I'm off and running…

This topic contains 10 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by  gemstar 11 years, 5 months ago.

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  • …well nearly. Planning to start next week – just getting the mindset sorted this week. Well either that or the age old “I’ll start next week” only next week never arrives.

    I have tried this way of life before but stopped after I had huge trouble with an inner ear condition that left me dizzy, disorientated and pretty miserable. It appeared at the same time I started the diet so I’m keeping everything crossed that the two aren’t connected in anyway. I was really enjoying the diet – it did indeed get easier after a couple of fasts, my appetite seemed diminished on non fast days, I LOVED not feeling deprived as there was always tomorrow and best of all I was losing weight.

    So, I’m giving it another go. I’ve also joined a gym starting next week and I’ve started skipping with my ten-year-old son as a way of learning a new skill that will benefit me (in losing weight) and him with fitness and dexterity for his tennis. So far, so good. We’re getting better!

    Finally I’ve invested in a pedometer. 10,000 steps a day doesn’t sound too bad but believe me it’s harder than you think.

    Everything is sorted – now all I need to do is get on and do it! Wish me luck everyone; this time next year I’ll be a millionaire – or 2 stone lighter anyway!


    Good luck Gemstar – you sound determined and I’m sure you’ll do well!

    Keep us posted about your progress


    I’ve just enjoyed a weekend of eating and drinking. The feast before the famine which starts tomorrow with my first fasting day.

    I’m going to do a weigh in too and then check on progress weekly. Roughly 12 weeks to go ’til Christmas so the target will be a pound a week. Easy! If only!

    I’ll keep you posted,

    Hi gemstar, welcome to this site and good luck. Keep us informed of your experiences.

    Well, end of my first day and how’s it been? Absolutely fine actually. I remembered from before that the hunger pangs don’t grow and grow until they reach unbearable proportions, but rather they come and go and are completely manageable.

    I didn’t bother with breakfast, had salad for lunch and then a huge plate of roasted vegetables with noodles for tea. Boy, was I looking forward to that and it tasted good!

    I’ve played squash tonight and am now off to bed hugely satisfied that I’ve made a start. Onwards and upwards from here!

    Weighed in this morning at 136lbs. Target is 124lbs by Christmas. What’d’ya recon – do-able?


    Hello all, just completed my second day of fasting and it’s been much harder today. I felt much more hungry; the chocolate in the kitchen at work was calling out to me and getting my sons’ tea ready was a real killer. I’ve got through it though and I hope to see the benefits next Monday!

    I also went to the gym today – first time back in a while – I’m expecting to pay for it tomorrow.

    The other thing I’ve had to contend with today is a headache which has gradually worsened during the day. It is definitely connected to fasting as I never normally suffer from headaches. Any suggestions anyone?


    Hi gemstar, how are you doing today? headache better? I have read that many folks have had the headache early on, but it seems to get better after a couple of weeks. are you drinking lots of water? dehydration can cause headaches. are you drinking lots of caffeinated drinks on your normal eating days?

    don’t you hate it when that chocolate is calling out to you? congratulations on not answering that call, AND making your son’s tea without giving in. I’m looking forward to hearing your results on Monday.Hope you are not too sore today from your gym visit. good luck and keep us posted.

    Hi MountainMyst,
    Headache hasn’t gone sadly but it isn’t so bad that I can’t ignore it. I too have read that people seem to suffer from a headache early on so I am going to ignore it for the time being and hope it goes away! I have been drinking a lot of water so don’t think dehydration is a problem, nor do I think a lack of caffeine is as I’ve given this up before without a problem. Something must be causing it though!

    I so hope I can make this work as I love the couple of days deprivation verses a lifetime obsessing over calories/points/sins…life’s too short!

    Another gym session tomorrow and on Saturday and then the weigh in on Monday. Fingers crossed!


    “the chocolate in the kitchen at work was calling out to me ”

    “don’t you hate it when that chocolate is calling out to you? ”

    Do you actually hear it in your mind?

    Nah, it’s just a willpower thing!

    So, first weigh in and I’ve lost 1.5 pounds, weh hey! So that brings me down to 134.5lbs – only another 10.5 to go ( though to get to my absolute ideal of 119 a further 15.5lbs).

    Fasting has been REALLY, REALLY hard today. One of my boys was poorly so I had to work from home and there are far too many things to tempt me!

    Not sure I’ve quite managed 500 calories but I did have a really hard game of squash so recon it’s probably evened out in the end. Wednesday will be my next fasting day so i’ll make sure I make a better fist of it then.

    Good luck to everyone else,

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