How to copy with hypoglycemia?

This topic contains 7 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Amazon 5 years, 11 months ago.

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  • Hello,

    I have been doing the 5:2 diet on and off, and because it seems to be working I really want to stick to it.

    The only issue that I have is that I do get hypoglycemic if I don’t eat any sugars or carbs, or eat on a regular basis. I do not have diabetes, I just get hypoglycemic sometimes.

    Would it be safe to eat a dextro energy if I feel it coming? Would that mess with my fast day?

    Thanks for the help in advance!

    It is difficult to answer that without knowing how many calories there are in a detox energy.

    Hi Penguin,

    There are about 12 calories per tablet.


    Hi Kizzy. I can’t comment on any other effects, but from the purely 5:2 point that should not make any difference. I am fluid only fasting today, but I permit myself some milk in tea or coffee, and there will be more calories in that milk

    Can I ask how you know you are hypoglycaemic rather than hungry?

    Hi Penguin,

    Good to know, I will try it out and see how it goes! Thanks for your help.

    Hi Amazon,

    Mainly because I start shaking, get extremely dizzy and eventually faint if I don’t take any sugar within a certain time. I don’t have diabetes (touch wood), but somehow have had this one symptom since I was a teenager.


    It sounds like sugar withdrawal and eating a dextrose tablet will eliminate the symptoms but not the cause.

    I see from your profile that you have a lot of weight to lose.Maybe you should consider seeing your GP for a health check and a blood test and also think about changing what you eat every day to improve your diet.

    You might also consider trying Michael Mosleys blood sugar diet for 8 weeks and then continuing with weight loss by following 5:2

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