Hello Southern Hemispherites!!

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  • happy friday fasters!

    weigh day for me, and wasn’t expecting a lot of change as I really couldn’t see any difference. But I still managed .6 kg so am now happily down to 57.6 (yay!). its only 1 week until we go away and 2 1/2 weeks to the big birthday in Vegas and I’m finally feeling pretty good about it:) – maybe i can be a sexy ol’ mama after all!

    hang in there all of you who are struggling a bit – it will happen and sometimes falls off you when you least expect.

    I hope you all have lovely weekends filled with pre-xmas cheer. Ali x

    Hi Everybody!

    Survived yesterday’s fast, although it was funny how many times I had to stop myself from eating, and there seemed to be food all around me during the day. However, I survived and managed to stay in control. Then hubby rang to say he was getting home late and that I should eat if I wanted to and not wait for him. It was really sweet of him to ring and say that, especially as we are alternating our fast days at the moment and he remembered that I was on a fast day. I found that waiting the extra two hours until he got home wasn’t that unbearable.

    I normally take my weight on a saturday morning as my recorded weight for the week but can’t do that this week as will be in Sydney tomorrow morning. I never trust the weight the morning after a fast day to be a true weight, but the scales showed that I was down by 1.4 kilos this week – so even though I expect to regain some weight today, if I was able to weigh tomorrow it should be a good reading of at least a half kilo drop. Hubby’s weight this morning was probably a fairly true reading as it is the second day since his last fast and he has averaged a kilo a week so is quite pleased with himself (and I’m pleased with his progress too). He complains that not eating during the day is hard, but I think he is making mountains out of molehills – although I wont say that to him.

    Jools, I don’t think that we need to be too hard on ourselves when we indulge a little bit on our eating days. I had two very bad eating days and still managed to lose weight this week. So enjoy the work function and don’t be too hard on yourself.

    Alimax, it must be exciting getting so close to your holiday and the big 0 birthday. You make sure you kick up your heels and let your hair down, fasting can happily wait upon your return.

    Hi There Everyone. I am from Tasmania and am nearly at the end of my second week of fasting.

    At just 5’1″ (another Aussie hobbit) every kilo counts and shows! Admittedly the main reason I started this diet was to lose the 20kg or so that I need to get to a more comfortable weight. I just turned 30 recently and (prior to hearing about the fast diet) had a full range of blood tests to make sure everything was all still in order. I passed everything with flying colours except I am low in Vitamin D – easily fixed and pretty common for someone in Tasmania at the end of winter due to our shorter days and lack of sunlight.

    However, I have a family history of heart disease, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, bowel cancer and type 2 diabetes so I knew that it was only a matter of time before the excess weight I am carrying caught up with me in one way or another. After seeing Michael’s documentary, I realised that this way of eating might just be able to kill 2 birds with one stone – get the weight off and prevent any nasty diseases.

    Just prior to turning 30 I made a conscious effort to try and lose weight by heavy exercise and calorie counting. In 10 weeks I only managed to lose 2 kilos and I was seriously thinking that there must be something wrong with me. Well turns out there isn’t – I just had the wrong strategy. My weight loss on the fast diet for week 1 was 1.2kg and it looks like week 2 should be another 0.5kg. I am ecstatic! Half a kilo is all I need a week and it looks like this program should get me that, if not more.

    I have also discovered 2 bonus side effects of this diet. 1 – no more headaches. It wasn’t uncommon before for me to down painkillers every other day because of headaches. I haven’t taken a single painkiller since starting. 2 – my skin is so much clearer. My complexion seems cleaner and no random pimples. I love it.

    Look out skinny jeans – here I come!

    Well done, what a great start to a new way of life!
    All the best and keep us updated.
    ( what is with all the shorties!? You might want to drink filtered water…lol!)

    Good luck with the weight loss for this week.

    Hi Wanderer23, welcome to the forum and a belated happy birthday!

    Congrats to your weight loss and on the other benefits you are seeing already. Great news that the headaches are gone. I used to have regularly migraines when I was a teenager and I know how horrible they can be!

    If you keep up the good efforts I am sure you will see more benefits.

