In need of sugar

This topic contains 3 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  Speedy 11 years, 2 months ago.

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  • Starting 4:3 this week and have planned my fast days but I am worried as I faint a lot due to low sugar levels. Is there any way I can get sugar in to my fast days without a sneaky chocolate bar? Something with low calories preferably!

    Hi LoisLane and welcome

    is there any particular reason why you are starting 4.3? I ask because I am concerned that if you are prone to fainting maybe you should ease into IF? not sure what to advise for the best as am no expert but could you ask medical advise form your gp?
    there are quite a lot of low cals chocs out there, I should know, am sure iv tried them all!!

    this is a tricky one and I wish I could be more help, am sure someone will be along with suggestions!!

    good luck anyway and keep us posted 🙂

    Low calorie and sugar is a bit of a contradiction and choccy bars don’t fit this description.

    Maybe fruit would help as it has natural unrefined sugar but if you are prone to fainting it might be best to discuss your plan to do 4:3 with your GP before you start any form of fasting.

    Maybe start with 5:2 and see how you get on….it’s a bit less drastic.

    Good luck

    HI Lois, I’m absolutely no expert but my experience was that when I started fasting 5:2 water fasting for 36-40 hours, I took my blood sugar every few hours. (I am roughly approaching pre diabetic.) And I was really surprised that my blood glucose just stabilized about 4.8 and didn’t drop any lower.
    Obviously I don’t know your circumstances but do you test your own blood glucose? I can get a little bit shakey or tired sometimes but I was surprised that it doesn’t seem related to my blood sugar levels. I don’t know what it is related to.
    I just mean are you certain low blood sugar is the cause? I really don’t mean to question your experience, of course I don’t – but it’s just I was very surprised when I measured my fasting bs levels. We are all different of course!

    Best wishes.

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