Hello Southern Hemispherites!!

This topic contains 28,409 replies, has 835 voices, and was last updated by  Neilithicman 21 hours, 29 minutes ago.

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  • @cait from Melbourne – it must be extremely frustrating and a bit depressing not to have lost anything while your hubby is. I’m also doing the 5:2 with my husband (only week 3) and keeping a food diary keeps us totally honest about our food consumption on non-fast days so perhaps you could try this. I don’t own scales as I prefer to feel the difference in my clothes and see in measurements – so far 4cm down around the middle after just four fast days. ๐Ÿ™‚

    We are actually finding the empty tummy feeling on our fast days oddly comforting creating an increased awareness of how much food we need on ‘feast’ days – not so much as it turns out! Feeling hungry and not acting on it is ok and it creates a better awareness of what and how much we are putting into our mouths.

    I continue to find that the day after a fast day my food consumption is quite minimal as I feel very full quite quickly almost to the point of queasiness. Thankfully, no more fast day headaches after week one so for all those new to it, stick it out, it appears to be a common side effect that will disappear.

    It’s a fast day tomorrow as today was a special Christmas bake-off morning tea at work and I gave myself permission to partake in moderation. Love the flexibility of this WOE.


    Hi all, Martin from Perth here. I’m 45 and started 5:2 five weeks ago and have seen good progress. I am not overweight however I want to go from 78kg to 72kg to help my running and lose a bit of my girth.

    My weeks weigh-ins (each Sat) are:

    Wk 1 78.5
    Wk 2 77.7
    Wk 3 77.1
    Wk 4 76.0
    Wk 5 76.5

    I run 5k on my fast days and a couple of other times in the week.
    My fast days are Mon and Thu (pretty common I think).

    I am not strict with my fast days. What I mean is, I don’t stick to exactly 600 cals. Eg today’s “fast” was:

    6am: Small bowl of sultana bran and hi-lo milk (200 cals)
    10am: Choc covered nut bar (200)
    7:30pm Baked barramundi fish and a tomato drizzled in balsamic vinegar and a teaspoon of hollandaise. (250 cals)

    Plus loads of coffee/tea with hi-lo milk. Actually that’s not far off 600 cals.

    I don’t vary much eg I always have sultana bran! For lunch sometimes I have a tin of John West tuna Tempters (always chili) on 4 small water crackers.

    I find I have to have 3 things on a fast day. I suspect I hit 800 cals on some days but I don’t worry about it.

    As you can see this last week I have gained .5kg. This was entirely predictable because I didn’t fast, or do any exercise! I was at home looking after my young kids and as any parent will tell you, that ain’t no time to be doing fancy dieting!

    On non-fast days I eat normally. This includes the odd snack, biscuits or ice cream or even cake. I would say I eat about 2000-2500 cals on non-fast days.

    I haven’t really talked about the psychology of the fast days. I find if I have 2 things by lunch then I can last until tea time. I have found it quite easy to cut out bread/spuds/pasta/noodles as long as I have something protein-y like fish or meat. I also find if it is highly spiced then I appreciate it more, even if the quantity is small.

    This hot weather we are having in Perth also helps – I simply feel less hungry, especially at night.

    Another funny thing is that the day after a fast day I find I am no more hungry than if I had eaten normally! It’s almost as if my body “resets” itself overnight and forgets it had less food the previous day.

    Anyway, to finish off I’d just like to say that this diet is not rocket science in the sense that you are eating less for 2 days a week, so yes, all other things being equal you are guaranteed to lose weight. However, I think it succeeds for the simple reason that most of us are prepared to “suffer” (in a first world sense, most of the world would not see it as suffering) for a day in the knowledge that we can resume normality the next day. Most other diets involve suffering every day and this is why they fail, because no-one wants to be permanently miserable.

    It kind of reminds me about a quote from Cliff Richard when asked how he kept his weight down over the years, he explained he was careful with what he ate Mon-Fri but ate whatever he liked on Sat and Sun. Kind of like the 5:2 in reverse!


