How long do I fast?

This topic contains 5 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  Shar15 9 years, 3 months ago.

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  • Hi guys.
    If I stop eating at 1pm and then fast through to the next day, when is my fast over?
    I used to do it from when I woke up but this time I just ate my last meal at 1pm yesterday and due to having a migraine went to bed. I have had under 500 so far today and will make that up when home from work.
    So quastion is when do I eat as normal?
    P.S. also doing B2B fasts (today and tomorrow)

    Best to choose your days, stick with it, and then to eat at 7am and 7pm but not two days in a row, and then eat moderately normal the next day. Obviously piles of burgers and beer isn’t a ‘normal diet’ but a balanced diet, if you’re eating under 500 then you must be female? I have porridge every single morning as per the Fast Diet book with pears, cinnamon etc or the one with jewel fruits. With the pears (or apples) I make up a week’s supply as per the recipe and weight it all out into equal portions in porridge pots. That’s regardless of fast days as they are all the same. Then each morning I have my breakfast ready, just a blast in the microwave and that’s it.

    Get yourself the recipe book. I gave the food to all my friends when I’m entertaining as it’s healthy anyhow. Three meals a day when it’s not fasting out of there is great, and then two on the fast days within 500. It’s not the calories as such but the fact that you choose wisely so that you don’t get hungry and your blood sugars don’t plummet.

    Good luck!

    Thanks for that. Normally I will start with breakfast and fast until dinner on tue/wed one week and mon/thur the next week due to shift pattern.
    It just happened I was ill yesterday so didn’t eat from 1pm. Should I now not do B2B tmrw and wait until next planned day?
    My question was as it will be 35hrs since I have eaten when I get home should I eat something small or just wait until morning?


    Your fast will end tomorrow morning.

    There is no reason why you can’t do B2B fasts if that suits you. For weight loss purposes it works just as well. I only eat in the evening on fast days as I prefer to have a decent sized dinner, and not eating all day is easier for me.

    Hi Shar15. The beauty of the 5:2 is its flexibility. If you haven’t eaten for 35hours, you might like to have something small to eat before going to bed if it helps you sleep, but you could also choose not to eat until the morning. I find it easier to skip a fast if it doesn’t fit in for work reasons or if I’m not feeling 100% (providing I’m not finding excuses not to do it, if you see what I mean). I couldn’t do B2B fasts as I get hypo by the evening of the fast and don’t think I should drive to work before eating again

    Thanks! Seeing as I feel ok and past the point of hunger I will wait until morning, have breakfast and fast again until dinner 🙂 (providing I feel ok in the morning) ?
    Thanks for all the help 🙂

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