Hi 10 weeks in

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  PreciousBooBoo 11 years, 7 months ago.

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  • I just am so glad I started this diet. I really shouldn’t call it a diet as it’s a new life for me. I think the best part is how I feel. I have lost 8 lbs, that’s great for me. I went to the Dr. last week and I had been borderline diabetic and that scared me so bad but my blood work was great. My count went from 127 to 107 and the Dr. said ok what are you doing. When I told him he was very supportive and encouraged me. Also my cholestrol counts were very much improved. All and all I’m thrilled. Thank you Thank you Dr. Mosley so much….

    Hello Ontrack

    It’s great to read posts like yours because they remind us that this ‘way of life’ is not all about weight loss (though for a lot of people, including me, this is really important especially when you have had a life long problem with your weight).

    It is really mindblowing that you have concrete evidence that your body is improving.

    Well done you!

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