    Hi rmg … my headaches were never as severe as yours. I just drank a lot of water and took 2 paracetamol after dinner (not good to take them on an empty stomach). I hope you slept through the night and felt better this morning. Perhaps it will be easier for you on Thursday. It took about 6 fasts for me to get over the headaches. Now I find the fast days fairly easy. I make sure I do my walk in the morning after breakfast. It’s always the same: a poached egg, a slice of Helga’s wholemeal multigrain, toasted (with a smidge of butter spread) and a cup of instant coffee (Moccona Indulgence) with skim milk and 1/2 teaspoon of sugar. For dinner on fast days I have a palm-sized piece of chicken breast or salmon, fried in a little canola oil and a salad of tomatoes, cucumber, lettuce, radishes, baby spinach, with a splash of balsamic dressing (not a large serve of salad). I also share a quarter of a Pink Lady apple with my husband afterwards. I don’t know if I exceed the 500 calorie limit or not (I hate counting calories), but after years of dieting and W/W clubs, I can guess them roughly. I’m also pretty strict with myself on the other 5 days (Cruskits instead of bread, seldom eat potatoes), although I often have 2 mini Cadbury Bubbly bars of an evening. I recommend you buy Michael Mosley’s book. I find it motivating (I’ve read it twice on early fast days). The health benefits he describes are pretty compelling to make you want to continue with this WOE (way of eating) for the rest of your life, even after you reach your goal weight.

    I don’t know how Martin from Perth managed to write such a long post. I get cut off before I’ve finished! Maybe you get more space by using a smart phone. Most of us seem to be doing the 5:2 fast diet to lose weight, but I think, after reading Michael Mosley’s book, the long-term health benefits (helping to prevent type 2 diabetes, Alzheimer’s, maybe even cancer) are what we should be focusing on and not get discouraged by what the scales show us. I’ve always been a “live-to-eat” person and, although I’ve lost 20kg twice in the last 30 years, I’ve never been able to maintain the weight loss for more than 3 years. Now I think I’m becoming more an “eat-to-live” person, and I’m hopeful that by the end of next year I will reach my goal weight of 55-60kg (I am a hobbit after all, at 163cm tall)and hopefully will be able to maintain it indefinitely by fasting once a week from then on. I also think that, if you can do it, a 12 or even 24 hour fast is more important for our digestive and other internal health than the 500-600 calorie limit on fast days. From reading Doc Mosley’s book, it seems to me that inhibiting the production of the IGF-1 hormone through a prolonged fast may be better than spreading the 500-600 calories over the whole day, which may not be allowing our digestive system to rest. However, it must be really difficult to fast if you’re working full-time or have young children to look after, so whatever works for the individual is the most important thing. It’s easier for me to fast now that I’m retired, my children are grown up, left home, and I have a supportive husband as well.

    HI everyone

    Have to say that as you progress with this woe that it does seem to get easier.
    Yesterday hubby came home and said that a couple of friends would be dropping in that evening for a quick christmas catchup. Now yesterday (of course) was fasting day for me. On top of that I’ve been keeping the house pretty lean on nibbly types of food so had none on hand. My rule of thumb is you don’t offer someone a drink without offering some form of food as well. That meant there was nothing to it but to do some baking. Cooked up some savoury scrolls and some ginger bread biscuits (complete with icing decoration).

    Managed to do that without doing more than eating a tiny scrap of ginger bread dough. ๐Ÿ™‚ Then while our friends were over only indulged in a glass of sparkling. Mineral water that is. ๐Ÿ™‚

    So I baked – I served – and didn’t indulge. When I woke up this morning and weighed in the scales gave me a nice pat on the back for my self control.

    Fasting days seem to be a lot easier to be good on than normal eating days.
    The structure of them makes it “easy” to do, where the non structure of normal days leaves me free to be a little bit wicked.

    Oh, well done Ghostgirl!

    I’m like you with the drinks/food thing, and provide for others, but am able to give them a miss for myself.

    Tomorrow is fast day for me and I have a dear friend coming for lunch, and would only be having salad rolls, so I can work around that.

    I find I’m eating a lot like Gomarg, in that a little and often over the 24 hrs is better for me and I’m still well within my 500cals.

    The menus I’ve typed up get altered and I often go without breakfast, thinking that if I’m really pushed I can have it midday..baked beans on Cruskit??
    Nah, that’s enough to make me wait till dinner!

    I couldn’t face the day without breakfast. It gives me the energy to go for a walk afterwards. On non-fast days, I walk in the cooler afternoons. Being on a fast doesn’t really start to register for me until after midday, when I’d normally have lunch. If I can keep busy or entertained, I don’t notice my 12 hours of daytime fasting until around 6.00 pm, when I start to watch the clock a lot for 7.30 pm to arrive (dinner time). If I reach an annoying plateau soon, I might try a 24 hour fast (breakfast to breakfast).

