How much weight you lost in 2monthes?

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How much weight you lost in 2monthes?

This topic contains 4 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  amala 9 years, 3 months ago.

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  • So guys,I have a few questeins
    1. how much weight you lost in 2 monthes?
    2. how many calories you eat on non fast days?
    3. do fast days gets easier after a while?

    I have lost approximately a stone in 2 months. I don’t count calories on non-fast days, I just try to be mindful but not restrict myself, especially not on the weekends! The first 2 or 3 fasts are horrible, they definitely get easier, and you may find yourself looking forward to the feel of lightness and clean emptiness that comes with a fast day. Good luck 🙂

    Just curious, but did you have much to lose? How many in total are you hoping for?

    Im hoping to lose about 17 lbs before 2016

    Ok, great! You can definitely do it, looks like you’re already making a dent 🙂

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