Here Goes

This topic contains 6 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by  DB100 11 years, 2 months ago.

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  • Well, today is my first day. I start at 18st 09lb, 55 inches of lard around my waist, high BP, Resting pulse at 78.
    I am doing three weeks of ADF then 5:2. I am now well into my first day, lots of fruit tea, coffee, water and a blast at HIT on my turbo trainer this morning. I have not felt hungry at all today.
    I used to be fit, lots of cycling, skiing, football etc, now my knees hurt, my hips hurt, my back hurts and I’m avoiding friends that I haven’t seen for a while because of the sheer amount of weight I have put on, I got married in 05 and have gained five and a half stone. So technically it’s my wife’s fault 😉
    I am sick of the weight and just feeling generally like rubbish, it’s taken a while to get here but I am now fully committed!
    I’ll post the results.

    Hi DB100 and welcome to the forums!

    Good on you for starting this fab way of life, you wont regret it!! All the best to you, and happy fasting !!

    Ps, tut tut for blaming your wife oooohhhh 🙂 good luck!!

    It’s O.k. DB if you want to blame your wife – as long as I can blame my husband. 🙂
    But we both know that we are the only ones to blame for where we are.
    How did the rest of yesterday go for you? It is amazing how easy and yet difficult it can be at different times.

    Hmmmmm @DB- it’s your wife’s fault is it? Sorry sunshine that doesn’t wash!

    Like the rest of us – it’s our own fault. No-one tied us to a chair and force fed us so we became overweight. 😀

    However, the good news is that, just as WE made ourselves this way….WE can do something about it and you have just taken the first step. Well done you!!

    Now onwards and downwards!! 😀

    great post Sylvestra lol!!


    Hi DB100 good luck with the fast diet, personally I cannot recommend the every other day fasting, it’s too hard and it messes with any sort of social life you might have, I tried it once! I did lose weight but the 5:2 is much easier to follow and more flexible, if you do manage ADF well done but if you don’t then I’d recommend going straight on to the 5:2 instead, it’s a much more sustainable way of losing weight. Anyway, I wish you lots of luck and well done for choosing a healthier lifestyle!

    I know, can’t blame my wife 🙂
    I have to do all or nothing, I find if I eat it just sets me off, on my fast days it’s just fluids for me and it was a stroll. I felt great and it was much easier than if I had breakfast, trust me, I know me!
    Three weeks of ADF, then 5:2
    Good luck everyone

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