    I started off eating breakfasts, then got active and forgot until about eating and thought I may as well just give it a miss!

    I’m not sure of the ‘fast’ aspect, as for me, eating less is not fasting.
    Perhaps abstinence would be a better word ๐Ÿ™‚

    Mid to late afternoon is when the worms start, but I rely on vege flavoured stock in hot water to get through until dinner at 6.30.

    Funny how we all cope so differently and great we can share our thoughts and tips ๐Ÿ™‚

    That sounds pretty drastic Gomarg!

    Thanks for your tips about coping better on fast days. i did get a good sleep with only a couple of toilet trips to interrupt. Had a much better day yesterday, felt quite good actually. Tired today though but I think its more from the heat than the WOE. 40 here in north western Victoria today and 43 forecast for next couple of days. I don’t like it that hot ๐Ÿ™

    Anyway, I usually don’t feel like eating when its hot so my fast day tomorrow should be a breeze, I’ll be sure to drink plenty though!!

    I went well yesterday, kept within my 1660 calorie range even with a 40g bar of dark chocolate, yay! I’m hoping to drop around 13kg overall. I’m 165cm so aiming for 63-65kg, I’m currently 76kg. We’re making Tuesdays our weigh-in days so I’ll be very interested to see if I’ve made any inroads on my first weeks effort.

    We’ve just finished a very yummy dinner of grilled chicken breast with Tossed salad & Middle-eastern couscous salad. Delicious! ๐Ÿ™‚ Only 512 cals, still got 164 cals in the bank so I think some dark chocolate with my evening cuppa should finish the day nicely. I’m really quite enjoying this WOE, mind you it is only day 3 ๐Ÿ™‚

    After reading your comment about inhibiting the IGF-1 hormone. I’m going to try to fast breakfast tomorrow & just see how long I can last before having to eat something.

    Some nice orange roughy fish with salad on the menu for tomorrow night.

    Aussienow, I’m very impressed that you have put together menus, even if you don’t get to follow them. Well done!

    Have a good night all and keep up the good work. This (not-so-little) munchkin has a kitchen to clean, ugh!

    G’day all !

    It’s not a fast day for me but the heat (43 degrees forecasted for Adelaide today)is somewhat curbing my appetite. I’ve already downed 1.5 litres of water and I’m betting there will be a few more by day’s end.

    Half way through week 3 (5 fasts) and have lost 8.2 pounds (3 kilos) thus far and the headaches from the first week are now history (yay!)

    I’m finding it surprisingly easy to stick to the 500 calories fast days. Being a creature of habit, I pretty much eat the same thing each fast day, it helps to keep me clear of temptation:

    Breakfast: Bowl of rock melon with low fat yoghurt on top (about 200 calories)

    Dinner: Large veggie salad with either a hard boiled egg or a small tin of John West light tuna for protein. This actually adds to less than 300 calories because I cannot eat the whole thing, I’m full to the brim before seeing the bottom of the bowl. The leftovers wind up in a take-out container for lunch the next day or as a side dish for non fast day dinner.

    Drink: 2 litres or so of water + morning and evening coffees with low fat milk.

    I find it very inspirational and motivating to read you all, thanks for keeping me on track ๐Ÿ˜‰



    @rmg – my menus are so I know ahead what to get out of the freezer for dinners and to choose a variety.
    My hubby gets our breakfasts, so he knows what I have (used to) and what days not to bother.

    Another factor is that we eat the same meat, but less for me.
    As gomarg says, a palm sized piece (from WW days, long gone!) and either heaps of cooked vegetables or salads.
    I find it hard to wean off potatoes, but am getting there.

    Bread is also another temptation, as we used to have sandwiches for lunch, but for eat days, I’ll have to look at something else.

    I’m planning food for Christmas lunch today and am soooo pleased it falls on a Wednesday!

    Wow Nat, you are doing well!
    Like you, my eyes are often bigger than my tummy and leftovers are common now ๐Ÿ™‚
    It’s amazing how filling salads are.

    Good luck with the heat; I’d hate it that hot!
    We have humidity in Qld, but that can get at you too!

    Hi, I’m loving this fasting diet.

    I’m a woman in my mid-50s and BMI has hovered around 25-26 since I was in my early 40s, ie. just at the top of normal or occasionally tipping over into overweight. I haven’t bothered much with dieting (didn’t even own scales until two weeks ago), I eat very healthily (largely the Mediterranean diet) and have usually tried to increase exercise to lower my weight from time to time.

