How much time do you leave between meals on a fast day?

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How much time do you leave between meals on a fast day?

This topic contains 2 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  bigbooty 7 years, 8 months ago.

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  • Michael likes to leave 12 hours, is that set in stone? Only I was going to have lunch and dinner, so leaving about 7 hours between meals? Any advice welcome, thank you.

    No it is not set in stone. But if you count overnight, I bet you are going more than 12 hours between your last meal on the day before your fast day, and your first food on the fast day! That’s enough! Cheers!

    What are you trying to achieve? Are you wanting to know whether its better to have your 600 cal as one meal, 2 or 3 on your fast day? There may be a marginal benefit in having it as one meal. Unless you are already on a ketogenic diet it is unlikely that you will enter ketosis sooner that 24 hours, so whether its a 7 hour break or 12 hour break probably doesn’t make much difference.

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