    All the best

    Hi from Adelaide. New to this new way of eating. Only one week, fast days Monday and Thursday last week. Weighed thjs morning, no change in weight, but nil desperandum! Found last week hard surprisingly, as I am not a big eater .. my fast day meals would be about normal eating for me (although I did miss not having bread, (tho I usually only have one slice of homemade sourdough each day). My problem is my sweet tooth, altho I did strictly refrain on my fast days and kept well within the healthy 500g, and I tend to be a bit of a grazer. On feast days I tended to have a little bit of chocolate (did feel guilty), and a bit of this and that. I would like to lose about 5-6kg. I am unsure whether it is better to split the 500g between 2 meals or to have something at lunchtime (still keeping to the daily calorie limit).

    What do other people do and would it make a difference to weight loss .. 2 or 3 small meals? Would appreciate some help. I am determined to stick with this way of eating long term and never have to watch my weight again! Onward and upward!

    Hi shoshanna, welcome to the forum and this Way of Eating/ Life (WOE / L) 🙂

    Don’t worry about no weight loss initially – some people take weeks before loss shows. Give this WOE at least 6 weeks. Do take other body measurements as well, and keep trying on those tight jeans – different people lose fat in different ways!

    If you have a look thru the forum, you will find many topics that have covered the issue of how to organise the fast days. Needless to say there are a number of options and you have to find the one that works best for you – there is no one size fits all!!

    – I think the most common option is to wait as long as possible before your first meal for the day (drinking lots of herbal teas etc to help up til then) and then either having lunch and dinner, or just dinner if you can wait that long.
    – Some people do not eat at all on the fast day (not common).
    – Some like to have breakfast and dinner (Michael Mosley does this) – less common too.
    – Most try to avoid white carbs on the fast day – just have protein and lots of veggies.
    – Miso soup is a popular low cal lunch that can help keep you going til dinner time for a proper meal.
    Hope that helps.

    DO NOT feel guilty about having chocolate – enjoy it! 🙂 There is evidence that people who enjoy the ‘treats’ are more likely to stick with healthy eating in general than those who feel guilty about having the less healthy foods! 😀 But do try to limit the grazing if you can – these calories can really add up! If you do graze, have healthy snacks such as raw carrot and celery, or small amounts of dried fruit and nuts.

    One of the premises of 5:2 is that you can eat what you like on non-fast days, providing you do not exceed the number of calories that you need to maintain your current weight (the TDEE). One of the reasons 5:2 is successful is that you do not need to feel deprived of your favourite foods on non-fast days. (Try not to think of them as feast days, but as days when you eat normally. )

    Very best wishes as you go on this journey 🙂

    Hi everyone else – have been v busy and haven’t had time to catch up with all recent posts on this forum – just thought I would post a reply to shoshanna. Will get back to you all once I return to Melbourne.

    Cheers 🙂

    Hi Sassy and thanks for the encouragement. Fast day tomorrow. Have just discovered carton egg whites in my supermarket yesterday and am thinking of an eggwhite omelette with tomatoes and mushrooms for a late brunch. Will try it and see if it lasts me to dinner, which will be steamed chicken breast (100g) with plenty of steamed spinach, pumpkin and broccoli. That will be it for the day! Probably less than 500 cals. Been cooking appallingly calorific things today (caramel cheesecake slice) for a function on Tuesday. Didn’t think I should attempt this tomorrow! Will wait till after my second fast day this coming week before I weigh again. Fingers crossed.

    Official weekly weigh in this morning shows I have lost 800gm for the week, taking total weight loss to 2kgs in 2 weeks!

    I did sneak in a 3rd fast day for the week yesterday as I just wasn’t feeling the weight loss like I did in the first week. Fully expecting to weigh in at a bit higher weight tomorrow but will try and restrict myself to only 2 fast days this week. I want to hold off on doing 3 fast days a week until I hit a bit of a plateau.

    I am finding this program strangely addictive. Its like a little challenge you get twice a week to restrict your calories for 24 hours but your reward at the end is being able to go back to normal eating.

    Good Morning Everyone!

    Dumpling hope you are enjoying Paris. 🙂

    And all the short hobits need to have some Entwater.

    Shoshanna – don’t be overly strict with yourself on non fast days. I’ve had a couple of non fast days where I packet chips and still lost weight (enjoyed the chips as well).

    Having said that however this last weekend was absolutely FANTASTIC socially and DISASTEROUS weight wise.