    But typically for someone in later middle-age, some of my indicators were not great (occasional raised cholesterol and slightly raised bp) and I decided that I didn’t want to go on any medication and didn’t want to become a cliche (overwieght middle-aged woman) or a statistic.

    I started the diet in mid-November – I think this is my fifth week. I started to lose weight quickly immediately. I lost 4.5kg in the first three weeks. Nothing the fourth week (exactly the same). Then 0.8kg this week. My clothes are falling off me – and the ones that were too tight to wear (that I bought 10+ years ago) now fit nicely.

    On my non-fast days I eat whatever I like, but doing the fasts does influence my self-awareness so I don’t over-eat as often as I was previously.

    On fast days, I keep to a food routine, just because I find it easier (plus I work fulltime and have teenage kids and dogs so life is hectic).

    For breakfast at 8am I have either one scrambled egg or some porridge (with half teaspoon of brown sugar – it has to be edible!) or half a mango with low-fat yoghurt. I then eat nothing all day – I drink herbal teas, roasted dandelion, lots of water. At about 3pm I usually have a cup of tea with skim milk and half a teaspoon of sugar. For dinner at around 7.30pm, I have grilled fish and steamed vegetables. I have no time to think about recipes so my food preparation is very straightforward and so far no one else in my household has complained (they’re free to put butter on their veges!)

    I’ve been surprised and very pleased to lose weight so quickly as I haven’t increased my exercise levels at all, in fact some weeks I’ve been doing less than usual.

    I’ve found the fasting days quite easy to do but they would be much harder if I weren’t at work I think – I don’t know how it will go when I’m off work next week.

    My aim is to get to the middle of my healthy weight range, which is about 7kg less than I am now (my BMI has gone down to 24 now).

    Hi, Nanajovik here also from Perth (Atwell) Been on 5:2 since February but have only lost around 3kg, mainly maintaining which is fine. Would like to lose another 5kg but not in any rush. Great forum, look forward to reading all your posts, it really helps on fast days.

    I agree with Martin from Perth, when he said that the fast diet appeals to most of us because we only have to endure minor deprivation on 2 days of the week, whereas continuous low-calorie dieting becomes impossible to sustain long-term. However, I still find that, at my age, I have to reduce my food intake considerably and keep moving on the other 5 days as well. That’s okay, as it has become a way of life for me now. I still somehow managed to gain 0.1kg at my Tuesday weigh-in this week (must have been the quiche and lasagna last week!). I’ll try weighing myself again tomorrow to see if today’s fast has made any difference.

    Fast day 2 almost done & dusted & no headaches!! YAY!!!! Have been drinking lots as its been very HOT here today – 43, haven’t felt like eating and lasted all day. Almost 24 hrs between meals & I feel great!
    But looking forward to normal eating again tomorrow.:)

    Thanks Aussienow, for the menu planning & portion size tips. I hope your Christmas lunch planning went well yesterday.

    I agree with Martin also Gomarg. My last diet was the Cohens diet which was very strict (and very expensive) and although I reached my goal weight quickly (13kg in 12 weeks)sadly I couldn’t sustain it forever and within 21/2 years I was back to my old weight again. Hopefully I can make this new WOE a lifestyle. I also like calling it a WOE rather than a diet.

    Hi Nanajovik: I’m encouraged to hear you have sustained this WOE for quite a while, well done! I hope you succeed in losing another 5kg. Have you noticed any other health benefits apart from weight loss/maintenance?

    Anyway, just finishing my nighttime treat of a cup of tea & a taste of dark chocolate, all within my fast count.
    Sleep well everyone & happy fasting!! ๐Ÿ™‚

    Hi rmg: Thanks for your reply. Yes I have been on this WOE for 9 months now, but
    I didn’t have a lot to lose, I am 173 cms and currently weigh 69.7, so only just
    into the 60’s. I started my weight loss journey 3 years ago or so, at 82 kgs and lost 12 by going to Countours and generally watching calories. However, as always happens, I slowly gained around 3 kgs which I have managed to take off with the 5:2 regime and have gone between 70.5 and 69.5 for the past 9 months. Ideally I would like to be around 65 kgs which for me is perfect as I have a large frame and wouldn’t want to go below that really. I am happy at the moment tho and all my clothes fit perfectly so that is the biggest bonus. Healthwise I feel great, I’m not on any medications and go walking 2 or 3 times
    a week for exercise. I fast usually Mondays and Thursdays and then I eat more or less what I fancy which is why I am only maintaining and not losing. Maybe after Xmas and New Year I will seriously try to lose the other 5 or so kgs. I love this WOE tho and can see myself doing it for the rest of my life, as I find it pretty easy and don’t feel like I am on a diet. I have been on so many diets in my lifetime it’s not funny, but this is the best by far. Where about do you live in Oz? Hope you enjoyed your cup of tea and dark chocolate before bed last night. Don’t eat too much after your successful fast day tho!!

