Here I go!

This topic contains 4 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  MJyay 11 years, 5 months ago.

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  • Just started fasting this week (Monday and Thursday). I will track my waist circumference (38″ last night), will likely not weigh myself very often.

    I usually don’t join message boards like this, but I’m finding the stories here really uplifting and encouraging. A few years back, I lost ~30 lbs on WW. I’ve recently regained a bit since I stopped my workout routine over the summer. I’ve restarted the workouts this week, and, knowing I never want to do WW again (I found it too difficult and limiting to track every day), I’m giving fasting a go.

    I have to say, so far, I really felt great on the fasting days. The hunger comes and goes. As long as I stay busy, I think I will do fine.

    You’ve hit the nail on the head, MJyay, keeping busy is definitely the key to success on fast days. Let us know how you get on 🙂

    Thanks StephB! I will keep coming back with updates. Have a great weekend!

    Drinking helps a lot to keep hunger at bay too as well as keeping busy. I drink lots of water and teas that don’t require milk.

    At least you can tell yourself that anything you really fancy on a fast day you can eat the day after. Nothing is a forbidden fruit.

    Good luck and keep updating us on your progress 🙂

    I’m back! Was successful at fasting 2x per week the past two weeks.

    My waist circumference is down to 37″ as of yesterday morning. I weighed myself once, and my weight was definitely lower than it has been recently by about 6 pounds.

    The fast days have gone really well. It’s amazing how well you adapt to hunger. I’ve been doing full fast days — I have my last meal the evening before, then on the fast day I only have the 500 cals, then eat again the next morning.

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