    Went to Sydney for a family wedding and ate and drank and kicked up my heels had a fantastic time and came home 2 kilos heavier. The wedding cake rocked – it was – wait for it – not a fruit cake – not a chocolate cake – not a sponge cake – it was cheese. Literally cheese. Blue cheese, camembert, I think a gouda(?) all stacked on top of themselves and decorated with flowers. The bridal couple started married life by cutting the cheese together. (hee hee).

    Hotel breakfast was too lovely to not indulge in either. Ah well – it wasn’t normal everyday living and hopefully those 2 kilos should come off as quickly as they went on.

    Fast day for hubby today, and fast day for me tomorrow (I’ve got a christmas function tonight so will be a late start on fasting for me). But this WOE does not rule my life, but is designed to work hand in hand with it.

    Wanderer23 said—
    I am finding this program strangely addictive. Its like a little challenge you get twice a week to restrict your calories for 24 hours but your reward at the end is being able to go back to normal eating.

    I totally agree,however my scales showed I had lost nothing for the week, which was a bit of a blow.
    Perhaps I need to look at my normal days more closely, but I really don’t want to be calorie counting those as well.

    Or, maybe I’ve hit a hump?
    Sassy, Dumpling, what say you?

    I’m on track for today though, baking for a group breakup lunch tomorrow and keeping busy with housework 🙂

    Happy fast day, Monday-ites!

    Hi, just having a quick look at forum while at airport waiting for my flight…

    Aussienow, will give you thoughts on your query after my weigh-in tomorrow…ie what the scales say will probably influence what I have to say!!! Having been away all week, I have eaten out quite a bit, and had a few Christmas goodies at mum’s, tho have also tried to be mindful of roughly how much I am consuming. I had one fast day, but fasted the day before I left Melbourne and am fasting today. I had been doing 16:8, but decided I was sick of feeling hungry all morning, so had good quality plain full fat (the only type my mother will have) yoghurt and fresh berries for breakfast and that helped enormously in getting thru to lunchtime and not feeling too hungry. Also helped with my concern that I have not been getting enough calcium now I don’t have cereal for brekkie, and also helped reduce just a little bit the amount of nagging my mother has been doing about not losing too much weight cos I will get really scrawny and have a “pin head” (she already thinks my arms are scrawny – she is used to them being plump – and she disagrees with fasting as well).

    Hmm, that was all about me wasn’t it…!!! Will get back to you Aussienow. Perhaps remind me of how much you have lost on 5:2 in how much time, and how much more you want to lose. 🙂 And what BMI you are aiming for.

    As promised, will post other comments once I am home and have time to properly read all the posts 🙂
    Sassy 😀

    Oh, happy day!
    I now weigh 73.7, after 8 weeks.

    I suspect I am considerably older than most of you, so maybe I have different issues to deal with.
    I’m 162cm tall, weighed in at 80kgs and do no exercise other than walking.

    I planned to start on Oct 10th, needing to lose 10kg, but suffered a bout of tummy bug, where I lost 2kgs in 2 days!
    Since then, I’ve been consistent in my losses on 5:2 and really enjoying the experience.

    It’s so much easier than WW, which I tackled in my 30’s and lost 18kgs in 10 months, but really struggled.
    Mind you, times were different then!
    In 1984 I gave up smoking and put on 19kgs in 3 months and never really lost it again.

    I stick to the usual food we eat,having smaller portions of meat with plenty of fresh vegs, but I am trying to cut back on the carbs (bread, I love)and fruit, which is especially hard now that the sugary stone fruit, grapes and mangoes are in season!

    My problem is not a dress to fit into, nor the trousers, but where to put all the loose skin *sigh*

    You have all been so inspirational with your posts and I’m sure between us, we can lose tonnes!
    Thanks for listening 🙂

    Wanderer23 – I too know what you mean about it being addictive. Hubby and I have now been on this WOL for 4 weeks now and we happily and eagerly make sure we allocate our fast days in each week. Hubby works away a lot so we fast on whatever days suit us those weeks and when he is home we work out our plan of attack each Sunday for the following week. So far so good!

    My last weigh in showed a loss of 600g for the week which I was stoked with! I did have 3 fast days however that week and I don’t really have that much to lose. But what a sense of achievement, knowing that I am making good decisions for my mind and body – it is not just about losing weight for us. Hubby cholesterol was abit high so we are looking forward to his next round of bloods to see how this has changed those levels.

    Well fast day for me – couldn’t fast yesterday so will fast back to back today and tomorrow – as I have work xmas functions Thursday and Friday!

