I am now so pro on diet and anti sugar – it is boring to others

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I am now so pro on diet and anti sugar – it is boring to others

This topic contains 7 replies, has 7 voices, and was last updated by  Elphaba 7 years, 10 months ago.

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  • My changes have been a shock for my fat peer group.
    I have been unsuccessful in encouraging them to join me at a very safe women’s only gym, where you are not forced to hurt but encouraged to exercise sensibly.
    I have just read Prof Robert Lustig’s opinion piece in the Sydney Morning Herald; I am now wanting to get on a soapbox.
    His research backs what the Dr Moseley research says and it repeats very clearly that sugar is extremely harmful.
    My next big hurdle is firends and family. I have to navigate the ‘she’s a loony’ stereotype from colleagues.
    Saying no to food when you are not hungry is considered rude. My colleagues think I’m too skinny.
    Recently I have met with people who knew me 23 years ago; they have all said it is great that I am back to how I looked in the dim distant past, shame about the skinny face.
    Well if I could afford cosmetic fillers etc I’d do it just to shut up the anti sugar diet, colleagues ! They established a new Morning tea in reaction to my body change!
    My appetite is really badly affected by suagary sweets and alcohol as I just experienced on a holiday. I returned home to feel constantly hungry and hangry!!!
    After just 7 days of no sugar, I’m fine and feeling level headed. The results are quite dramatic – bring on the obesity wars and let’s reduce the work of Orthopaedic surgeons. D:)

    Have a link to the article? Maybe post in science article thread.
    I don’t bother trying to help people much any more as they don’t want real advice. For instance, I was asked by my brother to help him lose weight. Gave him a synopsis of 5/2 & some basic dietary guidelines (I.e. reduce processed carb intake & sugary drinks). Gave him links to this & other sites + books available at the library. Answer – too hard &/or reading that stuff isn’t for me. Other friends have commented that they can’t live without – place “food ” item here – i.e. Cola, bread, sweet deserts. Now a days I stick to discussing nutrition, dieting, & exercise with people that have either made a lifestyle change or at least a willingness to try something new (evidence based)., YMMV.

    When we find something that’s really helpful for us we want to share it so others can be helped to. But it’s easy to be so enthusiastic that we sound a bit evangelical and people put up barriers because they feel like they are being lectured – and they just aren’t ready to change. These are all natural reactions.
    If people aren’t receptive then don’t keep discussing it, it usually won’t help and can cause people to put up more barriers. What I’ve found is that over time, some will observe your behaviour and when they are ready may make some changes in their own lives. You can’t drag people into lifestyle changes, they’ll go when and if they are ready.


    link to article – mainly how high sugar cereals & supposedly healthy breakfast foods (sweetened yogurt & fruit juice) are effecting children. Likely adults as well.

    Hi Hedda,

    You are not alone with navigating the emotions and comments of others. I’ve had similar experiences including a friend who keeps telling me she’s ‘fat’ tell me that I’m too skinny with great fear in her voice. I find such comments difficult and a part of me feels like replying ‘Well you only see me that way because you really are too fat.’ However, I don’t see this friend as too fat (even though she keeps trying to convince me otherwise) and I think she’s physically beautiful, so it wouldn’t feel true to utter those words. Maybe truer words are that ‘The fear I feel in your words is really your fear about your own fat, not about me being skinny.’ …Not sure if I can be that honest, and as I said, I truly don’t think she’s too fat. I feel she is jealous though and people tend to compare and I’m coming to accept that anyone who eats sugar probably automatically feels guilty when I don’t. Hence the pressure for me to eat it with them. Not sure if this helps. I haven’t found any easy answers to this dilemma.

    I have a dear friend who has always been very overweight for over 40 years. She has been struggling with walking(sore knees and ankles) and when I started the 5:2 in 2012, I kept quiet, not convinced that it was going to work at all for me. I couldn’t understand why no one had noticed that I had lost weight when I had lost 26 lb and 26 inches. Out with said friend who looked me up and down in my jeans and polka dot t shirt and said “polka dots are very slimming” She looked genuinly shocked at my response that ” 26 lbs and 26 inches lost were slimming, nothing to do with polka dots”.

    I was hurt that she couldn’t be positive for me, but then I realized that my shrinkage showed her that she could do it too. After several years(she could see that I had maintained my loss and wasn’t eating anything weird) she asked me about the 5:2. After 16 months she has lost 5 stone, changed what and how often she eats and fasts regularly. I suspect that she has another 3 stone to go and I am very hopeful that she will reach that target in the future.

    My strategy for avoiding eating when I don’t want to is to say that I have already eaten or I have a meal waiting for me at home. Once you say ‘no’ firmly they have no where to go.

    It is fantastic that you have taken control of your health, and you should definitely continue to discuss your diet etc with other like minded people (this is where forums are great). Read articles but don’t forget to apply critical thinking to them, look at where the article is coming from, who wrote it, who is funding the research etc. Many of the anti-sugar arguments are far from being established science yet, and guys like Lustig are particularly overly provocative on the subject in order to sell books. (although I fully support his endeavors for food manufacturers to remove hidden sugars from their foods). One of the reasons I like Michael Mosley’s research so much is that he freely admits there is still much research to be done, and encourages everyone to find what works for themselves. He doesn’t demonise particular foods but rather gives guidance on what are *better* foods to eat.

    But you are right that others will health talk boring. Personally I find people who make comments on other’s diets uninvited very irritating (different, if people ask you questions). Diet is a pretty personal thing. People who have poor diets need to figure out for themselves that they need to change. Unfortunately often this is when they have a health scare. But trying to force change can have an opposite effect as it makes people anxious.
    As to people trying to sabotage your weight loss, I actually think a lot of this can be in people’s heads. Just because something effects you doesn’t mean that it is ABOUT you. Also people can make flippant comments about other’s looks etc and not mean to be nasty. Of course, if a person is often making negative comments then of course they might be trying to knock you down a peg for whatever reason, and frankly you should try and remove such people from your life. But try not to take all comments personally, just ignore the ones you dislike.
    Also don’t forget that food and eating is a very social thing, it has been for thousands of years. Social and family events generally revolve around a shared meal. People who are on very strict diets can be quite tedious. Doesn’t mean you should change your diet but try and make it as much of a non-event as possible.

    Nobody likes to be preached to. It IS boring to others. You don’t need to talk about it, just get on with it.

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