I want to quit

This topic contains 18 replies, has 10 voices, and was last updated by  valzgor 10 years, 11 months ago.

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    I said it…

    But of course I won’t…..

    BUT I WANT TO!!!!

    Hi i know exactly how u feel.i have been doing the 52 for a while and although the initial results were great my weight seems to have come to a stop.am so fed up.it stresses me out doin a fast day.i yel and scream at the kids.be angry all day and for what.not even a pound loss.really frustrating.im gona weigh myself tonorow n if dont lose anything then that is it im not doin it anymore

    I’ve been fasting 5/2 since November. Didn’t do too good during the holidays…understandable…but from January until now I’ve been pretty much doing it every week…I’ve lost four solid pounds and shaved off inches…but I am having a hard time fasting anymore…I don’t know…I just want to quit…

    I can understand your feelings! Have done it since November, lost 8kg in the first 12 weeks and have plateaued now for the last four weeks. What helps me though is to make changes. One week 5:2, then a week just eating under my TDEE, then 4:3, then perhaps 16:8…

    I am also looking more at my weekly calorie consumption than on my daily and eventhough I have plateaud I did not gain either.
    Best of luck

    gag, I can’t imagine (right now at least) fasting three days instead of two…that would be chalenging since I’m having trouble with two this week…I broke my Monday fast and that was the first time I broke a fast…I have Thursday coming up and I hope I will fast again…I am riding the fence…I always look at my calorie consumption daily…you have me thinking about the weekly…oh, my, it is SUCH A BATTLE!!!!!!!!!!

    Make sure the food you’re getting is robust. If the food isn’t flavorful on any diet folks won’t stick to it. Basically what would we eat instead? Can we eat a smaller portion. I personally had more success moving on to 4:3 without exercise weeks and 5:2 with exercise. Rather than just 5:2. Iwas in plateau around week 25-35 seeing 3lbs then started exercising with a jump rope. Couldn’t do it at first like I had in the past. I would set a count down timer on a iPad and try to jump ropes , until winded and then do jumping jacks until I could jump again. Two times a day for total 30 minutes. I would get hunger pangs so I moved exercise over to non fasting days as had a lot more food energy. I lost another 10 lbs over a 7 week period. Now I enjoy jumping rope much better now that being winded is approaching the 5 minute mark. Even that is long term results.

    Something else I did was once a month I would make 1 week a fat attack week. I had mixed results doing thins other than 5:2 but it was a change up.

    Ooooh do tell SAMM I am, what do you mean by a fat attack, just for future reference mind you…

    I never did the same way twice.
    A lot of Starving exercising and taking over the counter pills. Overnight stuff fat teas. No sweet, and basically the stuff our doctors warn us about. My goal this 2nd year is keep increasing my strength and stamina. To get better at exercising. And increase my neat. For instance squeezing a stress ball and playing with it when kids are around for fun. But on fat attack week I go in for the big guns and do stuff till I’m exhausted. I even walked around a big hardware store once four hours. Lifting things :).

    Like 4:3 was base week , but on fat attack week iwas like starving with vitamins. Getting put of my comfort zone. I know that’s not healthy and seek other methods to replace known issues. Replacing with things like a punching bag. My brother lives near and is an adult athlete so he doesn’t mind that I have to walk to his house to eat my food that week. It was summer was chance to visit. , juice week and what not.

    While some weeks were fad other weeks serious reading and timely routine. Nice to get back to good ole 5:2. Especially the 5 .

    Really though Im leaning towards the TDEE on the 5 , after trying this and trying that. Fasting is tolerable ,but the TDEE makes it work for me.
    For the weekend are filled with temptation,so I always start 5:2 on Monday, skip on tueday, wednsday, this sets up Friday for 4:3. But on fat attack week It’s Monday, Wednesday, Friday Sunday Monday Wednesday,Friday and compound lifting on Saturday and Sunday. And restat 5:2 on Monday.

    I believe a fat attack week would be different for everyone. More like a choice than a recommendation. A chance to try other things then come back to what I am enjoying.
    4:3 spaghetti tuesdays, meatloaf Thursday’s, vegetable buffet Sunday’s

    If nothing else fat attack weeks for me were a week once a month that I was stict about reaching my goals.
    Each day I would know my TDEE , and meet all exercise.