    HEADS HIGH EVERYONE! Happy fast days to those fasting and happy non fast day to those not fasting 🙂

    Hi i am introducing my self as edes.
    I am from NZ north of auckland.
    Ever since retiring 4 years ago the weight has been piling on.
    Need to do something about it.
    I have just received the book fast diet and still reading it.
    With christmas upon us it could be a good time to start.
    But will it i shall let you know.

    All the best for christmas.


    Hi all fasters
    Yay! Scales went slightly south this am (almost 1kg) after 3 fast days, 2 last week and 1 so far this week. Didn’t lose anything first week and was beginning to believe the posts on UK site re ‘women of a certain age’ having great difficulty losing weight. At 73 heading for 74, this post was rather depressing. I am 173cm tall and weight had gone up to 79kg .. used to be 60kg! Must get some digital scales so I can see exactly how much I am losing .. current scales + being tall + eyesight not as keen now = frustration! Found yesterday’s fast very difficult .. having to weigh things all day and NO sugar! Had small slice of homemade sourdough toast with margarine and grapefruit marmalade this am .. heaven! Have function tonite, but will try to limit damage. Currently fasting Mon and Thurs. Only want to lose perhaps another 5kg .. can’t have sunken cheeks and scrawny neck at my age. One thing extra weight does is to push out wrinkly skin!!

    Hello everyone. Day one for me today. Ground Zero! I am looking forward to it all. For me one the best lines in the book is where some bloke says that it’s ‘not a diet, it’s a strategy…’ I’m repeating that in my head today. Good luck to you all.
    Love Cherry

    Hello everyone 🙂 & welcome newbies. Best of luck with this new lifestyle and congrats for having the resolve to start this 2 weeks before xmas.

    We are leaving for our hols on friday morning, so I can just sneak in one more fast before we go. I think I need it after we had our family xmas on sunday. Yikes! yesterday I could have sworn I’d put back on the 6kgs I lost – & it was all around my stomach! not pretty. Avoided the scales like the plague. It is so much easier doing this at work; a bottle of water and an orange & I feel quite relaxed, but when I get home and see a fridge full of leftovers its all together another story!

    Perth has a heatwave forcast starting Friday – there are 5 days of 38/40. Hard to believe that this time next week we’ll be freezing our fannies in the states.
    Will try and post before we go, but if I don’t I want to wish one and all of you very happy, relaxed xmases and I look forward to chatting and continuing our fast journeys in 2014. Best wishes, Ali x

    Hi southerners
    I’m on my fourth week now and have converted my husband! I’ve reduced 5kg, only 20 to go! But on a more positive note, my daily migraines have reduced significantly & my neuro is impressed.
    I feel better than I have in years – and that’s great considering I’m only in my 30’s. I look forward to my fast days, hubbie calls the off days “slow” days lol.

    Thank you to all of you for posting your thoughts and stories, and suggestions. it helps get us all through. I’m sure there are many others like me reading but not posting.


    Hi everyone 🙂 I’m in Brisbane Australia, I’m 31 and I have two kids aged 4,9. I have been on an ongoing mission to get to my goal weight for a looooong time, I lost 7kg clean eating last year but for some reason the weight came back (maybe from getting older?!) so over the past 8 months I have tried a few things from points counting, calorie counting, vegetarian dieting, raw food dieting – nothing has really suited my lifestyle so here I am! Very excited to have started my first fast day today – I ate 500 calories and surprisingly havent been too hungry, just moody. My fast days are going to be tuesdaya and thursdays.. lookingn forward to getting to know some lovely people on here 🙂

    Hi Jules and everyone – my fast days are gping to be Tues and Thurs too, so I’ll be thinking of you. I feel so proud of myself (daggy…) b/c I was always fearful of hunger – but reading the book, I suddenly realised there was nothing to be scared of. It made yesterday (day 1) so much easier. I thought a lot about all the lovely people on this forum and it really helped. Continued success to all.

    Nice to meet you Cherry! I’m Kind of excited about my fast day tomorrow for some reason.. I guess im just looking forward to feeling better & good results. I’m going to try not to eat breakfast & try to save my cals for after lunch, will see how I go though as I’m working 12hr 7am-7pm tomorrow soooo may not last til lunch.. Will be thinking of other Thursday-fasters tomorrow ☺️

    Hi all from the Gold Coast. Hubs & I have been doing the 3/7 for 3 months now. Have been busy so haven’t had the energy to get more creative with recipes on the hungry days, in the heat, it’s mostly salads but I did do a tasty cold cucumber soup so will now experiment with souping capsicums & tomatoes.

