I feel so calm!

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  • Halfway into week two, having done 4 fast days, I experience an abnormal calm feeling in my body.. Im not native English, so don’t quite know how to describe it.. But, it startet allready after fast day #2.

    I’ve been struggelig with “unease” for as long as I can remember. Maybe some kind of anxiety? A feel of worrying, without beeing able to put my finger on the cause.

    Could this actually be a benefit from fasting? Is that even possible? If so, it will certainly be worth it all by itself! 🙂

    Lizamor I defo think its a benefit from fasting lol

    and you are describing it very well too!!

    I sort of experience the same in the sense that I know I have to get through the day so I make peace with myself, stay focused and keep busy 🙂

    well done on your second week 🙂

    I’m finding this also. I feel more measured, less erratic in control and calm. A lot more optimistic. I was seriously in a long term negative mood at work and that appears to have lifted. I have lost 1.3kg in a week after two fasts and that result makes me look forward to future fasts. I think I’ve been eating like a pig without much care. Im starting with a goal of a 5kg loss over 4 months and after that ideally I will consider another 5kg.
    I still enjoy a small trim milk cappuchino on fast days. I was formerly drinking large caps daily.
    I feel the fast is assisting with potion sizes, I am now happy to eat less each meal and feel satisfied with that. Best of all the delayed gratification is a bonus. The day after the fast I can enjoy the foods I love normally.

    Lizamor, I understand you perfectly and I feel the same way. For me, it’s the feeling of being in control. There are so many things in life we cannot control and that can cause anxiety in some. I feel peaceful on fast days, and that carries over into non fast days because I know that i can have what I want without feeling “oh no, you’re a bad bad person”, and knowing that I will slip back into fasting in a day or two.

    Fancyg, the portion of food that satisfies me is much smaller, agreed. Sometimes I sit down with colleagues at lunch who comment about “how good” I am with my plate of grilled veggies. I say this is what I craved today…and I mean it. And I can truly look at a piece of chocolate (the woman next to me always has a big jar on her desk!!!) and say I can have that tomorrow….if I still want it.

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