Hi everyone – joining in the forum!

This topic contains 18 replies, has 8 voices, and was last updated by  iamjustherecuzbenedict 10 years, 7 months ago.

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  • Hi!

    I’m Jo and have finally decided to commit to 5:2 after gaining 3 stone in the last year. I’ve read so many books, I’m all prepared – now just for the ‘doing’ part lol.

    I’m on my first fast day today and as I don’t have any friends interested in this, I thought I’d log my journey in the personal stories section on this forum (is that where other people keep their logs?)

    I’m really going to knuckle down and shift this fat, I’ve let it drag on too long (comfort eating after some heartbreak and losing a job last year) hopefully, I might even get to wear a nice bikini on the beach before the summer leaves us πŸ™‚ (UK).

    I work outdoors doing countryside management 2 days a week, so not sure whether to schedule around those days, or, if fasting on such a calorie burning day will give me an extra boost? Anyone else fasting with a physical labour-type job?

    Anyway! Looking forward to jumping on the scale tomorrow morning for a peak (I know it won’t be a true reading, but still…) and to chatting to some fellow fasters!!

    Jo X

    Hi everyone, sorry for being quite……….
    Just getting my head around fasting and keeping to my 1800 calories on my normal days!

    How is everyone doing????
    Today is my 2nd day of fasting defiantly finding it better:-) no headache today, been drinking water a lot today Certainly made a difference. I’ve even been to the gym and done a major work out as well.
    Not long until my tea.
    I find just having my tea with all my 500 much better than having things in the day….. I don’t think I could stop eating once I start.

    Hi and welcome:

    Here are some tips: http://thefastdiet.co.uk/forums/topic/warnings-to-newbies/

    Good Luck!

    As a newbie I’ve realised already that you can survive on little food and I often over eat so I can see why we all put on weight! Not any more!!!!! I hope:-)

    Thanks simcoeluv

    Thanks Simcoeluv for the link, a great post for newbies, it’s surprising how many people haven’t actually read any of the great books out there before beginning, which covers so much. I made sure to ‘bone up’ and have read a number of books. My faves are The Fast Diet (obviously) and Eat, Fast, Slim for good quality info and advice.

    Hi Blue Eyes! Hope you’re enjoying your journey, I have stopped and started 5:2 a few times over the last year, but am determined to commit myself to this lifestyle now and focus – not just for the weight loss, but because I want to be healthier in general. I’m glad upping your water intake has helped with the headaches, I’m trying to remember to keep topped up, funny how I don’t need reminding to eat, but I can easily forget to drink!

    I think fasting is good for people like me who overeat and use food as an emotional crutch because it’s a real challenge to have that crutch taken away. I’m finding today (fast day) I’m feeling some emotional releasing going on as I deal with the feeling of hunger which I associate with denial…lack…abandonment…etc. it’s character building πŸ™‚


    Hi everyone!
    This is my first time posting on a forum so I was glad to find this thread. I’m a bit like JoChall87 in that I tried the 5:2 a few months ago, did it pretty badly (not sticking to it, going overboard on eating days etc) and then gave up. Now I’m back to it and am doing much much better. I actually read the book this time, which I found really motivating because it set out the case for the health benefits of fasting as well as the weight loss. I’ve lost 1 pound in my first week which may not sound like a lot but I’m only aiming to lose about 15 total so I’m pleased with it. I’d love to hear anyone else’s experiences with just starting the diet to see if the things I find difficult are the same as everyone else.
    Hope to hear back from y’all!

    Hi Blue eyes, I’m in agreement with you about when to eat your 500 cals.
    I don’t feel hungry on waking so drinks work fine for me and keep me satisfied til I have dinner at about 6 in the evening.

    I began this on Monday. My weight has been fluctuating between 10st 7lbs-9lbs I’m hoping by Monday I will have lost at least 1lb even if it will be mainly fluid.

    Hi I would like to know
    If your normal calories intake is suppose to be 1200 calories???
    Well that’s what my fitness pal says for my height & weight? Does that mean my fasting days should only be 300 calories??
    If so that is so little πŸ™
    Can someone please advise
    Kind regards Jane

    That sounds very low, have you checked with other calculators? The average women needs around 1800-2000 a day to maintain and around 1500 daily to lose 1lb a week on a calorie restricted diet. On 5:2 you can eat your normal allowance 5 days a week, which should be much closer to 2000 than the number you have been given, unless you are very very short and are already quite slim. I would check with other websites…my daily requirement is 2100 because I am 5 ft 10 and weigh just under 13stone. As I lose weight my calorie need will reduce along with it, but I would not want to go below 1800 for me, otherwise I’m more on a calorie restricted diet than eating normally and then fasting.


    I’m not bothered about eating in the morning either. Evenings are the worst for me…I get so bored! Definitely going to save my calories for the evening on my fast days, but it’s not always possible as I have to work outdoors sometimes and I need my calories at lunch to keep going, because it’s hard work. That’s the worst because then there’s nothing to fall back on in the evenings!

    Hi Jo
    Thanks for replying,,,,,

    I’m 5ft 4 and 11st 5lbs

    Most apps come up with 1200?? That’s how I feel now, always on a calorie restricted diet..
    It’s so hard at times….

    I have been eating 500 on fast days, but wasn’t sure what to do?

    I have lost 7lb doing it at 500, but like I said not sure if it’s to much.

    Could you check what your App recommends for my details and let me know

    Thanks heaps in advance πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚

    Hi Missjane, have you used the TDEE and BMR calculator at the top of this page? If you put all your details into there it will give you the figures you need to keep between on your non fast days. The fast day cals are 500 calories so you’re doing fine there and if you’re losing at what you are doing at the moment you must be eating about the right amount. Don’t forget to adjust your TDEE and BMR when you lose weight too as the more you lose the less your TDEE will be.


    Hi Karen
    Just did it on here and got the following

    Your BMR is: 1338
    Your TDEE is: 2074 calories

    So does that mean I base on the TDEE?? From now on

    Think I might keep it around 1500 a little more but a little less…… Keep it in between and play it safe…

    So I have been 800 under? But I used the my fitness pal the book recommended, so go figure

    Cheers πŸ™‚

    Hi misjane, on non fast days you eat somewhere in between your BMR and your TDEE. You are cutting lots of cals on fast days so that’s how you should lose weight

    I was hoping it would allow me to put a before & during photo??
    I lost 9lb all up and feel so much happier & lighter
    Even my rings are getting to big for me lol
    So glad to be doing this as it’s something you can do pretty much all your life……
    Some weeks I do 4:3 then 5:2
    Can’t wait to get to my goal weight and then do 6:1 to maintain it……
    Best program out there

    Hi everyone! Starting the 5:2 today and I’m pretty pumped. I am cool with losing just one pound a week (if even that) as I have done absolutely NOTHING to curb my weight gain in the last 11 years. Haha. Thanks in advance for your support and for the wisdom I will no doubt be gaining from you all. πŸ˜€

    Good luck (takes deep breath while writes username) iamjustherecuzbenedict πŸ™‚
    I am on my second week, and I am still adjusting myself to make this a success. Have had naughty cheats every now and then while on fast days, which is not good, but onwards and upwards! I have lost 2lbs so far!

    Congratulations Jo! Onwards and upwards indeed. I’ve lost 2 pounds too! πŸ˜€

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