I'm 18 – Can I start the 5:2 diet?

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I'm 18 – Can I start the 5:2 diet?

This topic contains 2 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  andrewjohn1317 9 years, 11 months ago.

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  • Hi, I’m eighteen years old and I’m interesting in losing about a stone of weight, so I’d like to try the 5:2 diet. However, I was wondering if I may still be a bit young to be doing this diet; I know that it suppresses growth hormones, but I’m not sure if I’m still growing. I would be following this diet for about two months and then take a break for a month during exam time, and then I may start again after my exams if I still want to lose a bit more weight.I was just wondering if it may result in stunted growth at my age, so I would be grateful for any responses.

    Thank you šŸ™‚

    There are parts of your body such as some of your bones that do not stop growing for another few years, so it is probably not a good idea to start fasting. You could always check with your GP.
    If you want to lose a stone in weight, I’m sure you could manage that by eating a bit less of everything, and cutting out things like sugary drinks, crisps etc.

    this problem is changing hormones an time by time change is a difficult situation If you want to lose a stone in weight, Iā€™m sure you could manage that by eating a bit less of everything

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