i cant beleive it !

This topic contains 2 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Park Slope Artist 10 years, 4 months ago.

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  • Gday all,I’ll start by saying “WOW” .the past 12 months,I’ve been jumping on the treadmill pretty much every night without any major results,I dropped from around the 122 kg Mark down to 117 kg and that’s where it stopped. As of 2 weeks ago I have reduced the amount of junk that I would normally eat at work. about 1 week ago i started the 5-2 diet, now I may have had 4 low calorie days as opposed to 2 low calorie days,but I’ve dropped from 117 kg to…..drum roll…113.00 kg !! This is unbelievable, I couldn’t be happier.I’m still walking on the treadmill most nights,but my goal of being under 100 kg is no longer mission impossible, I can now see the light at the end of the tunnel, THANK YOU!

    Well done Tassie Wombat!!!! Keep the momentum going and you’ll be buying new clothes in no time!

    First week went well. I find that when it is fast day I am not hungry. I have good soup [100 calories] and am content.On eating days I am hungry…funny what the mind will do. look forward to the results. Will weigh myself in another week.

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