I am putting on weight no loosing – HELP!

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I am putting on weight no loosing – HELP!

This topic contains 7 replies, has 8 voices, and was last updated by  Couscous 11 years, 2 months ago.

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  • I have just finished my 3rd week of 5:2. So far i have gained 3lb 2 lb of which was this week despite doing two spinning classes and having a Golf lesson. Maybe i am eating too many calories on my non fast days. Has anyone else had this and what did you do to remedy it? I am also feeling quite bloated today. I have been drinking 2+ litres of water a day. Feeling a bit fed up

    sorry to hear that. I am just at the end of the second week and haven’t weighed myself but have lost a total of 8 inches off various parts of body lol. Yes, maybe have a look at how many calories you are eating on non fast days and what might make you feel bloated. Good luck for the next week xx

    Hi-Exercise can cause you muscles to retain fluid for the repair process and water weighs 2.2 lbs per liter so don’t fret. High sodium intake would also cause water retention. I’m a newbie and just finished my first two fast days, I’ll try to remember my own advice if this happens to me….Good Luck!

    Sorry to hear about your weight gain: my own weight has been going up and down like a yo-yo however I have lost cms around the waist so that is good news. I do think it is important to control the intake of food and alcohol on the non-fast days and writing down everything you consume really is an eye-opener. We are treating alcohol on a 5:2 basis too: basically trying not to have a drink Monday through to Friday evening and this really helps. The main benefit we’ve seen after 3 weeks is the cm loss and an improved sense of well-being plus sleeping extremely well! I can now report that the weight is on the way down so just keep at it, create a food diary to see where those calories actually go to and think of the inner benefits plus the fact that less inches is positive. You’ll be shopping for smaller clothes in no time. Good luck!

    The same thing has happened to me, DebraL. After starting the fast diet I lost 3 pounds after my first fast, but promptly gained it back before the end of the week. I have been on this diet plan now for a couple months……and I am 5 pounds heavier then when I started!!! Evidently fasting does not work for me, so am going back to a traditional type dieting plan.

    Question from a new faster, DebraL and DeeLB: are either or both of you measuring your waist/hips etc? Just wondering if you’re losing size at all. I’m scouring the web right now after reading many of the ‘experience’ threads, and there does seem to be a serious gap in average success between men and women, especially in terms of pounds.

    Men tend to lose more lbs because they have more muscle.

    Muscle burns fat even in rest, so more muscle, more lbs lost.

    I have lost 23 lb in 28 week, BUT 15″ all over!!!!!!!!!!!

    Sorry about your weight gain. Remember on two fast days a male will not consume 3800 cals and a female 3000 cals.. That equates to a 1 lb weight loss. Look at your none fast day eating and drinking habits. It may be that your 5 non fast day consumption of calories cancels out your fast day benefits despite any exercise and sport you do. Also consider trying a couple of days on a vegetarian diet, it is easier than you think and some research suggests that a plant based diet on non fast days can be beneficial.
    I believe Michael made a mistake by using the word “Feast” and was shown eating a huge Burger in his programme. By doing this I think he sent a subliminal message to many that you can “pig out” and still lose weight. By all means on non fast days enjoy your food but remember try to stick to recommended calorie consumption.
    Good luck.

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