How much (in miles) is 10,000 steps?

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How much (in miles) is 10,000 steps?

This topic contains 6 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  annette52 9 years, 11 months ago.

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  • 1. How much (in miles or km) is 10,000 steps? I can’t count (= won’t count tbh) and am a pedophobe (hate pedometers). So it would help a lot if I knew roughly what 10,000 steps equates to in miles or km.
    2. If I don’t fancy walking that much one day and would prefer to cycle for a change, what mileage on the bike in terms of the effort or calories burned would the 10,000 step walk equate to?
    As a lifelong walker I am familiar with the the idea that height gained is as important as the length of a walk. I can factor that into my calculations. Naismith’s rule states that in calculating the duration of a walk we should allow 1 hour for every 5 kilometres (3.1 mi) forward, plus 1 hour for every 600 metres (2,000 ft) of ascent. So it follows, I think, that if I walk 3 miles and gain 2,000 ft, that is the same as walking 6 miles on flat terrain.
    I would really appreciate any help on either question 1 or question 2.

    Hi Mark, third attempt at trying to post this reply.
    Answer to your first q. Depends how tall you are. Your stride is relative to your height.
    Lay a tape measure on the floor and step over it a few times. You may be surprised to find that your stride is equal to your inside leg measurement.
    More interesting is that in Australia mens trousers are called strides.
    So with your inside leg measurement divide it into a mile, 1760 yds, and then multiply by 36. This will give you your number of paces to each mile.
    E.g if you are 33″ then your mile is 1960 paces which would mean 10000 paces is roughly 5 miles.
    But a woman with an inside leg measurement of 27″ would only walk 4.25 miles.
    Also note that if you are running your paces may be longer due to momentum.

    Hi Cakey
    That’s very useful. I am 32″ or 33″, depending on how you measure. In any case 5 miles is fine, an easy number to remember. Having said that, I would have thought that it is more important whether we are measuring flat miles or undulating miles, if we are measuring effort expended. In any event 5 miles is an easy walk and one that I can fit into my day. I do about a mile with the dog, so MY walk will be 4 miles, 2 miles there and 2 miles back at least. My first thought was that 5 miles would be hard to fit into my day but I realise now that if I cut down the time spent on my computer and watching TV, I can manage that easily.
    Thank you for the help.


    Most of us will only manage 3-4000 steps a day. To be healthy, that should be 10,000 and to lose weight 12,000.

    I walk 45 minutes each way to work, but just 5 days a week, which clocks up between 14-16000 steps. But I have to make the effort at the weekend.

    I work in a school and due to the regular terms I have regular holidays. For me a pedometer is perfect.I put it on when I get up and check how many steps that I do on the days when I am not at work, which often forces me out and about.

    Hi Mark, you only asked about 10000 steps.
    Pacing your stride is only a guide because as you start walking you may keep your stride even but after the first mile people relax more and reduce their stride.
    Gradients and speed come into calculations when you know how far you have walked and what time it takes. There are apps a plenty that will work out your calorie expenditure after you get used to your routine.
    Don’t stress about it just enjoy the outside.

    Thanks Annette and Cakey
    The day I started the 5 mile walks (yesterday) the temperature shot up to 30 degrees C (in Malaga province, Spain). That isn’t normal at this time of year, though it’s normally in the 20s. I am so glad I have 2 trips to the UK planned between now and mid September. Here people go walking in the mountains after midnight in July and August, especially when the moonlight is bright, which it mostly is (no clouds). My favourite summer walk is IN the river Chillar (near Nerja) in July and August. Everyone goes there, it’s a narrow canyon, dark and cool when the summer sun is scorching everything else around. It’s like a big party, everyone walking in bathing trunks or bikinis, a beautiful place and a happy atmosphere. Unfortunately I only do it once or twice per year, it’s a bit too far away from home.
    At this moment it’s 26 degrees – better. I have never seen so many wild flowers in the countryside, absolutely amazing.

    That sounds wonderful.
    Here in the SW it is grey, chilly and Gales. I am trying to imagine the sun!

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