How do I stop losing weight?

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How do I stop losing weight?

This topic contains 3 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by  completehealthnews 7 years, 9 months ago.

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  • Two weeks ago I got down below my target weight and waist/ height ratio (after losing 10 Kg), and swapped from 5:2 to a 6:1 regime. Since then, I have lost another 2 Kg.

    This week I ate puddings, biscuits, hot cross buns and cakes, and still lost another kilogram. This, despite being unable to do any of my normal exercise due to an injury. I couldn’t even walk the dog.

    His this regime flipped my system into another mode, making weight loss routine?


    Oooo – scary. I was kind of hoping that 5:2 would stop the weight loss itself when my body got down to the weight it felt it should be, as many people, who are close to or at their ideal weights when they start doing it, report that they get the health benefits without the weight loss. If that’s not the case for everyone then I’ll need to make a note to myself to pay close attention as I get near my ideal weight.

    Maybe you could try increasing the fast day calorie limit slightly? I don’t know what effect it would have on the health benefits but it could be worth experimenting. Or maybe just fast once a fortnight or once a month?

    I thought the same thing, Tracy, that my weight loss would slow down of its own accord as I neared the ideal weight. I then thought the 6:1 would do the job for me. Now I’ve a feeling I am going to have to do 6:1 on alternate weeks for a while, otherwise, dammit, I’m going to have to make a fruit cake every week! 🙂


    congrats on reaching your goal mike, the fruit cake comment made me LOL, keep us posted on how it goes as im sure many others here will be reaching their goals on this plan, myself included, xx

    Thanks FfL, I will do. I’ll put my fruit cake recipe in the appropriate section if I have to resort to that!!!!!!

    Hi Mike, maybe it takes a couple of weeks for the weight to settle. Maybe you lost some muscles due to not being able to excersise or walk. Or maybe you’re eating smaller portions now without realizing it. I don’t know about the fruit cake but I would love to have the recipe for the hot cross buns that make you lose weight :). Congratulations on reaching your goal!

    How can i maintain my weight.I my face also became thinner.How can i get my cheeks back.

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