    After consulting the scales again this morning, I’m pleased to report that I have lost 1.2 kg this week (after a gain of 0.1 kg on Tuesday), which is a total loss of 5.3 kg in 6 weeks. Friday will be my weekly weigh-in day from now on – except for next week, with Christmas and Boxing Day in between! Friday will have to be the second fast day next week, instead of Thursday. I have a friend, like nanajovik, who has been on the 5:2 regimen for 6 months and has lost 6 kg so far. She is happy with that, because she only has a total of 10 kg to lose, so “slow and steady” is her motto. She enjoys being able to eat whatever she likes on non-fast days, knowing that her goal is not far away. I, on the other hand, have 30+ kg to lose, and am more impatient to see good results, with my goal still so far away. In past weight-loss efforts, I have always become complacent when I’ve reached the mid-70 kg mark, because I knew I looked better by then and other people noticed the weight loss as well. Bad eating (and drinking) habits usually started to creep back in and I would start gaining again. Hopefully, I will be able to stay motivated this time, because the 5:2 regimen has become a complete and relatively easy lifestyle change. I hope we can all enjoy a little bit of Christmas indulgence next week, without being too excessive, and not worry too much about the scales until New Year.

    Gomarg I know what you mean about feeling better about how you are looking & loosing the commitment.
    I have promised myself that this time I will make it into my healthy weight zone.
    Coming to the end of another fast day. It’s been a tough one today, probably because I didn’t sleep that well last night, but I think that I stayed within my 500 calories. Hoping for a good weigh in tomorrow.
    Bacon egg & sausage for brekkie tomorrow. ๐Ÿ™‚

    Hi everyone again (from a cold and very wet Hobart)

    Just want to say I ALMOST made my goal of 70kg by Christmas! Not quite, but have now lost the magical 20.1kg (3 stone 2 lbs) since 22/1/13 (exactly 11 months). Now 70.7kg from 90.8 in January!!!!!!!!!
    Had blood tests last week and
    Cholesterol from 7.2 (January), 5.9 (April), 5.4 (last week)
    Tryglicerides from 3.2 (January), 0.8 (April), 0.6 (last week)
    BMI from 34.8 to 30.1 to 26.61 today.

    I feel great and will fast forever, and I am determined not to put on ANY weight over Christmas – last week bought a 16C, unbelievable feeling! Onward to 66kg. My husband said tonight “you can’t go to the gym Christmas Eve AND Boxing Day! But I will.

    Merry Christmas everyone in Australia (and especially Hobart)

    Vicki, that’s really impressive – and that’s what I like about this diet, that the emphasis isn’t so much on the weight loss as on the underlying physical health. My cholesterol was also 7.2 in the past but some weight loss brought it down, I’m assuming my current fasting weight loss has done the same.
    You’re an inspiration! Congratulations, you will make it. Enjoy the new clothing.

    Hello everyone, and greetings from Las Vegas!!! Yes, today is my big 50.
    Tried desperately, but have not been able to manage a fast. Luckily there aren’t any scales in this fabulous hotel! Still, having a great time, and a very special holiday. Off to the grand canyon tomorrow and then New York for xmas – feeling very lucky & happy. This forum has grown so much I can’t respond to everyone, but a collective well done, a wonderful Xmas & I’ll need you all in the new year to help me shift the 5kgs I just know I will have gained!
    Love & cheers!,
    Ali x

    Happy Birthday, Alimax! Thank you for starting the Southern Hemispherites’ thread. It’s very inspirational and motivational to hear the stories of so many other Aussies and Kiwis, who are practising the intermittent fasting lifestyle. I find that contributing posts is like writing a diary, only with feedback.

    Same sentiments as Gomarg to you Alimax!
    Enjoy your special trip!

    It’s certainly been a great help to me and I very much appreciate all the input, from others too.
    I am having a couple of days off this week ๐Ÿ™‚ but will be back on track next Monday.

    Happy Christfast everyone!