    My challenges are the mid afternoon slump when I would otherwise tuck in to nuts & a square or 2 of dark chocolate.

    Hello folks! 35 year old residing in Melbourne here. This is my second week and it’s been… interesting.
    Some observances:
    – Fast days actually feel good. Not in a corny ‘high on life’ way; more like a ‘phew, thanks for not making me digest all that damn food’ way.
    – Hunger is like a bratty child which must be tamed. It will make your stomach growl very loudly on the bus. There may even be cramping and one’s bowels may be held to ransom (sorry about the terrible mental image). Like a toddler throwing a tantrum in a supermarket, it will not be pleasant. But like the screaming lungs and pounding fists of said toddler, the moment will pass. Distract it will a well-timed (umami-rich and calorie-accounted) cup of miso soup and eventually forgiveness reigns.
    – Did I mention bowels? Because if you have any food intolerances, even mild ones, your body will DEFINITELY let you know the day after a fast. Oh boy.
    Hey body, I knew you and gluten weren’t the best of pals, but there was no need to do THAT.
    – Water with lemon. Lots of water with lemon. Yes.
    – Probiotics also yes. Inner Health Plus all the way.
    – Friends and coworkers; I am not ‘out’ to all of them yet as a Fast Dieter. Especially being so close to Christmas, I’m sure everyone will have an opinion… which I’m not terribly interested in because those conversations reflect much more about their own psychologically fraught relationships to food/Christmas/body image/insert hangup here rather than actually being supportive to someone trying to make a healthy change.

    Well, it’s been pretty great so far. Just feeling better all around, my body feels a bit springier and less tired than usual.
    My goals are simple – don’t get diabetes (runs rife in the family) and maintain a sharp mind.
    My boyfriend and most of my peer group are nearly a decade younger and it’s my duty to keep terrorizing them right into old age; will need a well-working brain for that.

    Hi panda,

    Great pen-name. You are one very funny lady! Your hilarious letter has made me smile on a cold foggy day in London. Seriously, though, the very best of success with the Fast Diet. I’m sure if anyone starts making smart-arse comments about your choice to join the 5:2 brigade you will tell them exactly where to get off. Our goals are similar – avoiding diabetes and keeping the brain in gear, as well as losing a bit of weight. Good luck.
    PS I’ve just had to correct the last sentence. I typed “Food luck”. Freudian slip, or what!? It would seem the Fast Diet does nothing to improve one’s typing skills.

    Hi panda…you are so right in your summing up of those of the ‘OMG – your brain will liquify and pour out of your ears/ your bones will disintegrate yada yada’ brigade and your opinion is the same as mine…it’s their problem – not mine.

    There is also diabetes in my family and a year ago my glucose tolerance was very poor. I’m happy to report that 1 year on and 43lbs (so far) down my blood sugars are well within ‘safe’ levels.

    The sooner you start practising the terrorisation of the younger members in your circle the better you will get….trust me – I’m now an expert!!! 😀
    It’s worth the practise just for the pleasure you can get from being perverse and annoying!! (I wish there was an emoticon for tongue in cheek but I’ll make do with a grin) 😀

    Good luck with 5:2

    Hi .. I wonder if anyone could chime jn and help with a problem. I am on fast day 2 of week 2, and decided to have oats for brunch (noon). Looked at the calorie count in the book and decided on 40g of dry rolled oats. Fine so far, however I remembered that food should be measured after cooking(?), but that could not have been right as it was about 1T! As I don’t use milk or substitutes it was made with water only. I am despairing at all the calculations and mathematics in trying to correctly count calories and it is doing my head in! I would rather learn to speak fluent Russian than anything to do with math. Could someone help with this problem. I feel oats will be a good fast day staple for me, but not knowing how many calories I have consumed is a worry. Do I measure dry oats, given that water is then added? I know I’m becoming a bit obsessive about this, but if I am going to do it I want to do it right. All else seems to be OK (after I have measured and calculated that is!). Thanks for any assistance, and sorry to be such a dumb wuss!

