I can't manage 5:2 anymore

This topic contains 10 replies, has 7 voices, and was last updated by  FastingInMyForties 10 years, 6 months ago.

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  • Have been on it since feb 3rd, lost 14 kg by june, and actually became too skinny so regained 2-3 kg. Been maintaining for about 6-7 weeks.

    My fast days are usually mon+thur. Not a big problem the first 4-5 months, but now I simply can’t manage the thursday fast. I start out as usual; no breakfast, no lunch, but then I gradually become a monster. Really irritated and annoyed, not a nice person to be around I assure you!! So maybe for the sake of my friends, family and coworkers, I need to reduce my thursdays to a 16:8 only.

    I still hope this will give me fasting benefits…… In addition I do a 16:8 on saturdays. So in 5:2-lingo I do a 6:1 and two 16:8. Nice coding 🙂

    Feel a little defeated, but hey, met my goal and need to find out how to live with this. Better like this than nothing, I hope.


    I like the coding. 🙂 Yours sounds like a good maintenance plan – and just because you find it impractical to follow 5:2 now doesn’t mean that it won’t be appropriate for you to transition back in the future is you feel that the time is right and you’d like to try it again.

    Good luck with your new fasting schedule.

    Hi Lizamore, i have been there and had a few breaks (mainly because I am so cold during fast days in winter) and managed to get back again in the early summer but finding it not so easy this time to reach my target weight. Maybe because I didn’t have as much to lose as the first time round.


    Really interested that you become irritable on your Thursday fast day. Me too – I just started a thread on that very theme. Sounds like it has otherwise been a massive success for you. You’ve done so well!

    Maybe you just need a break? One day a week will be fine for a while, I’m sure.

    Hope you stay with us.


    Hi Lizamore,

    I’m 45 and got below my original goal in May. Since mid June I’ve been at or under 60kg (5 foot 6ish, sorry for the mix of imperial and metric!).

    I’m not naturally hungry first thing, so most days I don’t eat until maybe 11.30 (a daily 16 hour fast). I find I can’t do even a ‘6:1’ (500 cal) day without losing more weight. So at the moment I don’t. I expect as I approach the menopause this may change but the beauty of intermittent fasting is that you can step it up or down to suit!

    5:2 is obviously a very powerful weight loss tool. However, I’m not aware of research that compares different IF protocols (e.g. 6:1 vs 16 hour daily fast) for weight maintenance and health benefits.

    If you’re healthy and able to maintain your weight with some intermittent fasting then be pleased! Remember that weight loss and weight maintenance strategies are not the same.

    Thanks for your answers! Encouraged by the thought that I may be able to get into it again some time later, I have no intention of giving it up entirely – I’m in it for life.

    BCC – would like to read your thread, can you give me the link? WIll look for it too. 🙂

    Lizamor, good to hear you’re here for life! Hopefully I am too (but I’ve said that before so won’t make any rash promises!).

    I have no idea how to link a thread but I’ll post on there next and you’ll find it in recent posts (hopefully!).

    It mostly started because of all the rowing that was going on on the threads. I found it took my mind off hunger (though of course I wasn’t involved and therefore not at all upset by the comments and fully acknowledge that a lot of people were given a rough time so don’t want to make light of it) but it got me to thinking whether fasting just made us cross and moody. Fortunately, most people have reassured me that it’s a temporary thing for most so hopefully I won’t be divorcing by the end of the month!

    Anyway, glad you’re still here. I’ll post again now on the ‘Moody Fasters’ thread.


    I have a plan for my fast tomorrow, despite having a celebration at work, which I will be responsible for bringing the cake……….

    Sigh.. I will save my cake for later, and straight after work (and after kids meals, homework etc) I will put on work out gear and run at least 5 km.

    Running helps kill time in addition to the obvious health benefits 😉 AND I feel it really suppresses my hunger. AND release endorphines.

    How about that, huh?? 🙂 But then again, here I sit on a perfectly good non fast day, enjoying home baked cookies and all is bright and sunshine. ;-P

    Go off the 5-2 regime for a while.

    try 6-1 and just be careful not to overeat on the 6.

    Let the body the body get used to its new form, then a few weeks/month or two later, go back to 5:2 you will find it much easier.

    Yeah, Piquet, I do 6:1 some weeks. And a few 16:8 in addition. Feeling good today, haven’t eaten yet, soon off for my run 🙂

    This might help — you can fast during any 24-hour period, so why not have a good, filling breakfast and THEN begin your fast and go through for 24 hours? This is what I do, and I don’t begin to feel hungry at all until late afternoon, at which point “dinner” is coming up soon.

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