    @valzgor We all have the dream of quitting – the joy of never again having to worry about food and its calorific values and never again having to worry about weight gain or the health outcome of being obese. But that is all it is – a dream.
    There have been several times in my life when whichever ‘diet’ I was trying became too controlling in my life with so little improvement in my weight – I gave up. I was soon back to my original ‘overweight’ plus a couple of extra pounds as a bonus.
    This wasn’t a dream it was a nightmare 🙁
    I am sure your original post was a ‘tongue in cheek’ rant voicing something we all feel at times.
    Now man up and get on with it.
    Set yourself a doable target and hit it.
    You know you want to!

    I see nothing wrong with break either. Personally if I’m still trying for goal when I will take a break I’ll do my TDEE even while on a break

    The thing i dont get is that if we r eating within our TDEE then we should be losing weight anyway without fasting.i do my propoints (weightwatchers) instead of doing the TDEE and i thought the fasting will speed things up but instead it justgeting more n more frustrating.

    Your rigt about the break though.i think i should take a break for a few weeks.i am at my goal weight but just wanted to lose a half stone more to get a bit of lee way


    ‘The thing i dont get is that if we r eating within our TDEE then we should be losing weight anyway without fasting’

    If you are eating your TDEE you will not lose any weight. You have to eat less to lose weight. This might help you understand: http://thefastdiet.co.uk/forums/topic/tdee-for-the-curious-or-why-dont-i-lose-weight-faster/

    Good Luck!

    Stef, your posts are such an inspiration for me, they have helped me a lot for encouragement, all this change and experimentation would work great for me. I am in my fourth week, I have been doing 4:3 since the beginning (with water fast on fast days) and will keep this up as long as it works. But I am more than ready to try other forms of fasting when needed! If I felt like I wanted to quit (I am sure I would if I plateaued for like 4 weeks!) I would definitely go on a break and maybe have 1 or 2 free days. But a break for me would mean smth like eating around my TDEE (I already had that kind of break in the beginning when I had been on IF for only 10 days but was on that phase when I would quit any diet! After that I restarted and am now on my 4rth week since I restarted).

    Wow! Really? My first question to anyone planning to quit would be – What do you plan to do instead?

    Pretty obvious that there’s slim chance of most of us sticking to a fad diet long-term or even surviving on Weight Watchers or one of the other big ‘diets’ forever.

    5:2 is not magic, it is a weight loss (but most importantly a fasting regime with amazing health benefits) lifestyle that will get you to your goal weight nice and slowly (no flappy skin thank you) and with very little hardship. But it’s not even forever!!! Once you get to your goal you find a maintenance model that suits you for the rest of your life. If you hate fasting so much then your maintenance model could be to stick religiously to your TDEE and fast once a fortnight or something, just to try and retain some health benefits.

    Personally I’m comfy fasting twice a week, so I plan to continue with that and just allow myself to eat like a pig (a couple of hundred over my TDEE) every non-fastday. Bring on the cake 😉 If that doesn’t work then I’ll tweak it until it does.

    That is the beauty of 5:2. It is completely individual to you. You make your own rules and tweak them as needed. You have to take the responsibility for your own body, what you put in it, how you exercise and how stressed out you allow yourself to get about it when it stalls/ plateaus for a bit.

    If you’re stuck, check your TDEE, be really honest about your activity level and up it (or at least change it up a bit). If your BMR and TDEE are a few hundred calories apart or more and you’re bored of calorie counting down to single figures then just don’t. You’ll have enough knowledge by now for ‘rough’ calorie counting, so make sure you eat over your BMR but well under your TDEE on non-fastdays and see if that gets you going again and relieves the ‘diet’ fatigue.

    Also, remember to recheck your BMR & TDEE whenever you have significant weight loss – it changes.

    Look at what you eat on fast days and cut right back on carbohydrate would be my suggestion. I tried the 5:2 diet in 2012 and found my weight loss ground to a halt after a few weeks and I gave up. I realise that what I was doing wrong was simply looking at calories and not food type. Jacket potato, for example – low calorie but high carbohydrate – would be a staple of fast days.

    I came back to the 5:2 in August 2013 and took on board the need to swap out the carbs on fast days. I am still going strong and have registered a weight loss every week since then, without exception. I am a pure layman in medical matters but I do suspect that the management of insulin plays a crucial role in weight loss.

    The following two links may be of interest.



