
This topic contains 3 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  TracyJ 11 years, 4 months ago.

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  • Dear all,

    I have been IF since February – a bit on and off, because I happened to have some long weekends here and there, and when I am on holiday I normally don’t follow the diet (a little indulgence to me).
    I do the fasting on Mondays and Thursdays, with few exceptions, and for me in principle is easy not to eat during the day (I don’t even have breakfast, I go directly to the dinner).

    I also have a scale that measures the body fat and lean mass.

    So, from February till 29th August I lost around 4-5 kg, which is ok by me given that I had a couple of periods when I didn’t do the diet and that Overall I wanted to lose around 8 KG. On 23rd August i weighed myself and I was on 58,65KG – my aim is 55, the lowest I have ever been was 57,5K.

    So, my scale didn’t work for a couple of days and today when I weighed mysef I was on 62,3 KG!!!! 5 KG UP!!! In just over a week??? it also indicated +2kg FAT.

    I just don’t know what to think. Last day I did the diet was 23rd of August, then I went for a long weekend and then I had to travel for work… so I came back to the fasting today, but still… 5kg in 10 days!?!?!?!

    Please some morale, here…


    Maybe your scale is still not working properly? If it is, only 2 kg. is fat, so the rest is probably water? It seems like it would be hard to put on that much muscle in that amount of time… in fact, hard to eat enough to put on that much fat that fast. I think something is wrong with the scale.

    u r fine 4 someone
    who has gone off the lifestyle

    sometimes people who follow religiously

    go way up & down

    click on names
    use search in the forum

    u will c all their trials

    example if u click

    finn read what happenned

    u have succeeded on this

    so u will succeed now

    wish u all the support i can give

    When people get back from holiday they often report that they’ve put a bit on and that it took a couple of fasts but they quickly got back to where they were before.

    It does sound like your fasting has been very off & on, so I wouldn’t freak out over another blip, especially as you are so close to your ideal weight to begin with anyway.

    Weight fluctuates so much from day-to-day, hour-to-hour etc. and depends on so many variables, including how much fluid you’ve taken on before you step on the scale that I expect it would depress the hell out of me if I weighed myself more than once a month.

    As it is, it doesn’t matter if I have a holiday week, or eat an entire cake one non-fastday, the general trend each month (weighing myself at the same time, on the same day, having eaten/drunk/exercised the same amount) is ALWAYS down. Even if it’s only by 1lb, who cares? not me! it’s down and it’s sustainable.

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