    Hi, the recipe book has a spiced pear porridge recipe, which uses

    30gms jumbo porridge oats (UK kind, I guess)
    250ml skimmed milk
    1/2 pear
    1/2 tsp cinnamon
    grating of nutmeg
    Nuts and nectar ??

    Place all in a saucepan and simmer, stirring until the porridge is thickened to your liking.
    Calorie count is 221 (with nuts and nectar 299)

    If you aren’t using milk, why not double the oats?
    NB on the page says “Oats are slow-burning and space filling, healthy and antioxidant too”

    Just to confuse us even more..
    100gms oatmeal is 363 calories and ready-to-eat porridge is 100gms 95 cals!
    Don’t know where they get the 221 with milk and pear from!

    Sorry I can’t be more helpful, but someone else may be 🙂

    Hi Aussienow and thanks for the response. I honestly think I under-ate, but guess that has to be good eh! It’s a long time since we Aussies used calories .. but I still think they are easier to work with than kilojoules (and they look less on paper too!). That’s the problem with books that are geared for a different market, but we press on. Am feeling lousy today (diabolical hayfever with its attendant headache, so am more fragile today. Looking forward to a dinner of lightly dry fried lean pork schnitzel (no crumbs of course) with steamed spinach and salad. Hope I have calculated the numbers correctly, but prob have cals left over from brunch?

    Hi Shoshana there is a great app called calorie counter by Fat Secret which will do all the hard work for you. I highly recommend it to everyone as you can keep a daily track of food consumed and exercise plus it will tell you how many calories you’ve burned up. Input any amount of food and it will do the calculations.

    I’m now in my second fast week with 3 fast days down and 3cm lost from around my middle. I’m not sure about weight as I don’t own scales but the numbers are heading in the right direction.

    I’ve found the day after a fast day that I not only wake not hungry but with little appetite until about 9am and food consumption thereafter is decreased. It appears my body is self regulating the amount of food I really need and listening to it is what will break the over eating food cycle. Tomorrow I fast as I have a work Xmas dinner tonight.


    Hi Jools and thanks for the website, I will check it out. Today was not an easy fast day .. one of THOSE days when nothing goes right. But I have to say that the fasting bit is much easier today than last week. I unfortunately have a sweet tooth and find it hard to go without. But I will survive. Hopefully the website will make a difference and remove one of the niggles re the diet.

    I blew it today!

    First time, and hopefully the last.
    I just could not get my head round it and by 2pm, gave in and had 2 leftover boiled eggs and a light salad.

    It’s been raining off and on all day and humid with it, so no way to keep busy outside, which is my normal ploy 🙂

    Dinner was a lamb chop, with steamed vegs, so I really haven’t done too badly.
    I think I’ll leave my next day till Monday and make a fresh start!

    Jools, thanks for the app heads up, I need to be more diligent!

    Hi everyone. I am into the fourth month of my second round with the 5:2. First time I did about 2 months but just had viral illness after viral illness so stopped. The first round was easy to do however and “just felt right” for my body-so I gave it another go.

    I started the 5:2 mainly for the health benefits and my belief that as a society we just eat too much. I wasn’t looking for weight loss being 50 years old, with a daily vigorous yoga practice and a pretty healthy lifestyle overall. Still at 170cm and 65kg, I was feeling well I guess heavy in my body and I was resigning myself to an inexorable physical decline of aging.

    Anyway, I have lost 6kg, feel light and full of energy, healthy and happy. I am trying not to be too attached to any of this but I am very grateful that these feelings are here. My yoga practice is easier too. My husband is very impressed with the new version of me which has been good for our relationship

    Turns out there is a word limit to these posts

    Hi Aussienow, I reckon that all of us will have a day when we just blow it. I’ve come close to it already and I’m only just through four weeks. Doesn’t sound like you went off track by much, just two boiled eggs what’s that only about 120 odd calories. I hope when I get a blow out on a fast day I’m that restrained.

    I actually gained 500grams this week, but after last weekend when I gained 2 kilos in 2 days I’m still fairly happy with that. My grumble with myself at the moment is with my normal days. I’ve been starting to eat waaaay too much on my normal days of all the wrong type of things. I need to get a better plan in place for my normal days. Fasting days are fine, but my other eating is going to derail all the good those two days are doing. I keep on threatening myself with a 4:3 week but haven’t had the self discipline to do that as yet as it would mean that I have a fasting day on a weekend and I’m reluctant to do that (my standard fasting days are tuesday and thursday)

    Anyway, this week is a new week with new opportunities to succeed
    Hoping everyone’s week goes to plan.