    Hey all! Can another Aussie join the ranks here? I have just registered on this site. I am 68, female, sedentary, lifetime yo yo dieter, looking to succeed on this new way of eating. I have borrowed the book from my library and have been voraciously reading the thousands of posts/links/information/data on this and other IF websites. I started working with this at the end of November losing 2kg in the weeks since…slow, but that’s OK. What I like is that I am not constantly thinking about food every single day as I was with all other plans I have tried (which work whilst I am doing them but then I lose motivation and of course the weight finds me again:() Hoping for lifelong success with this one. I had too good a Christmas Eve and Day and now I am back to a Fast day today. I feel good that I am in control again.

    Merry Xmas everyone. I certainly indulged on Xmas day (without guilt) and no doubt will do the same today, but the plan is to fast on Friday, so hopefully I can stick to that. If not, I will be like Aussienow and get back on track on Monday. Enjoy the Festivities everyone.

    I have had a quick scan through the posts in this thread…is there anyone else in their sixties? I have seen a few 50’s and 40’s. I have almost 20kgs of weight to lose to get to where I think I will be happy…I probably have no hope of getting to what they say I should be…(add another 10kg to that 20!!!) What would I do with all that loose skin then??? I am only 155cm tall and shrinking. I DID lose those 20kgs a while back but they found me again over the past four years:(
    I am finding it better to not eat anything until dinner time on a fast day (except for the calories contained within the little bit of skim milk I have in my morning and midday coffee) so my reduced calorie fast lasts from after dinner on Sunday nights until breakfast on Tuesdays (and sometimes I haven’t wanted that breakfast). Same on the next fast day. What is everyone else doing?

    Hi all Fasters. I unfortunately had to suspend my fasting from Tuesday last week due to an attack of severe acid stomach symptoms. Had to eat something, mainly just dry crackers, every couple of hours. Definitely not compatible with the fasting concept. Thought it wise to get that under control, which it now is, so I am starting again next Monday. Lost 2kg in the 5 fast days I completed before the suspension. Think pre and post Chrissie Day has put paid to that early loss! In response to Jaybee68, I am 73 and 173cm and want to lose just 5-7kg. At my age, loose skin is sadly a fact of life. Hope all Fasters had a fab Chrissie Day with family and friends .. now noses back to the grindstone and a slim and healthy 2014!

    @ nanjovik, I did enjoy my guilt free week, and today, which would normally have been my fast day, I’ve been aware of what I’m eating.
    Besides it’s too hot and sticky for food and water is plentiful.

    @ Jaybee and Shoshanna… loose skin/wrinkles come with the bundle!
    I’m 71 and am resigned to them now, but oddly no-one has said “gee, look at your wrinkles” they say “my, you are looking so good now!”

    I’ll just wear longer sleeves and pants when I go out..lol!
    Roll on Monday fast, I’m really looking forward to it.

    Shoshanna, I hope you are feeling better now ๐Ÿ™‚

    Aussienow, a few years ago, one of my gorgeous grandchildren asked me why I had stripes in my face and another one wanted to know why he had only ONE chin!! Arent they precious???

    I had thought I might make today a fast day, changed my mind or had it changed for me with an invite to dinner. I will do one tomorrow and another on Sunday and Tuesday in preparation for a big New Years Day.

    Cheers to all the mature ladies! You all sound young and hip to me. I thought I was one of the older ones in this forum (59 in February). I decided to do my usual Thursday fast today, despite all the tempting left-overs in the fridge and in bench-top containers. I’ll get back to them tomorrow. Might leave the weekly weigh-in until Saturday. Too hot to even go for a walk today, and no energy left after yesterday’s festivities.

    Jaybee68 – there are quite a few of us 60+ folks on here…..and Gomarg – you are but a spring chicken at 58 ๐Ÿ˜€

    I’m a Northern Hemispherite but I did spend over a year way back in the early 70s working my way from Tasmania up to Queensland and back.(Does that help me qualify for this thread?) It was so much easier to do that then – most of the pubs and bars were happy to give a week or so of work to let me earn enough to move on.

    I don’t think anyone is ever too old to change and changing to 5:2 was the best thing I ever did.

    I’m giving myself a rest today and liquid fasting until evening when we have family coming for dinner. Yesterday was a day of ‘pigging out’ but it wasn’t a good idea as my system is just not used to that much food and I feel a bit queasy today. I will be so glad to get back to what passes for normal.

    Wow Vicki, love that you almost made your target weight! Great work!

