Insomnia – especially on fast days

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Insomnia – especially on fast days

This topic contains 6 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by  Catherine Hunt 10 years ago.

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  • It seems a number of us are having trouble sleeping. I’ve suffered from Indomnia for years, but it has rarely been a problem. lm self employed and work from home, so I just work through the night and get up later. I dont seem to suffer as long as I get 4 or 5 hours at least 5 days a week.

    Started 5:2 a few weeks ago, and almost straight away it became much worse, night after night awake until 6 or 7 in the morning, dropping off exhausted, and awake again an hour later. Pointless getting up to work in the night, no concentration after a week with hardly any sleep. And feeling very very tired, not something Ive really suffered from before.

    I read a few suggestions about magnesium, went to buy some at Holland and Barrett, but Melissa Dream was suggested. A supplement including chamomile and magnesium, but the main ingredient is lemon balm.

    Ive been using it for a couple of weeks, sleeping really well. Took three nights off, by third night wake awake all night, back on them last night, slept well.

    I’d not heard of this supplement before, thought it might be a suggestion for other insomniacs.

    Thanks for the tip Milena – I have problems sleeping on fast nights too, rarely sleeping as deeply or as refreshingly but had resigned myself to living with it – perhaps a supplement would help. I though having all my calories at the end of the day would help (usually fish & vegetables) but it hasn’t made a great deal of difference. Still, a small price to pay for the benefits!

    Nice to know about that.
    I used to suffer a lot of sleep problems, but it has got a lot better the past couple of years. I have noticed, though, that on fasting days I sleep worse and wake up feeling worn the next day. Not good seeing as Fridays I lecture for 8 hours! I’ll see if I can get something similar over here.

    Hi Kirsten

    Should be able to, I think it is made somewhere in Scandinsia, any problems let me knowcand ill post some to you.

    Comespring, hi, I had a fast day yesterday, slept really so it might help you too – though I did dream I had messed up my fast with a very large pudding! Boy was it good!!

    Hello all, I have started this programme over 7 weeks ago and have been following comments from forum members to benefit from knowing how they are doing.

    I am pleased to have lost 5 Kg in 7 weeks and am 8 Kg away from my target weight.

    I’ve had sleep problem for about 3 years but it has been mainly due to troubles at work. So, thinking about work conditions keeping my mind busy has been the problem keeping me awake. During the fast days, I eat a lot of well balanced dinner with a lot of salad (around 450 calories). I still feel want to eat at late night before going to sleep, but drink herbal tea. Chamomile tea and Lemon Balm tea are particularly good. I have included a lot more garden activities in my fast days as I enjoy gardening. I grow my own herbs and love gardening. If you like herbal tea, now is the time to plan for your own organic herbal tea. To encourage healthy living environment for all, I have started a Facebook Page called “Bee BFG Stoneygate Gardens” If interested, look it up and join. I post a lot of information about Healthy Living in the page. Having the right weight for you is one of the relevant factors for having a healthy living. Will be following this group and look forward to sharing more with you all.

    Milena –
    Thank you for the offer. I have looked it up and see that I can get it more cheaply here than in the UK.

    Drinking chamomile tea about 3 hours before I wanted to go to bed made me feel sleepy.

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