hi. i am new and confused but willing to go for it :-)

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hi. i am new and confused but willing to go for it :-)

This topic contains 19 replies, has 6 voices, and was last updated by  whyamisoshy 8 years, 3 months ago.

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  • hi all.

    i have the book but i am on holiday and it is not! there will be weeks before i can see it, lol.

    so, you eat normally (in my case slightly low carb) then for 2 days you don’t, right? you eat 25% of basal cals. no sugar, no high GI stuff? the normal things?

    i have been reading a lot of jason fung recently and it all makes a load of sense. i did atkins but i didn’t lose at all! over 9 weeks because you have to eat up to 1800 with a 1500 lowest, and it was too much! also you spend your entire life counting weighing measuring in the kitchen and have no social life at all. it’s really just a corporation now to sell products. bob would roll his eyes.

    i am on some meds and in fact that is why i am doing this, as they lowered my metabolism and made me insulin resistant and and caused a 40 pound weight gain over the last year or so (no, i didn’t eat or move differently… its a bummer) so i thought this was a gentle way of veering into fung’s world. it certainly doesn’t sound too hard (she says now!)

    what sort of results are people getting? if you do 4:3 will you lose more? a pound a week after not eating for two of those days barely at all seems not very much???

    is the idea that fasting doesn’t lower your metabolism cos you are chopping and changing so much? cos i know most diets that go under about 17/1800cals say ‘you mustn’t eat less or you’ll go into starvation mode and never lose it cos your metabolism will slow down’ hence why WW etc don’t work. i have done so many diets and they worked but they got harder and harder, i had to eat less and less to lose. in the end i had to stop as it was making me ill.

    at this point i feel desperate.

    so… can you help me please?
    sorry for so many questions, i just wanna get on the sofa with a cuppa and consider with facts at my hands.then go for it (i hope)

    all the best, moi

    Hi why and welcome:

    There is so much information out there and it can be so confusing. I feel a person should start with the basics, do them properly and give them a couple of months to work before trying anything else. As for your metabolism, it is what it is and you really can’t change it much by what or how much you eat. So why worry about it?

    Here is the basic information you need to be successful with 5:2. It also covers most of the common problems/questions that arise. Give 5:2 a chance by doing it for a couple of months and see what happens. You might be pleasantly surprised! https://thefastdiet.co.uk/forums/topic/the-basics-for-newbies-your-questions-answered/

    Good Luck!

    Just echoing Simco, the best thing about 5:2 is that you can make it easy and sustainable. Eat normal healthy food and portions on non fast days. Pick the two easiest days in the week to be your fast days, and eat lightly. A quarter of your normal calories or make sure it is below 500 calories. Check that link.
    Remember the important thing is to make it a way of life. A good part of life! Good luck!

    thanks so much. i totally dont get my way round this site so i lost this thread and posted a new on. thank you so much for your kind answers and off i go. next week. when hol is over xx

    hi there

    re, ”There is so much information out there and it can be so confusing. I feel a person should start with the basics, do them properly and give them a couple of months to work before trying anything else. As for your metabolism, it is what it is and you really can’t change it much by what or how much you eat. So why worry about it?”

    like a weight off my shoulders. he atkins crew are obsessed with slowing your metabolism, claiming its why WW doesn’t work etc…stating the meds i must take have ruined my metabolism irreversibly- scared me to death.

    turns out its a load of whiney bull-‘crop!’

    i could just hug ya

    Hi why,

    Your metabolism will naturally slow as you lose weight. So a person weighing 200 pounds will need to consume more calories to maintain their weight compared to a person that weighs 150 pounds. If you have normal thyroid function then I would disregards the “Ive got a slow metabolism” excuse.

    People bandy around the Im in “starvation” mode all the time. Starvation mode kicks in when the body has run out of usable stored fats (typically less than 2-4%) and starts digesting protein (ie muscle, non essential organs etc) and you have no calorific intake. I seriously doubt this is the situation for anyone on this forum. When people say they are starving what they mean is they’re hungry.

    Try and avoid sugar at all costs. Try and avoid simple grain based carbs like bread, pasta, pizza, rice. Try and avoid potatoes. Eat lots of veggies to get your carbs and vitamins. Some fruit, some lean meats like fish, chicken. There is no magic involved, if you are putting on weight you are eating more than you need to and probably eating the wrong foods as well.

    HI Why
    I agree with bigbooty. The last paragraph states it pretty well.
    The other thing that can be helpful is keeping a food and exercise diary even just for a week.
    IT might shock you to see what and how much you actually consume and how little you are actually moving. Most of us over-estimate our energy expenditure and under-estimate what we consume. It can be a helpful tool to help tweak diet and exercise.
    Also DON’T give up.
    If it seems like you aren’t losing weight it might just be a plateau – this happens – but a bit later you will see the scales go down.
    Don’t beat up on yourself. Just keep on keeping on.
    Sometimes the scales don’t shift but if you really are decreasing your intake you will notice your clothes are looser.
    Good luck.

    hi guys

    i have been misunderstood. i have not started this lifestyle yet! so i have not plateaud.

    the reason i gained so much weight is because of the anti epilepsy and anti seizure drugs. the week i started to the week i stopped. they simply change the way food behaves and affects you once it has passed your lips. read up on seroquel and lithium weight gain. and be glad it’s not you!

    i can totally manage 1500 5 times a week, and 2 days of water only. what i cant stand is being anti social constantly, eating differently, all the questions. this sounds healthier and easier.

    thank you so much for your kindness and advice.