    I’m new to this but have gone down by two notches on my belt after my first four weeks (followed by a major blip over Christmas). For those that have been doing this for a while, are there any tips/ tricks on how to stay focused around NYE? I’m determined not to let myself slide any further…

    Good morning all, I hope you all survived the Christmas/Boxing Day festivities. I survived but feel very uncomfortable today after two days of silly eating which resulted in a lack of sleep last night as my body tried to digest all the bad (but delicious) things I put into it the past few days. Fasting today and looking forward to feeling better. It is weigh in day today, I bet the scales do not like me today. Nice to see that I am not out of my age bracket here:)

    Hi Jaybee, I’m 63 and I by no means the oldest.
    This works for everyone I think, a bit slower as we get a bit older but the weight still comes off.
    Just back from the gym – NO gain over Christmas, and I did eat and enjoy myself!.
    Your 2kg loss since late November is great, if you maintain that the 20kg will be gone by the end of September, and losing at that rate probably means it will stay off as your body and appetite adjust. (It took me exactly 11 months to lose the 20kg, and I hope/plan to get rid of the final 5kg by April, it does get harder as you get smaller)

    Whiterabbit, 2 belt notches sounds pretty good. Enjoy NY, but maybe stay away from the nibbles, they are the killers more than “normal” food, I think. Try to keep your fast days, juggle them about if you need to but don’t give up, even if you do have a bit of a binge. Just fast the next day!
    Good luck

    Hi Vicki, thanks for the support. You did so well to have no gain over Christmas..I overindulged way too much and I am also a reluctant exerciser, (supportive though it is, this forum could be a tad counter productive for me unless one can count finger exercises :D). I will muddle along though ๐Ÿ™‚

    Do you have to check the “notify me of follow up replies via email” box every time you post in this thread? Or is just the once enough?

    As far as I know it only needs to be checked once per thread…..

    I hope we oldies are not scaring away the younger people on this forum, although I think that intermittent fasting is ideal for older people, as we’re supposed to be reaping the health benefits of fasting by suppressing the IGF-1 hormone. Anyway, Michael Mosley himself – our guru – is about 56 now.

    At this morning’s weigh-in, I was surprised to find I have lost weight this week – 0.6 kg. That’s a total of 5.9 kg after 7 weeks on the 5:2 fasting lifestyle. It will probably catch up with me next week, after our 35th wedding anniversary and New Year, but the fasting days will hopefully keep things on track for future weight loss.

    I’m back in Hobart after a few days jolly family holiday time up on the sunny North West Coast of Tasmania. Hi to Sylvestra who is just visiting the southern hemisphere thread (I had a visit to your Scottish thread so fair do’s)and to GoMarg who is inspiring me, JayBee who is so enthusiastic, Vicki whose situation seems so much like mine, and all you others. I’m typing this with one eye cast down the Derwent estuary waiting for Brindabella to appear in the distance. My niece’s partner is crew aboard so it gives me a personal interest in this year’s Sydney to Hobart Yachting Classic. What I am trying to avoid thinking about is the Taste Of Tasmania food festival. It is such great fun but this year, for the first time in maybe ten years, I don’t think I need to be there.

    Hello All,
    My wife “made me watch” Mosleys SBS program after recording it in early November….suffice to say we have just completed week 4 having started the WOL on Dec 1st.
    I am 67 and was 101kg and like another blog lady have lost 4kg and this week plateau’d. My wife is 3kg lighter and only wishes to lose 5-6 kg and will level off at 55kg. I do not have a figure in mind but will see where the diet/woe takes me….maybe 85-90kg ?
    We loaded the “Myfitnesspal ” App into our apple gadgets and find the assistance and discipline of entering daily activity and what goes in your mouth is using this wonderful technology to great advantage.
    I have had great enjoyment reading the mixed comments and will continue to do so,
    Peter and Helen,
    Sydney, AU.

    Oh dear, yesterday the choc coated peanuts undid me!!!! On a fast day too!! I am so ashamed and am suffering nasty indigestion….serves me right!! I KNOW they affect me that way yet I still cannot leave them alone. Oh well, they are all gone now and I am trying doing a fast day today. Wish me luck at getting back on track.

    So hot here yesterday, 40 degrees…I do not do heat well!! It was hubby’s birthday so we had people coming and going all day, I was exhausted at the end of it from heat and serving food! I think it is supposed to be a little cooler today….longing for 3 days of rain in a row!