    @ ghostgirl… well not so much blew it, rather could not see out the 24 hr fast.
    Normally I’m fine from dinner to dinner, but that day I just was not in the “zone” lol

    My other days have been a bit lackadaisical too and although I really do try to watch what I eat, I don’t want to calorie count 7 days a week.

    The scales are sort of needed, as when I return to my GP (whenever) I need to be able to tell him I’ve lost 10kgs!
    My clothes and wrinkles prove the loss, either fat, muscles, or water, or all three!

    I weigh on Saturdays and for the week, only showed 100gms gain, neither here nor there, but I NEED to lose this coming week.

    Another fast day is probably feasible for me, maybe Mon – Wed – Fri, but given I don’t have a lot to lose now, I don’t think I’d benefit much from it.
    I just have to be more aware of my intake on off days!

    Roll on Monday and another successful week to us all!

    Hi everyone,I started 6 weeks ago and have lost about 5 kg.People are noticing now and that is gratifying.Yesterday I had a huge blowout,cake etc.Today is a normal day but I will try to eat healthy and tomorrow is a fast day.I am very busy tomorrow which helps.
    I tried an asian soup from the recipe book last week and found it very filling,the oyster mushrooms had thew same texture as chicken!
    i am now hovering around 70 kg and am 166cm.I aim to be under 65kg.
    Its so nice to wear more fashionable clothes.
    I do my fast days on Monday and Wednesdays,but next week close to xmas I may need to do Sunday,Monday.
    Best wishes all

    Hey Aussienow I agree you don’t want to be counting calories all week.
    A 100 gram gain is nothing – a trip to the logo would set it right. 🙂
    Wishing you a loss this week – just to help give you a number go back up the loose clothes & wrinkles.
    Was thinking I wouldn’t eat until dinner but the stomach is already rumbling.

    Reading through the posts I notice someone mentioned that the bowels are very active the day after the fast,I’ve noticed this too.I think it could be sign of the body cleansing itself?I too have suffered with IBS all my life ,so maybe this is the answer.

    I am contemplating doing 4:3 this week,Mon.,Wed.Thurs..to prepare for next week,any thoughts?

    Hi everyone, it is my first actual week on this 5:2 regime, after a trial fast day a couple of weeks ago- the week the Michael Mosely doco aired on TV.
    I am pretty over-weight- my husb isn’t,he is just getting a bit of a tummy now at 53, and I’m turning 50 in 5 months… pretty good incentive to get lean and mean I reckon, for both of us.
    My doctor has enthusiastically recommended this, having lost 10 kilos herself, and she looks great.
    I know I can have things like vegetable soup and miso, am a keen eater of eggs, as they keep my dodgy tummy happy, and am interested in how people have managed and what do they eat? How do they convert British recipes, and do they bother to?

    Hello all, well we’ve arrived in the states, and it Is the home of big eating! 2 days in, and I’m desperate for a fast – not sure how I’m going to manage that with OH & kids in tow. Today I ordered roasted veg for lunch & had to pick it out of the oil!
    Will try to fast Monday but not that hopeful it will succeed.
    Wow, 40 degrees by 11am in Pertth! We’ve bought thermals & coats. We’re still cold and San Francisco is warm compared to NY. Bit nervous about thatt!
    Good luck for Monday everyone, Ali x

    Hi Alimax have a great holiday in the states. Not sure how long you are there for but I don’t think that you should stress too much about sticking to diet while there – although I think I understand what you mean about wanting to do a fast, just try for the healthier options where possible and not worrying about making a clean plate, it is o.k. to leave some food. 🙂

    GillyGilly, good luck on two back to back fasting days – from what I have heard it’s a lot tougher. I think with Christmas sometimes just aiming to hold weight steady is equal to having a loss.

    Hey Cheese on Toast, have fun with the fasting. I like to have a light breakfast and then not eat until dinner which tends to be protein and salad or veg. I’ve promised hubby that I will start playing with recipies to get a bit more variety. Googling pounds to kilos makes translating ingredient amounts a lot easier. I have found that I have needed to do that often enough when just trying to find different baking recipies etc. Apart from the difficulty of stopping myself from putting food in my mouth on fasting days this is the easiest “diet” that I have ever been on.

