Husband Finally on Board

This topic contains 4 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  audrich 11 years, 1 month ago.

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  • So my husband never exercises but is naturally thin and has never thought about it. He has thought my 5:2 was stupid and a waste of time. Well then came christmas and my naturally thin hubby packed on 10lbs. He weighted himself and almost had a heart attack.

    Yesterday he came to me and said, “Ok, I’m in”. So I am happy to announce I finally have a partner in all this. He has between 10-15lbs to lose and I still have 40lbs (so a bit more) but we are in this together.

    Today is his first day. We started last night and will go till dinner tonight then again till lunch tomorrow.

    So excited to not be alone in this anymore.

    Hope it works well for you both 🙂
    When my husband was told he was pre-type two diabetes he also joined me on 5:2 – then moaned and complained each fast day! He had to give up sugar in tea and couldn’t get used to it and also found he was ‘starving’ every 4 hours. After 4 weeks he went 6:1 (much to my relief) now 8 weeks after starting his bloods are all well within the normal range and he has lost 10lbs. He is 6′ and now weighs 11s 2lbs. He still doesn’t like sugarless drinks though!

    Hi storitelr (and Lindyw)

    Yup, mine is also a moaner and lives in the land near de-nile, but he’s not slim like your hubby anymore, bless him. He’s on strong meds for medical reasons and both the main tablets cause weight to pile on. After most of his life being fairly trim, he’s beside himself to be obese. He’s tried twice with me and cracked both times, but now he’s on board again – third time lucky? It might be something to do with the fact that I’m finally out of the obese classification myself, there’s nothing like a bit of couple rivalry as he’s very competitive 😉

    Also, storitelr, I’ve got about the same as you to lose. Good luck!
    Aud x

    My husband and I are very competitive so that does help. I am going I squash him! Ha ha

    LOL, storitelr, I can’t think of a better competition 🙂

    Good luck to both of you, may you both be big losers xx

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