How important is it to make it 36 hours?

This topic contains 2 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Bootsy Badger 9 years, 11 months ago.

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  • I wonder how important it is to get to 36hrs on a fast day. For example Sunday night I had a late dinner at about 8.30pm. And then I had some dessert around 9.30pm. Yesterday I fasted. Technically for today, to make it to 36 hours I would need to have breakfast 36 hours after I finished eating I assume (9.30am). If I have breakfast at 7am, so fasting for about 33 hrs, is that enough or do I need to hang out until 9.30am?

    Hello at the start of this diet my sister-in-law suggested that the way she and her husband dealt with the diet was to eat a good breakfast on fast days and then start dieting at midday till the following day evening , so 30 hours fasting, now it worked for them but Im afraid for me I start from 8pm previous night and then fast and excercise on the fast day trying to stick very closly to 500-575 calories and stop the following morning ,sometimes midmorning if Im exercising. suddenly I have more energy than I have had for years and more importantly I am loosing weight nicely ,steadily so I think its important for me to stick to the routine that Micheal suggested, everyone is different

    Hi runningrunning

    I don’t always stick perfectly to 36 hours. I might do similar to what you have described above. Other times a later breakfast on the day after the FD might mean I have actually gone 38 hours with only 500 (female) cals. I have been doing this since last Sept and have lost 22lb.

    Cheers! Bootsy

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