helping other people

This topic contains 2 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  arla 10 years, 12 months ago.

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  • done 2 days amd find it ok, why is the more you cant have somethingthe more you want it? helping a friend who needs to loose weight more than i do

    Hi Patricia Ann,
    It’s great that you are supporting your friend in this way. I have a friend who has never believed me when I diet. She just assumes that I am a secret eater, I am not. I exercise more than her and eat less, she is slim of course and I am fat. Life is not very fair. She also eats cake, biscuits and chocolate and I don’t, actually I don’t have a sweet tooth so this is no issue. Only when I am on a diet do I want a pudding after a meal, strange, forbidden fruit syndrome. That’s how Adam and Eve ended up in trouble isn’t it? Keep on being a good friend, they are few and far between. Your waistline and general good health will benefit too.

    I find 5:2 great for cravings – if I really want/crave something on a fast day I just tell myself that I can have it tomorrow … and genuinely mean that. But by tomorrow I’ve usually forgotten about it and just eat normally. I think it really helps that there aren’t any forbidden foods, just days we chose to limit what we eat.

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