HIIT for Older People?

This topic contains 14 replies, has 12 voices, and was last updated by  MoonStone28 8 years, 7 months ago.

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  • Hi: I am 64 years old and in good physical condition. I exercise daily and quite vigorously! I am thinking about downloading “Fast Exercise” and learning about HIIT! I would love to hear some comments from you that are about my age and actively doing HIIT!

    Hi Brenda5265: I have similar lifestyle ie. only a few years younger than you, good physical condition and exercise 5/6 days a week 2/3 hours a day & have a lot of enery. I can get away sleeping for about 6 hours most days! I have tried several diets to lose weight over the years. I just started 5:2 FD ony 2 days ago, but have read/watched programs. I am attracted to this mainly because it is easy to do/simple. Good luck!

    Note: After my first day of dieting I lost 800 grams (may be some of it may be fluids, hey who cares!!) I am happy πŸ™‚

    Hi Brenda5265: I have similar lifestyle ie. only a few years younger than you, good physical condition and exercise 5/6 days a week 2/3 hours a day & have a lot of enery. I can get away sleeping for about 6 hours most days! I have tried several diets to lose weight over the years. I just started 5:2 FD ony 2 days ago, but have read/watched programs. I am attracted to this mainly because it is easy to do/simple. Good luck!

    Note: After my first day of dieting I lost 800 grams (may be some of it may be fluids, hey who cares!!) I am happy:)

    I always consult my doctor before trying new diets/workotus. Doesn’t hurt to go in for a check up and ask πŸ™‚

    As it says in the book “It’s the people who don’t exercise who die of heart attacks” and HIT was trialled on 65 to 75 year olds, so I shouldn’t worry. If you are grossly obese, there is obviously no way that you will be able to do HIT at all but for the obese any form of exercise is desirable. Remember that HIT often only involves 2 minutes of exercise per week, i.e. 10×6 seconds of fast pedalling on an exercise bike. I just hate exercise bikes, so am planning to do it on a normal bike on a road that is not very busy ending up on the promenade in Torremolinos, where I live. I’m starting today (in about 30 minutes). Need to pump the tyres up first. I intend to combine it with a normal bike ride of about 30 minutes today, working up to a couple of hours in a week or so. I also like walking in the mountains and find that both therapeutic and excellent for keeping fit generally. Whatever form of exercise you like is better than any exercise you find a chore.

    Sorry that should be 10×6 seconds of fast pedalling twice a week . So 2 minutes.

    Just done my first HIT trial. Did more than 10 sets of hard pedalling uphill in top gear against the wind before cycling down to the prom for an easy route back home. BTW I’m 73, Brenda, and have not dieted or exercised too much recently because I was unwell for a couple of months. In fact I’ve had a very thorough check up in a Malaga hospital but this was not with the diet or exercise regime in mind. For a young woman like you, Brenda, this will be a piece of cake. Good luck.

    I’m 64 and have been doing HIIT style exercise with weights and on a spin bike for 3 years. I love it because it is over quickly. I’m done in a max of 30 minutes. I’m very fit and strong and have changed my body comp quite a bit for the better. No need to exercise for hours!

    some folk do talk tosh!!!!!

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    Born 1939. diabetic since 1976 on insulins since 1998 .. Got small heart attack in 2000 . Have angina since then. Had threadmill stress test pre mouth operation in Feb 2015 which gave me a resting heart rate of 150 and the go ahead to try HIIT,

    I started HIIT, “the 60 second workout, 2 1/2 minutes intense exercise , the gentler version” , in April 2015, 6 months ago. I am surprised that the biggest impact has been on my blood sugar control. Even more surprised at the eye clinic where the Doctor , also surprised , said I had reversed retinopathy from R2 to R1 . He said if I keep it up I may well be clear of retinopathy when he sees me next time in six months wow.

    I’ve just registered here and posted for the first time yesterday.

    I’m 68 and I recently (re)started HIIT.

    I’ve posted about this at:
    “Using HIIT to “prolong active life”, in forum:
    “HIT (high intensity interval training)”.

    Scarey – Meet us over at another thread on reversing diabetes.

    I too am older, have had diabetes for over 30 years and was on insulin for several years plus a handful of prescription drugs Since end of January 15, I started this 5:2, then more vigorous fasting and have been off insulin and the multitude of drugs. Just down to one diabetic medication now and hope soon to be off it.

    The biggest change apart from my smaller body and heavier pocketbook (we pay for medications in Canada) has been an uplifting of my spirits – no longer have DD – diabetes depression.

    There is hope.

    First time on here. Starting tomorrow so I’m wondering how beneficial fast walking up hill is.

    Scarey39. I have recently bought the β€œthe 60 second workout” that you mention. I’m glad to her that you found it helpful. As I’m really quite lazy and unfit I am trying to losen up a bit with walking. Once I can do that without puffing and panting, I will start on the dvd.

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