Horrible fasting hangover? Anyone else?

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Horrible fasting hangover? Anyone else?

This topic contains 9 replies, has 7 voices, and was last updated by  naztin 11 years ago.

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  • I’ve done two fast days now. I’m 166cm and 66kg
    First day ate nothing after dinner time one night until 7pm following day. Had smoked salmon, two boiled eggs and a tangerine.
    I found the actual fasting enjoyable and wasn’t starving. I have a 10month old baby who sleeps in bed with me and breastfeeds on and off through the night. I had a really bad night’s sleep and was wide awake at 5-6am feeling very shaky and jittery. I got up and ate a rice cake and then felt really nauseous for a few hours.

    Fasted for my second day yesterday. Again, ate nothing after dinner weds night, fasted all day thurs until 5.30pm, ate 500cals in one go. lots of water, coffee, herbal teas all evening.

    Again, awake at 6am very jittery and with a dreadful feeling of foreboding/anxiety- ate a corncake and a glass of apple juice, then some hot milk with honey. Felt really, really sick and had to go back to sleep for a bit. Felt slightly better when I woke up, but felt like I had a bit of a hangover?
    Weird. Am wondering if I’m getting very hypoglycaemic with the breastfeeding overnight, but i’d had a 500cal meal at 5.30pm, which I don’t think is complete starvation, really?!
    any advice welcome!

    Hey JenPenny, would it maybe be worth having two smaller meals so you aren’t going quite as long without food? Might reduce the ‘hangover’ effect somewhat

    in the FAQ section i found this

    Who is advised not to do IF?

    pregnant or breast feeding mothers,

    maybe wait until baby is off the breast and start again then? x

    I hate giving advice but this diet while breastfeeding sounds really unsafe to me. I like the diet, but I wouldn’t do it while nursing. Maybe talk to your doctor and get the all clear to do it, and make a meal plan with doc? Just sounds really risky to your health imo.

    Jenpenny, I have breastfed three kids and frankly I would not do 5:2 while breastfeeding. It takes so much out of you anyhow that you do not need to stress your body any further.

    Perhaps just replace one meal with a vegetable/ fruit juice?


    Hi all, thanks for your input. I hadn’t thought much to fasting whilst breastfeeding as my wee one is 10mths and having three full
    Meals a day – I don’t feel she’s depending on me for much for nutrition, more for comfort at night time.
    But you might be right. Will give it some thought.

    Hi, I currently breastfeed my 15 month old at least 3 times a day and have been on the 5:2 diet for almost 4 month now. My son also drinks on and of at night, every night. I have deliberately waited with the diet until my son was about a year old. He is no longer solely dependent on my milk and gets enough nutrients even without nursing. I find the diet to be very easy to keep up. I do eat several small meals on a fast day. My milk supply hasn’t changed as far as I know. I did noticed that I have to drink more, especially on fast days or I will become constipated. I have lost almost 10 kilos so far! I still have to lose at least another 10 kilos to be on a healthy weight, and hope to reach my goal before my son’s second birthday. Good luck in your endeavors, I hope it works for you as well at it has done for me.

    Thanks for replies,
    I’ve altered my fasting pattern and not getting the hangover anymore. I do 24 hours instead of 36 now. So I’ll start fasting after an evening meal one night, have a two hundred breakfast at about 7am. Then eat nothing til normal evening meal at 7pm. Hopefully I’ll still get some benefit from this.

    A note of caution about fasting when you are breast feeding- our fatty tissue accumultes toxins, both man made (eg pesticides, organophosphates) and natural (eg mercuryand other heavy metals) and if you limit your intake of food your body will strip your fat to make breast milk, and these toxins can then end up in the breast milk.( you can google the scientific evidence). This could be the cause of your ‘hangover’. I agree with Stef, leave 5:2 untill you stop breast feeding, and meanwhile try to eat healthily, lots of whole foods, and light, regular exercise to slowly drop your weight. And congratulations on breast feeding for so long- a great start for your lucky baby.

    Thank you for your concern. It is important to be informed about dieting risks. I am aware that fast weight loss can be dangerous but as I am not on a crash diet I do believe I have enough nutrients in my bloodstream to make breast milk. I mostly breastfeed at night at which time I usually do not eat anyways. I make sure I have plenty to drink and eat normal and relatively healthy as much as I can. On fasting days I eat a small meal in the afternoon and a bigger one in the evening and I never have 2 fasting days in a row. There are women that breastfeed and lose a lot more weight just with nursing and without dieting at all. I lose half a kilo per week at most, that is a very moderate pace that is perfectly ok, see this article:


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