Help! Holiday gain due to water retention?

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Help! Holiday gain due to water retention?

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Chriscrock 11 years, 8 months ago.

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  • Hi
    Just returned from very hot Malta, with very swollen ankles and feeling so heavy. Weighed myself on return to find I had gained 6lbs!, fasted yesterday and this morning 4lbs lighter! So was it mainly water retention ? Have decided to fast today as well and hope I can get back to where I was 2 weeks ago
    . Question: as I find it easy not to eat till evenings can I do this most days eating roughly my estimated resting calories? Or will my metabolism stagnate? Still have 98lbs to lose!! Feeling depressed over the weight gain as I watched what I ate and several days missed breakfast as I wasn’t hungry, can someone answer my concerns.

    Hi Chriscrock, hope your weight stabilized since your return. After a trip to a different climate, possibly eating different foods and a flight back home it’s always better to wait a couple of days before stepping on the scale – an advice I can’t seem to follow myself and I’m always shocked at my gain, only to find out that after a couple of days my weight is about where it was before.
    If you’re not hungry during the day you can save the calories and have them all for your evening meal. That’s the beauty of this regime, you decide when you eat. Your metabolism won’t stagnate and it may be even more beneficial for your health as you’re fasting completely for 24 hours.
    All the best to you and keep us posted on your progress!

    Hi fastingberlini
    Thankfully got on scales and down 6 lbs after a fast day, yipeeeeeee
    fast tomorrow and decided to weigh in after Wed fast to get a true reading, with this heat easy to miss breakfast, have a small lunch and having salad sandwiches, suits me just fine, feeling so much lighter, will post Thursday morning with latest results, for the first time feeling excited and in control after years of trying every diet out there! Thanks for your encouragement , much needed for most of us on this way of life.

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