How to get rid of neck fat and sagging neck skin?

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How to get rid of neck fat and sagging neck skin?

This topic contains 4 replies, has 6 voices, and was last updated by  wertyhas 2 years, 9 months ago.

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  • I lost weight mostly everywhere but neck. How to get rid of neck fat?
    I do yoga three times a week; HIIT once a week for 30 minutes.


    It sounds like you are doing everything you can BrightJean. Our bodies seem very individual in the way we put on and then lose fat: it seems to me that wherever you put weight on first, is the place that you lose it last. Sigh.

    I’ve got right down to the bottom end of my healthy weight range, but there is still extra fat at the top of my arms and even a bit around my ankles. Another Sigh! (I’m older though, and less resilient).

    It is a pity the theory about spot exercising doesn’t actually hold up.

    Surely those fat cells in your neck will eventually let go of their little bits of fat. Patience! Good luck.

    Thank you, Cinque. I am now in my normal range of BMI 20.4 and everything else looks fine except neck fat. I also feel that spot exercise does not help at all. I used to do weight training once a week. It didn’t help in losing weight, at least in my case. I will be patient. Still wonder how long it will take to burn all the fat away. Also, I wonder if I should stop Vitamin while fasting. Thanks again. Have a nice day!

    Where we deposit fat in our bodies is mostly genetic. Anyone else in the family have neck fat like your’s?
    maybe there is a set of exercises for neck muscles — not kidding. Tighter muscles pull in the skin and other tissues. Losing weight is still based on reducing calories, but exercise is still good for strengthening muscles.

    Thanks. No others in my family has this problem except one sibling.
    I also tried neck exercises without much effect.

    Hi brightjean

    When I lose weight I have the opposite problem. it goes on my face and neck very quickly but it’s not good for my wrinkles and awful turkey neck (my neck is already worse than my mother’s).

    I’ve resigned myself to this as losing weight and being healthy is more important, but it’s hard not to notice it every time you look in the mirror – I know how it can affect the way you feel about yourself.

    Hope it works out for you but you have my sympathies!

    Thanks for the sympathies, Lizzie. I am much healthier than before and feel much better, healthier, energetic. My BMI is back to 20; fat ratio back to 25. Yes, I am a little worried about turkey neck, too, if I lose the fat there, but still, I would like to see the fat go away, and if wrinkle, I hope it goes away in due time as well.

    If you really wanna get rid of neck fat then you have to exercise regularly, stretching out and working exercise.

    For the fatty pile around your neck to “deflate,” you need to bring your body weight back to normal. It is possible to lose weight without stress – it is enough to reduce your intake by only 500 kcal per day. I followed this tactic when I was working on a good butt, which by the way, I was also helped by Look, the restrictions, in this case, are not great at all: 100 grams of spaghetti (340 kcal) and 20 grams of butter (150 kcal); 100 grams of wheat bread (242 kcal) and 100 grams of mashed potatoes (106 kcal), 100 grams of ham (150-160 kcal). Use special calorie tables to calculate.

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