not binging for example.

    The Hodge twins are extreme body builders who promote unhealthy binge eating on junk food, IMO.

    What are your goals with IF?

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