i want support in losing weight

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i want support in losing weight

This topic contains 24 replies, has 9 voices, and was last updated by  vicki 11 years ago.

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  • hi every body .im asma and im from EGYPT,NOW IM 85 KG.I CAN EASILY LOSE weight i don’t like sweets or soda but just need a friend support me give me a hard diet and swear i will do it >just find a friend ask me every night so what u did today???i want to lose 7 kg in a week>any one help me????

    7 kilos in a week is completely unrealistic and unhealthy. You should look at losing around half a kilo to a kilo a week. To loose 7 kilos you would be looking at water weight and muscle weight.
    My first advice to you is to revise your goals.
    Yes it will take a lot longer but it will be healthier and more likely to be sustainable.

    Hi Asma and welcome to the forum,

    I completely agree with Ghostgirl, this isnt a crash diet or quick fix, but rather a way of life and eating, which takes time..
    You sound advice here so good luck and let us know how you get on 🙂

    did not think itis possible thaat anyone cares about my problem thanks.look i knew and im sure you all right but this just for y first week . i follow this diet feom this site http://www.cabbage-soup-diet.com/recipe/

    i finished my first day i ate orange with cabbage soup,tomorrow i will eat the same soup with vigtables.wish me luck

    Actually people do care which is why they will not encourage you to do something like that which is not healthy or sustainable and where you will just as quickly regain the weight you loose with the added detriment of having lost muscle tone at the same time.

    no I won’t wish you luck on the cabbage soup diet–you are on the wrong site if that is what you are after. IF you have read the information about the Fast Diet then you will know that this is about a healthy way of eating and not a crash diet.
    So we don’t need the cabbage soup recipe thanks but no thanks.
    You WILL get support here IF you are following Michael’s Fast Diet.

    Sorry @asma …this is the wrong place for you if you are looking for a ‘quick fix’. No-one here is going to support you on the cabbage soup diet as it is just not healthy. A 7kg loss in a week is unrealistic – you may lose 7kg (15.5lbs!!!!)on cabbage soup (although I doubt it) but you’ll put it back on again very quickly.

    As the others say we don’t want or need cabbage soup here but if you want to follow 5:2 then you will get support from us.

    Hi guys, just wanted to say sorry i actually didnt realise this was about another “diet” , what the hell is cabbage soup? Sounds a bit gross lol!!

    Blame the french in me grrrrr, and that i didnt read the post properly!! Forgive me!! 🙂

    well i actually tried the healthy way but in somewhere i back again for eating
    and i follow this diet for one week then i will follow the healthy way…and my husband will come soon and i want to surprise him…and thanks for your replays

    i promise you when i finish this week i will follow Michael’s Fast Diet.

    But you will have already done the damage of losing muscle – this is why we are not supporting a cabbage soup diet.

    We’ll all support you in doing something realistic and sensible – which the 5:2 is. Perhaps it’s a language thing, the ‘fast’ in this diet is about fasting, not about quickly.

    ok arla…can u help in healthy diet reciepe,,,i want any way to continue in diet

    Read this page on the website, as it gives a simple, easy explanation on how Intermittent Fasting is done. http://thefastdiet.co.uk/how-to-do-the-diet/

    The fast days are a little difficult the first couple of weeks (unless you’ve done fasting for religious reasons in which case you may be used to it) but they do get easier after a couple of weeks. Don’t do 2 days in a row as it’s not necessary. Be kind to yourself.

    I did see you want to look good for your husband – I’m sure he’ll be happy to see you whether you’ve lost any weight or not.

    arla you are a great person from your words you look very sweet ad so kind person
    i liked your way to advice me and i will read the article and do this diet..and this will be easy coz im muslim and i used to faast not just in RAMADAN month i faast every monday too….love you and thanks

    and I am sure he will appreciate not having to suffer the side effects of your cabbage soup hell. 😛

    yaaaaaaaaaaaaap sure thank you .

