I only drink water from late Sunday evening till mid afternoon on Friday

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I only drink water from late Sunday evening till mid afternoon on Friday

This topic contains 13 replies, has 9 voices, and was last updated by  ERDisla 10 years ago.

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  • I guess I’m one of the lucky ones that doesn’t think too much about eating during the week and the last 3 weeks I’ve been only drinking water from late Sunday to mid afternoon Friday every week. I want to lose weight quickly (don’t we all) and while this works for me it may be a bit extreme for my body I guess.

    I got fat simply by drinking too much beer (part of the job) and lead a very sedentary lifestyle. My new job is still very sedentary but now I don’t ‘have’ to drink during the week. However, I really still do like a good binge at weekends, and I mean a minimum of 10 pints of lager per day on Friday afternoon till evening, then Saturday and Sunday. Plus this inevitably leads to eating binges too.

    So I guess the question is not only am I harming my body during the fast days, but will drinking that much at weekends also just cancel out any weight loss I managed to achieve during the fast days?

    Thanks for any help with this. I know the answer is to not drink at weekends but that simply won’t happen.

    Zittyben, I don’t see how you are getting any nutrition at all. Water is cleansing for sure but not a sustainable way of life. The body needs the nutrients from good food. So many easy low cal, healthy recipes on line, there is no need to be so extreme. The binging on the weekends is a difficult one, it seems to be your way of life, my only suggestion is to try to cut back some and eat healthy food at the same time, who knows, your mates my even follow you…..good luck, but your not doing your body any favours this way…CG

    Hi Countrygal, thanks for the reply. Yeh I guess what I really thought would happen is that I’d drop weight pretty quickly, which is what the real aim is but can see it’s gonna be pretty unrealistic in the long term. It’s easy enough for me to just have some fruit or whatever on the fast days if need be but am just wondering that even if I do lose weight during the week will the substantial amount of calories I then consume at the weekend just cancel out all the good work done during the fast days and I’ll instantly put back on whatever I’d managed to lose. Or doesn’t the body work like that, I have no idea?!

    I agree with countrygal. You may lose weight very fast but think about the long term are you not gonna eat on weekdays for the rest of your life? Remember that as soon as you start eating normally again you will put back on all the weight you lose. 5:2 is slow sure but its steady weight loss that is substainable for life.

    3 – 5 day liquid fasts no food at all shouldn’t be undertaken lightly and I wouldn’t attempt one without my Doc’s review of what I was going to do. Frequency adds a dimension too it that I’m not qualified to give information on and I don’t know anyone who is.

    The one thing I would worry about is the loss of nutrients and macro-nutrients in fasting 4.5 days each week. That’s a lot of fasting every week and I’d think that nutrient depletion could happen. Nutritional supplements might ameliorate that possibility. I’m not a Dr. and I won’t offer my thoughts on what I’d take as supplement on such a lengthy fast which is done weekly.

    You could just do a fast for 30 days and get it done with. Keeping it off might be an issue if you didn’t find a maintenance program.


    But it is your body you have the right to do with it what you wish.

    I’m looking into 4 or 5 day water fasts once a month for health benefits as per Dr. Longo but haven’t undertaken one yet. I certainly won’t until I’ve discussed it with my doc.

    Hi zitty and welcome:

    I’m sorry, but it appears you have both drinking and eating disorders that really can’t be addressed in an internet forum. 5:2 is not recommended for people with eating disorders. I suggest you think about your eating and drinking patterns and try to decide if some professional assistance might be beneficial.

    Good Luck!

    Hi all and thanks all for your posts. I can understand simcoeluv believing I have eating/drinking disorders but I can assure you that is not the case. With the drinking that is something I simply choose to do. I work offshore all week (alone) and at weekends I simply like to party with my friends, as I always have since I was a teenager. As regards the eating then I’m just the same as everyone else, well maybe I’m slightly different in that I never eat breakfast and never have, but apart from that I eat 2 square meals a day. The difference is that I don’t find it difficult to fast if I want to, as others obviously struggle with. I’m just able to overcome any cravings by doing something else in it’s place. I can fast 2,3,4 days a week easily living on just water but alternatively I can do the same and have 1 low calorie meal per fasting day also, whatever is best. I’d still like to find out if my weekend ‘lifestyle’ will simply cancel out the weight loss I would have achieved during the week on the fast days though. Anyone got any idea about that at all? Thanks


    In terms of whether or not you would lose weight, you could do a simple calculation based on your TDEE and calories consumed. I don’t know what you eat at weekends, but you say you binge, so I’m guessing you are probably eating over TDEE on those days and possibly not making good food choices? In terms of the alcohol, 30+ pints of lager would be 6000+ calories, so that’s probably over two days worth of calories alone. So you may in fact already be consuming more calories than you need during your weekly weekend binge.

