how do muscles make the body move

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how do muscles make the body move

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  rockyromero 10 years, 9 months ago.

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  • The little word that is close to my heart …
    On many forums, I found that the muscle mass and the increase in volume were often defined by the same type of training, nutrition and recovery. We must finish with all this misinformation that does not promote the training of beginners in bodybuilding. These two exercises are very important but you must know well dissociate to have a good progression-muscle and not get into a routine where the muscle stagnate.
    Do not forget that the most important is the quality of training, not quantity executed. Bodybuilding, remember, is a work in the long term, where recovery time is important and where there is no miracle. Only regularity in achieving training intelligently thought is the key to success.

    eat plenty
    If you do not have enough calories your body will lose volume and muscle mass. If you have just enough calories, your body will remain as it is, it will not take more than muscle. If you eat more calories than you spend in training , while building muscle is possible. 300 to 500 more calories each day to create an environment conducive to anabolism ( building your muscles).

    2) Eat often
    It is more difficult to make 3 large balanced meals because there was much hunger passing table while you eat quickly and badly calorie foods and not necessarily adapted ( not too rich fats, too much bread … ) Another drawback , we satisfied before the end of the meal and can be passed on the right when no longer hungry foods (proteins, cereals, vegetables, fiber). The solution is to make 5-6 meals per day by dividing the calories from snacks
    Androx and meals in order to make smaller meals and snacks more copious (based on proteins and carbohydrates slow , along with fruits and vegetables ) .

    3) Do not sleep too late
    Lost sleep is catching up and the muscle built especially for the rest. At night, the hormones are at the top to make muscle and repair damaged muscles . A good night’s sleep lasts 8 hours. If you do not have your sleep quota , you miss a step , of course.

    Great points.

    How does fasting fit into this regimen?

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