    Asma Many many years ago when I was in my 20’s the love of my life went away for 6 weeks–I starved myself and lost 15kgs–I looked all bones–but heh when he came back he didnt even notice!!!! I didnt marry him, but not for that reason. Anyways my story is about that I think men actually dont notice, even when your ribs are rattling !!!
    Now I am following this eating plan so I look good for me, but most importantly for my own health.
    It will be interesting what recipes you use for your fasting days, hope you can teach us about some exotic dishes.

    i love ur story ,it was very inspiring,you are sooo right,i should change my thinking that i improve my health for me ,for my shape ,for my son,look my husband live in america and actually he is fat and bold hhhhhhhhhh.but i did that diet have a great shape like americans girls coz i was soooo feel sham when i buy any shirt and the size not fit me or he bought some clothes for me some of them sooo small or soooo big …he ake e feel soo bad im not an elephant to buy a dress 6xl or buy abrah size small…he anger me whatttttt look at ur self im 85kg i just need 20 kg and this pleased me truly…i didnot say all this to any before i feel ok now >>thanks for sharing ur story with me ..thanks for your care.i saw ur profile im techer too im art and craft teacher.

    I think you will only be successful at anything if you do it for YOURSELF. You may think your husband is surrounded by slim gorgeous American girls, but that probably isn’t true at all. As you say he isn’t exactly slim so the chances are he spends a lot of time with similar people.
    A ‘diet’ only succeeds if it is sustainable – something that suits your way of life, works for you and is easy to manage for the rest of your life.
    Weight Watchers, Slimming World, Dukan and the like (especially the cabbage diet} fail for the majority of people. The CEO of WW even admitted on TV that WW doesn’t work else they would have no business!

    Now Asma – have you read the Fast Diet book? You can see it over there >>>>>>>>>
    If not and you really want to do something for YOUR health try to get it.
    Look around the forum, you will find good explanations of HOW to do intermittent fasting (which is what 5:2 is) and lots of ideas for good healthy food as well as our fasting friends support.
    Forget stupid diets – we have all tried them and good luck with 5:2

    @asma the number of men who know the correct size of the lady in their life are very, very rare. Why else are there queues of women trying to exchange things after xmas??
    Most men don’t think about size, they see a dress and like the colour/style and buy it whatever size it is.
    Just because he buys the wrong size doesn’t mean he thinks you are too fat or too thin – it just means he cares enough about you to buy you gifts.

    Some men buy their ladies the most awful underwear which, had the ladies bought it for themselves, the husbands would say was ‘tarty’ and wonder what was going on! 😀

    As for being ashamed…I’m sure most of us here have gone into shops, I know I have, and looked at the smaller clothes, take them down to have a better look, then surreptitiously sneaked a bigger size from the other end of the rail to take to the pay desk! Shops wouldn’t stock bigger sizes if no-one bought them.

    As Lindy says, you have to do things for yourself! There is no point in losing weight and being skinny if it makes you miserable.

    As for ‘great shaped American girls’ – I don’t know if this is just an idea you have about American girls or you are actually in America but the girls there are just the same as everywhere else. Sure there are some lovely slim girls, but there are just as many fat ones.

    Be yourself.. if you want to lose weight, do it for YOU. Not for someone who may or may not even notice.
    Just be happy when he comes back – if he buys you something that doesn’t fit – just smile and say thank you – if you can take it back to the shop and change it, then do that. If not just put it away …’ for a special occasion’ – and then forget about it.


    Asma, register with fatsecret.com ( hope this is OK to suggest Admins). I am a fast plan follower and use this site to keep track of what I,m eating and I complete my journal on there. You can get a lot of support there. Good luck, hope to chat with you there also!

    Lindyw thank u so uch you make every thing easy for me…and i laughed so much in this pert (You may think your husband is surrounded by slim gorgeous American girls, but that probably isn’t true at all. As you say he isn’t exactly slim so the chances are he spends a lot of time with similar people.
    A ‘diet’ only succeeds if it is sustainable ) u r so right ..what am i thinking?i ust change many things in my mind..

    sylvestra u r so emothional one u r true most if en didnot care of size than to the color or the model but i ean imagine that when he buys a underware so beautiful and want to seee it on me but it ws soo small and he comment and say ohhh sorry i thought it will fit u this imbaresse me too much .but from all ur comments i will not be shame again ..i will be my self ..i will follow the right way to can wear what i want.can ove easily ..JUST BE MY SELF .ad this pleased me.

    sal254c thanks i will check it

    I think we are all being had here!

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