    Hi prc46, are you new to this forum too? I’ve only landed here recently (but plan to stick around and soak up the support:D)

    Hi to all other downunders, hope your day is a good one.

    Peter, I’ve chosen my goal weight as my mid-BMI figure – my normal BMI range is 54-72kg so goal weight is 63kg (I’m at 70kg now).
    Good luck, sounds like you’re doing all the right things.

    Welcome to the newbies!
    You are all so motivated and that keeps the rest of us going!
    @ Gomarg– well done!

    I’ve had a week off and am so glad to be fasting today.
    I cannot believe how food orientated I/we have become and how friends (family knew not to) give food/sweets/chocolate/cake as ‘gifts’
    Mind you, I have had cake, but in very small portions and find it’s all a bit too rich and sickly for me.

    It’s been very hot in Brissie and we have either had salads and seafood/ham or nothing the past few days.
    It’s cooler today, so the trend will probably stick!

    Have a happy fast day if you are a Monday-ite!

    Thank you Peggy and yes, only came across this blog yesterday. I have sacked Facebook and don’t Twitter so this like the Diet blog will be my only indulgenceโ€ฆ.although retired but very busy playing with my big toysโ€ฆI have not been below 100kg in 20 or so years !!
    We fasted for blood tests we had this morning so will be very interested how the results compare with last years. I get them done annually for my Pilots Medicalโ€ฆmy Doctor will be surprised when I see him in early Feb for my Aviation Medical and hope to be at least 8kg’s lighterโ€ฆand with the other benefits of this WOE/WOL will set a benchmark for the future !!

    Hello Monday Fasters! I slept in this morning and had breakfast at 8.15, so no eating today until dinner at 8.15 p.m. Like Aussienow, I am near Brisbane (in Logan) and the temperature reached 38 degrees yesterday. It is cooler today but still very humid when I went for my walk this morning. I’d be interested to know what other people are doing for exercise. I don’t think I could lose weight without walking for 40 minutes five times a week, even with intermittent fasting. I follow the Fast Diet page on Facebook and they recently announced the release of Michael Mosley’s latest book, “Fast Exercise”. It’s probably only out in the UK at the moment, so I’ll try to buy it on eBay, where I bought the other two books.

    Hello everyone. I hail from Adelaide. I am gearing up to do the 5:2 eating plan, after being bitterly disappointed after 12 weeks of faithfully following the ‘Body for Life’ exercise and eating plan and losing…nothing!! I have struggled with my weight all my life, and though I am a ‘curvy’ 69kgs on a 5’3″ frame, I have not been able to get to my desired weight of 58kgs…ever. I hope that my partner will do it with me, but regardless, I have bought both the ‘fast diet’ and ‘fast exercise’ books and will be starting after the new year. I hope to provide starting and progress posts..I’m feeling somewhat discouraged after so long, but I hope that this will be the thing that will finally work for me. Wish me luck, and Happy New Year!

    I haven’t done any extra exercise which is why I was surprised and delighted to lose weight easily on 5:2. I ride a bike to and from work but it’s not a long way and not strenuous and in the past when I’ve increased my cycling it’s not had much of an impact in my weight.
    However, I have been on my feet a lot more recently having a puppy who I take to the park 3 times a day, not actually walking much with her, just standing around. I’ve also been doing lots of home chores – I find that losing the weight makes me feel more energetic and I do less sitting around. But as I said, exercise doesn’t seem to be a factor in my weight loss, which goes against what I’ve always believed.

    Hi all, I’ve been away from WiFi so unable to post. Spent a delightful Christmas with family in gorgeous Yackandandah.
    Used our travelling days as fast days which worked well. Am now in week 3 of this WOL and still going strong. Have travelled to Adelaide today to spend New Year with our son & his family and have a holiday break. Fast day again today.
    I think I’ve lost just over 1kg to date and my BMI has dropped so I’m happy with that. Hubby is doing better but he exercises regularly whereas I’m more sedentary.
    Great to see so many newbies on the forum. All the best to you all. I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and are looking forward, like me, to a healthier New Year.
    Thank you all for your encouraging posts, I really find them helpful and inspiring.

    Hi poppyIocks, I hope you stick to your resolve to start this program. I’m sure you will reach your desired weight if you can make it a lifestyle change. I too have struggled with my weight all my life and I’m excited about this new WOE and have only heard good results from everyone I know who is following it. So all the best to you and keep us posted ๐Ÿ™‚

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