hiya – just registered… :)

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  loomingo 11 years, 7 months ago.

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  • Hiya..

    have just registered with the site…will be doing my first fast tomorrow, a bit of a last minute decision to try this (again), I really need to get some weight off (beach holiday in April) and have been following a calorie controlled diet (1500cals) but would like to combine the both…I did try 5:2 a few months ago, but in all honesty my mind wasn’t in the right place and only managed 1 week (shamefully) I did lose 3lb that week, but couldn’t continue…

    so here I am 🙂 hopefully I get lots of advice, support or just some awesome success stories to motivate me.

    Hi Loomingo, I have been doing this for two weeks, lost over three pounds so far. all in the first week, so hoping for better this week. I find the fast days not too bad, as you can cope with anything for one day! I always promise myself something nice after a fast day, but so far havent taken myself up on it. It works for me, and I see myself doing this long term. When I reach my weight, I will probably do 6 and 1 forever. Good luck tomorrow, and let us know how you get on.

    Hi anniemac..thanks for your reply 🙂

    you’ve had a good loss so far, well done…will be planning my meal for tomorrow although im thinking its likely to be leftovers that I had which comes to just over 400 cals I think…I think its this is doable long term, even if as you say you end up doing 6:1…

    will let you know how I get on..thanks again…

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