How many hours between fasts?

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How many hours between fasts?

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Donnarob82 10 years, 10 months ago.

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  • Hi,

    I did do this a few months ago and did well, I lost what I wanted to lose and felt so much better.
    I’ve then gone downhill and back into bad habits!

    So, today is my first fast day, I had my last ‘normal’ meal at 6pm last night and was wondering if I don’t eat until 6pm tonight (I find it easier not eating than havng bits through the day) then could I have a ‘normal’ meal tonight as I have really fasted for 24 hours, except for a glass of fresh orange juice for breakfast.


    Hi and welcome back:

    ‘Fasting’ is not the issue. Calorie restriction is.

    The way the calorie restriction works is you go to bed, get up and during your waking hours eat 500 calories or less, go to bed, get up and eat normally for you.

    You can eat any food/drink you want on your diet days (and all others). Just don’t eat too many calories!

    Good Luck!

    Thank you, it did confuse me!

    I’m on a normal day today though but feel better for starting it again yesterday.

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