    It’s interesting that you ask if you may be harming your body on fast days. It’s not the fast days you need to worry about! Your weekend lifestyle is what’s doing the damage. So the question might rather be, will the fast days be sufficient to repair the damage you are doing at weekends? I suspect not.

    One of the problems with alcohol consumption is that it inhibits nutrient absorption. If you are eating only at weekends (and low nutrient food then) and swilling all that down with a firkin of lager every two weeks, you are likely to be malnourished. Not eating during the week will not help with that. I don’t know whether the rest you give your liver during the week offsets the hammering it gets at weekends…

    You might not think you have an eating/ drinking disorder, but you certainly don’t appear to have a normal healthy relationship with either food or alcohol. Rather than looking at extreme fasting to lose weight and maintain your extreme weekend lifestyle I think you need to rethink your relationship with food and alcohol before it’s too late!

    All the best.

    Hi zittyben,

    I should perhaps add that I say this as someone who quaffed far too much ale in her youth (I could sink 10 pints in a day in my 20s). I don’t do that anymore though (I began to realise I wasn’t immortal!), am in my 40s now and, fingers crossed, am hoping I’ve got away with it!

    Hello all,

    First post here.

    zittyben, I can help with your particular question. I am a large bloke who loves a beer himself. And when I say ‘a beer’, 10 pints is a light drink.

    ok, this is my third go on a fasting lifestyle in 5 years. The other 2 ended temporarily due to life changing events (a bereavement and a long term relationship break up).

    My fist time on fasting lasted nine months, the second 14 months before circumstances ended each one with significant time away from it in between. I am three weeks in on my third attempt.

    Both my previous fasting periods followed similar patterns.

    I would completely fast two days a week. No food at all, though I allowed myself tea (no sugar). For another three days I opted to do a calorie restriction day. About 1500 calories. And that left me two free days, in which I would indulge in beer, takeaways etc.

    Now, as beer and takeaways were common place in my diet, I worked out I had effectively removed about half my calorie intake for the week.

    The results were really good. The first attempt was a shock to my system, and worked well. I lost 5 stone.

    My second attempt I did things a little different. I introduced exercise into my life. Instead of driving 10 minutes to work, I walked 45 minutes both to and from work. And later in the diet, I took to a treadmill. The second attempt brought better weight loss, 7 stone in 14 months. But please bare in mind I am a big guy now, I was a very big guy before.

    You asked if bingeing on the weekend would negate your fasting? I can testify, no it wouldn’t. And I have better news than just weight loss.

    I took to fasting (my family call it extreme measures) as I knew in myself I had high blood pressure, high cholesterol and border line diabetic. Both previous attempts lowered my cholesterol significantly, brought down my blood pressure into a safe range, and removed all threat of an imminent onset of diabetes.

    On a personal note, I wouldn’t recommend you fast for the long period you do too often. Your body will enter ‘shutdown’ mode (from what I have read). Just pick a couple of days to eat sensible small portion meals to prevent that. And try and throw in some exercise if you can. I did that during my second attempt, and doing it on my current attempt, and I can tell you that your general day to day feeling is better. I sleep much better, and my lethargic spells have ended.

    Yes you can lose weight and improve your health while having drinking binges. Though, be aware, you will never be ‘a slim Jim’ 😉

    I hope this helps.

    Extended fasting is both dangerous and inappropriate to even be discussed on this forum

    Hi Stu
    Thanks very much for your post. This is the one I’ve been looking/hoping for in that you are someone similar to me and understands our particular habits and predicament. I appreciate all the other posts to my question but this is the one that has helped me most and I thank you for it. Sorry to hear your past couple of efforts have been hampered by circumstances outside your control and truly hope this time things will go on track for you.
    Cheers mate, appreciate your valuable feedback

    Thanks Ben, I wish you all the success as well.

    Just don’t get too disheartened if nothing happens for a while. The one constant through all my fasting lifestyle periods was that weight loss on the scales was periodic. You can go weeks with nothing, then bang! You can see half a stone fall off. From one Friday to the next Friday weigh in, I saw plenty of no changes. Though one week, I did see an 11 pound drop.

    Stick to it if you can, it does work. And it is so much more than just weight loss as I have previously explained 😉

    I will check in from time to time. Try and keep us updated on how things are going.

    Cheers mate.

    It is absolutely fine to drink water all week long. For most of history its all that adults drank while getting their nutrients for food, not to mention the calories in other beverages which the body does not register which is why you can drink large amounts soda,juice (sugar water), and not feel satisfied but the calories are there. Nothing wrong with letting loose on the weekend but see if you can moderate just a bit so you arent nullifying most of the effort you put in during the week.

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