Hypothyroid ppl

This topic contains 6 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Hayley M 9 months ago.

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  • Can we discuss tips/advice for those of us diagnosed with an underactive thyroid?
    Yet whilst medicated still find difficulty with increasing weight. It took several months for me to loose just 2 pounds on the NHS 12 wk calorie counting prog.Truly hoping I will do better here

    I hope you do well, you can work out your basic metabolic rate & total daily energy expenditure & try to keep between them on nonFDs…I’m suspecting that I might have an under active thyroid, I’ve never lost just with 5:2, I’ve done alternate days fasting to lose. From what I’ve read the NHS isn’t great with hypothyroidism, & treat it far less seriously than the US do, maybe your medication needs adjusting…

    Hi, new to this today. I now have an under active thyroid following radioactive iodine treatment for a 2nd flare of hyperthyroidism (Graves Disease) I take 100mg of thyroxine 4 times a week and 75mg 3 days. I have never been so heavy and have been unsuccessful in trying to lose weight the usual ways. Hoping fasting will kick start my metabolism. Would love to hear from other people with the same issues.

    Hi hedgehogs & hayley,ty for your replies!
    I’m prescribed 75 mg of levo daily & have read if under medicated this can cause weight gain,GP’s will not increase it.
    Really hoping I will manage the 5/2 programme,doesnt sound too difficult & yet on the first day of trying thought it was 800 cals one could have,this was very manageable for me. I had a decent breakfast,no lunch & an early tea (aka supper/dinner) I may have to try more days,than just the two FD’s like hedgehogs…we will see!

    My first fast day will be tomorrow, just going to take it a day at a time. Planning on having brunch at 11am (Boiled eggs with watercress, spinach and peashoots) evening meal around 7 to 7.30pm (we do Gusto as a family and luckily they are calorie counted, tomorrow’s is lemony orzo with toasted pine nuts, coming in at 431 calories which I can reduce by missing out on the parmesan cheese). I requested my doctor increase my Levo from 75mg due to weight gain, they reluctantly let me have the 100mg for 4 days!

    Update at the 2 wk mark…I seem to have lost 1lb…Am considering investing in some new scales eg Withins which seem expensive but measure other things besides weight eg fat,hydration levels.Any thoughts on these scales?

    Well done egbdf, celebrate every 1lb. I have lost 2lb but no inches!! I was thinking about investing in Omron Body Composition Monitor on Amazon:

    OMRON BF511 Clinically Validated Full Body Composition Monitor with 8 high-precision sensors for hand-to-foot measurement – Turquoise

    Dr Mosley recommended them in his book and used them on the Horizon documentary.

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