How strange..

This topic contains 5 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by  kitsix 10 years, 10 months ago.

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  • So in front of me I had a Marks and Spencer milk and dark chocolate praline bar, and a Marks and Spencer Tropical fruit salad. It’s not a fast day. I can eat whichever I choose…. Well blow me down if I didn’t pick the fruit salad. Now don’t get me wrong, I know there’s still a whole load of calories in the fruit salad (even though I don’t calorie count on non fast days, I’m still aware of what’s what), probably about the same as the amount in the chocolate bar, BUT it’s also full of yummy goodness. It really is a happy side effect of this way of life that you start to weigh up what you would rather put in your body even on non fast days, and I can’t seem to muster the same enthusiasm for junky crap any more. Maybe it’s because it’s no longer ‘forbidden’ and I don’t have to feel guilty about it. The human mind is a weird old thing eh? 🙂

    Kit six
    Sorry but I am still waiting for that experience to happen to me. LOL. I had a double rum and coke last night followed by a single. But I did stop then but I had run out of diet coke. Hhehehehehehe. Happy fasting JIP

    Kits, the same feeling here! 🙂 I also have started thinking what I eat on non fasting days.
    And mostly I choose the “healthy” variant.
    And if NOT I absolutely enjoy what I eat or drink on “unhealthy” food on non fasting days 🙂 , and I think that’s the reason why I hopefully will continue 5:2 till I will have reached my goal. 😀

    One month in I am weirdly not hungry after a fast day, something I thought would never happen. Only just at 11am had my fried egg sarnie (fry light spray used) and that was because I thought I should eat, but It was lovely. Just making Mary Berry’s Cottage Pie for dinner, just what we all need on a cold rainy Thursday, looking forward to tucking in with all the family tonight! That’s the beauty of this diet.

    Oh dear, I have found the exact opposite. Because of the two days of denial, I feel the need to compensate the rest of the time. I reckon I’ve had more cakes, puddings and biscuits since being on this regime than I ever had before I started! Just to prove that it’s not really a diet! I have lost weight, and I eat healthy food as well, it’s just that life’s not worth living without the treats….

    I don’t think it matters how it works for you as long as it does 🙂 I still enjoy the naughty stuff (believe me haha!), but I just find myself really thinking hard about how much I want something now, and also possibly using food less as an emotional ‘crutch’, which has always been one of my major problems. Any emotion is an excuse to eat, I feel sad, I eat, I feel happy, I celebrate with food, I’m angry… I eat like it’s sticking a finger up to… well I don’t know who! My fasting days are teaching me that I don’t have to eat my way through every feeling I have 🙂 Like I said though, it doesn’t matter how this way of life works for you, as long as it does, we’re all different, we all have to tailor things in a way that works with our own body and personality, I think that’s one of the great things about 5:2, or whichever variation you are doing 🙂

    Happy Thursday all, roll on the weekend!


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