I Need Your Opinions On Old Clothes!

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I Need Your Opinions On Old Clothes!

This topic contains 3 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  Amazon 9 years, 9 months ago.

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  • I was wondering what all you lovely folks are doing with clothes that have become too big (there probably are topics on this already but I’m a tad lazy, it’s Friday night after all).

    I’ve reached a stage where even clothes I wore at 16 are too big. I’m not sure I have the confidence to give them away. But they take up so much room and I could probably be using that space more efficiently.

    What do you all do? Keep them? Toss them? Give them away? Keep a few to remind me and give the rest to charity?

    I gave them to charity. 🙂

    I’ve only lost 10 or 12 pounds, but things that were formerly snug have started looking droopy. Discovered that I could salvage my around-the-house jeans and stretchy pants with some strategic sewing. Pulled them on in front of the mirror to see where the worst of the “pooching” was, turned them inside out and ran a new seam next to the old one to take them in a bit. For the jeans with the too-big waistband, cut the fabric in several places, overlapped it and sewed it back together. Works fine because I rarely tuck anything in.

    Wouldn’t have tried this with expensive pieces, but I’m gaining more confidence about what I can and can’t do. A little tuck here and there can make all the difference. Baggy clothes feel great, but they’re not very flattering. 🙂

    If you can’t or don’t have the inclination to alter them, give them to charity. IMO it is a bad idea to keep “big” clothes, after all you’ll not need them again.

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