    ”if you are putting on weight you are eating more than you need to and probably eating the wrong foods as well.”

    i think i explained i gained weight because of my now former meds. it was not ‘an excuse’
    i ate 1500 and ran, too.
    the meds alter your hormonal and brain chemistry and slow down the metabolism and make you insulin resistant. sadly.
    its why over 3/4 of the patients who have to take these drugs are obese.

    and starvation mode has for 30 years been explained to me as not eating for 4 hours or more or eating lower than 1500 calories daily will make your fight or flight mode kick in and the body hang onto all the fat it can. so thank you for that correction.

    i did a 5 month supervised fast before. it was great. i lost 56 pounds and kept them off for so far 9 years.



    hi. i do track… i use my fitness pal xx thank you for your kind recommendation

    Hi why,

    Im not discounting the effects of the drugs you have been taking. All Im saying is that drugs + food quantity + food type means you are eating more than you need to eat. If this was not the case you would not gain weight. The basal level of insulin drives weight gain, the drugs you were taking may have had an impact on this and or your liver/thyroid function.

    Wow who told you starvation mode kicked in after 4 hours? I hope it wasn’t a medically trained person? Id be finding someone else if that was the case. It typically takes 24-72 hours just to deplete your stored glycogen (stored from of glucose) out of your liver and muscles, so 4 hours is light years away from “starvation mode”. If 4 hours was all it took then everyone would be entering starvation mode every time they went to bed and slept for 7-10 hours. You need to be fasting for an extremely long period of time (ie weeks if not longer) and have very little body fat (less than 2-4%) before starvation mode kicks in. Google Alan Goldhamer from True North clinic if you want more info on fasting.

    Many people eat less than 1500 cal/day, even those not wanting to lose weight. The amount you need to eat is governed by your weight and physical activity. I think this magical number of 1500 comes from the Minnesota experiment which is incorrectly interpreted and bandied about in internet land.

    yes. the trouble is you dont know about what these drugs do. i tried to explain but you clearly didnt understand/believe it.

    even if you were to eat nothing your weight rises.

    its nothing to do with eating. its metabolic changes, hormones etc…

    i am not prepared to carry on trying to convince you if you have not researched this strange phenomenon of meds causing sometimes 100 plus pounds within a few months. its a huge ongoing issue for millions and the man reason people discontinue their essential anti seizure drugs and end up dead.

    those are the facts from someone been taking them for years. i am lucky to have got away as lightly as i have after 23 years. phew!

    a nutritional advisor from atkins told me mustn’t skip any of y three meals cos my metabolism would slow and i would go into starvation mode and be able to eat less and less its why i stopped.also cos its like a sect. and nobody sustains atkins ever cos its totally anti social.
    and you spend most of your time in the kitchen! lol
    it turns out to be the focal point of your like not a life enhancing part of the way to lose weight. thats why i think 5 ,2 or 4 ,3 will be better for me. cos i do actually have a life! as i am sure you do.
    are you female

    i have found out bigbooty is a male.
    full of good advice.

    so my question is this.

    i wonder if people know that everything in life is about how much you want something and what you ate willing to sacrifice to get it.

    when i was very seriously ill i had to take pills that made me fat. cos had i not taken them, i would have died. so clearly i wanted to live more than i wanted to be slender.

    clearly i am still on tons of medication, but i know i can do this because i want it so much. i once ate only raw vegetables for a year (sadly, it didnt cure my health condition as the naturopath had promised- it just lost me 8 stone which left me terrible under weight- i hadnt wanted to lose weight. but i did it in order to get well. it was hard.

    i once did 450 cals only per day for 5 months because i anted to lose 5 stone. and i did.

    so i think i can do that twice a week. in order to lose slowly. regularly.

    of course one never knows what iis going to happen, but i think that rather than eat every day i would eat 5 out of every 7 days in order to be slender. and i ish i hadnt listened to atkins going on about having to eat 1800 cals every day unless you slow your metabolism down and never are able to lose weight. and al those nightmare scenarios we are faced with and told about to we are scarred into doing a certain diet or not.

    i think i would rather eat nothing than a bit. cos i dont want to get the taste for ating then have to stop. i might take boullon.

    i am not joining a cult i just want to lose the weight these meds put on me.

    how much do i want it?

    A LOT! 🙂

    i hope lots of people read that because it’s a much under considered point. it is the answer to the question, will i pull this off for life, or will it be a quick fix?

    i have heard water fasting cures migraines and i have them about 75% my life. i have one now. day 3 or 4. typically they have me in agony in bed with the lights off vomiting for 8-10 days. i would like water fasting to cure me of that and my chronic constipation please!

    I am desperate to get say a months fasts done so i can stop feeling quite as unwell and scared!


    A ketogenic diet may well be better than the medicines for your epilepsy and much better for your overall health. Look up Professor Thomas Seyfried on Youtube. It’s basically a very low carbohydrate, high natural fat diet. It’s been used sucessfully for over a century.

    The film maker JJ Abrams’ son was having 100 seizures a day and was cured after a few days.


    my god. culpable. and on a public forum where there are impressionable people. FDA approved?

    i take it for bipolar and migraines

    see? i could have been influenced by you on here, come off my life saving meds, and lost the weight and my life. that is one of the worst things about forums.

    off label uses for anti epileptic and anti seizure and anti psychotics are wide ranging, you know.

    thanks for trying to ”help” me. i know you thought you meant well. internet forums at their worst there.

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