    Nice info PC,

    As a dieter I wish I had some inspirational wisdom to share about wanting to quit. 
    I’ll just say that we don’t have to give up.
      So many times after a 25lb wieght loss I gain it right back, but Ive learned to eat healthier. Then an awful injury to my foot occurred. Already obese ,I felt trapped. Watching ‘Eat, Fast, Live Longer’. Made sense to me as a long term, because wether I was exercising or being sedentary I was still losing about a half a pound a week.  It’s great to see weekly results. Then the plateau issue occur ,but 5:2 has the only health benefit of fasting calorie restriction that is suggested to effect longevity. It’s easy for me to get focussed on the scale and discouraged.  Twenty years later I know if I quit and eat until I feel full. It’s just a matter of time before gainin back 20-30 more pounds. I know this. Ive experienced it.  At mid life I know I need to make a permanent change to that approach.  I have made the decision to choose seasonal dates to restart a fat loss.  I know it’s likely I will want to stop, but knowing it usually takes me 9 or more months to regain what li lost. I believe I need not go more than 3 months without food management of some kind.  5:2  and these calorie apps and calculators take the guess work out of it.   
    The easy part is losing 30 lbs  for me.  The hard part is keeping it off.  These 600 calorie days has been the only diet I had quit, but a year later I was still 30lbs less.   I’m kind of looking at this way.  Until I approach being underweight  I going on a calorie restriction meal plan every three months as the seasons change. If I get off the plan I will know my daily TDEE and try to increase my activity.  When I restart I’ll need 5:2 or better.
         The only other claim I’ve ever heard.   Is if you want to weigh 150 lbs eat only 1500 calories. If you want to weigh. 180 lbs eat 1800 calories if you want to weigh 250lbs eat 2500 calories.  Most diets just niggle closely to this. Once I learned to count calories I couldn’t unlearn it. Once I  learned which fruits and vegetables I could get the vitamin and minerals from and they are fantastic. I couldn’t unlearn that either. When I went on 5:2 and began 4:3 lost 34lbs and a year later was still at 27lbs lower than starting 5:2 i learned something.
    I don’t ever want to give up on losing visceral fat without knowing when I’m going to start trying again.
    To keep it simple if I need a date to start again within 3 months.
    Seasons of 2014:
    SPRING EQUINOX March 20, 12:57 P.M. EDT
    SUMMER SOLSTICE June 21, 6:51 A.M. EDT
    FALL EQUINOX September 22, 10:29 P.M. EDT
    WINTER SOLSTICE December 21, 6:03 P.M. EST

    Perhaps Im searching for an end game or exit strategy when not fasting . So I don’t yoyo.
    Like TDEE, 16/8, 6:1
    While I’m not comfortable thinking I will do 5:2 for life. I am comfortable believing I can do 5:2 for six months out of the year, and eat close to TDEE all non fasting days.

    Wow, so many responses, I don’t know where to begin with all the responses, but a generic THANK YOU is a good start.


    “Now man up and get on with it. Set yourself a doable target and hit it. You know you want to!”

    LindyW, yes, you are right, it was “tongue in cheek”, a moment of angst, but I am maning it up and getting on with it THIS THURSDAY…will jump back on the horse and do the fast.

    I just feel as though in years past I’ve lost so much more weight in the timeframe that I am with this fast diet/TDEE program. Though I am 55 years old now and six years in menopause, I always responded to my arduous diet regiments. I have always been a healthy eater with daily exercise. I’ve kept my weight off for so many years only to regain it back during a difficult time in my life where I didn’t care and just pigged out and boy did the weight come on quick. Hence, where I am now. I am 11 pounds overweight but it seems I will never get there.

    Working full time and having other time restraints sometimes doesn’t help but I know it’s no excuse. Also, personally, I do not feel that fasting (500 calories) more than twice a week is healthy for anyone, ever. Twice a week I believe is not harmful but I do think long term anything more than that is. I also do not believe in any type of “fat attack” methods to lose weight. I have been at this long enough and feel that is also more harmful than good.

    Having said all of that, I know the true way to lose weight is slowly and methodically each day staying within your calories to lose. The fasting has given me more self-control which is what I do need, but I still find during those fast days I am more light-headed and foggy-headed at work and I do not sleep very well on those fast days either.

    My husband and I watched a documentary last night called Forks over Knives and I downloaded the book on my ereader and I found it to be awesome. It has inspired me to look further at what I am eating for weight loss as well as overall health differently. I would highly recommend watching it. It was one hour long but worth every minute. I think I might incorporate the diet plan from this book/documentary with my TDEE and 5/2.

    Good luck everyone, and thanks for all your encouraging words!

    May the Fast be with you!

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