    Hi Everyone, I live in country Victoria and have just returned from a weekend visiting family in Melbourne. My sister-in-law and all her family have been doing this 5:2 diet for 6 weeks now with great results, medically and weight-wise, so I have only just heard about it. My husband and i are going to start it tomorrow with our first fast day. Any tips? This is also my first time on a forum of any sort. Not sure how regular I’ll be but I’m encouraged by all your positive and honest posts. So thank you to you all 🙂

    @ gillygilly, I have IBS too, but find the day after there is no ‘running’ as usual, because there has been so little to process, quite the opposite, in fact!

    As ghostgirl says, consecutive days might be a bit much 🙁
    Slow and steady’s the way to go!

    @cheeseontoast , I love my eggs too!
    I do have the recipe book, but only use it for ideas and stick to foods I’m familiar with and are readily available at the supermarket.
    Fussing with food is not my thing and it’s hard enough, without putting more temptation there!

    Good fast day Monday-ites!

    Hi all, a Melbournite here! I have been on 5:2 for 3 months and I am very disappointed to have not lost any weight, whereas my husband has lost nearly 7 kilos!!!!! Grrrrr… I was just looking at some of the other forums speaking about this being a bit of an issue for us woman of 50+ (I am 53). Any advice? I was a little overwhelmed looking at the other forum, as there just seemed a lot of agreement but not many ideas – maybe I need to go back and read it.

    It’s nearly 5pm on my first fast day. I had some breakfast but haven’t eaten since & I feel terrible. My head aches and I’m feeling nauseas. Is this normal? I’m drinking lots but doesn’t seem to help hunger pangs or headache. Any tips, please? I’m not giving up on my first day!

    Hello! This is my first time ever for posting on a forum, although I read them all the time. I usually just read LOACA, since I’m 58 years old, but today I just discovered the Southern Hemispherites and I have thoroughly enjoyed all of your comments from the very beginning. I live on the southern outskirts of Brisbane (in Logan)and I started the 5:2 WOE in Melbourne Cup week, at 93kg. I’m another Aussie hobbit at 163cm tall. I fast Mondays and Thursdays for 12 hours (water only) between breakfast and dinner, and weigh myself on Tuesdays. Up until last Tuesday, I have lost 4.2 kg (in 5 weeks). I lost 1.9 kg in the first week, 0.1 in the 2nd, nothing in the 3rd – so 2 days later on the Thursday, I weighed myself again, out of curiosity, and found I had lost 1.3kg! Last Tuesday, I lost 0.9kg. Like rmg, I suffered headaches and mild nausea after 4.00 pm on fast days in the first 3 weeks, but last week and today I feel fine. I walk for 40 minutes briskly for 5 days a week, but I am retired and lead a sedentary lifestyle other than that. I read about the 5:2 WOE when it first came out last year and after seeing the Horizon documentary “Eat, Fast Live”) on Foxtel in October, I was determined to give it a go. I bought both the books fairly cheaply from the UK on eBay (Michael Mosley’s “5:2 Fast Diet” and Mimi Spencer’s recipe book).

    Hi .. today was day 1 of week 3. I had to do a fast within a fast today prior to a medical test. Not too bad, and all was going well but I have had severe acid stomach and heartburn so had 2 plain dry biscuits. The reason for the test this am was to check whether the drug treatment for the stomach ulcer bug has succumbed to the heavy antibiotic drug course in mid Oct. I’m not optimistic. I can now resume my stomach calming meds, which I had to suspend a week prior to the test. Other than the 2 dry bix I survived another fast day! I have to say I find the fasting rather hard .. I always feel somehow deprived. Think my sugar addiction takes over. Oh well, I guess I can survive. Now to stop loading up on goodies the night before a fast day that I can’t have when fastng!! Hope all Monday fasters had a successful day.

    Hi Gomarg, I’m really encouraged to hear about your perseverance through fast day headaches and your weight loss success so far. Well done!! I’m 59 and like you have only ever read postings before. How did you manage your headaches on your fast days? I’m about to go to bed with a cold face washer on my forehead as painkillers have had no effect to date. I’m hoping sleep will do wonders and I’m looking forward to eating normally again for the next two days, but I’m almost dreading Thursday.
    I haven’t bought the books and I’m wondering if you have found them helpful. I hope you continue the good progress & look forward to hearing more of your journey. 🙂

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