Hello Southern Hemispherites!!

This topic contains 28,500 replies, has 835 voices, and was last updated by  GdayfromSA 2 days, 13 hours ago.

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  • Congratulations Neil on the fundraising fantastic work.

    Lindsay, I can’t even begin to imagine the stress of what you are going through. Lawyers have perfected the art of dragging things out as long as possible, less money for them if cases are settled quickly. And to put yourself and OH through those horrible questions from the psychiatrist, which I assume is an attempt to discredit you or find something to use against you. Just shocking beyond words. I do home these resolves for you both very soon and you can put the legal battle behind you.

    I think when we are under pressure and stress, we become super sensitive to things that normally wouldn’t bother us. I know I felt this way when Mr GDay passed, every little thing bothered me, whether it was something that directly impacted on me or not.

    When I was speaking to the lawyer with OH’s will when it was contested, the lawyer told me that the law was there to be ‘fair and equitable’ to everyone and I just laughed at his face and asked him if he seriously believed that – he downcast his eyes and didn’t respond.

    Day 3 completed with no dairy, and I can’t say I feel any different other than I’m really, really missing dairy. But will persevere and try to complete 2 weeks. I will attempt to make homemade mayo in a moment so I can spread that on my homemade bread as a substitute for butter, cheese etc as well as mixing with mashed boiled egg as a spread. My homemade mayo attempts in the past haven’t always been successful; I struggle getting the emulsification process to work properly so fingers crossed for success this time around.

    Quacka don’t be disappointed with your results, there will be weeks with a loss, a gain and sometimes no change at all and that is the nature of how the human body works but as long as your trend is heading downwards over a period time then all is good.

    I think Dr Clare and her son Dr Jack are doing brilliantly at continuing the work of Dr MM. I follow them both on Instagram and am really impressed with them both for providing down-to-earth advice around good health and wellbeing.

    Thin, it is so sad to see the UPF’s and drinks people are consuming. Unfortunately, governments around the world have a severe lack of political will to stand up to the UPF companies and enforce proper food labelling laws that make it blatantly clear what the product is and the negative effects it has on the human body, and mind for that matter. I know we’ve had this discussion before and yes there is an element of personal responsibility but the circumstances of so many people doesn’t afford to give them the knowledge or understanding to make the right food choices. They believe what is on the label because they honestly don’t know any different, UPF is all they know.

    Mmmm…..worried about LJoyce, it’s been so long since we’ve seen a post from her I do hope all is okay.

    Hello everyone,
    Ooh so much news, and I am out of coffee!

    When I wrote last, electricians were here, and now I have a new range hood, a lovely kitchen light replacing the rickety fluorescent one, light switches that no longer crackle, and a new power box with all safety switches. (But I did find that amusing myself without electricity for 90 minutes was harder than I expected!)

    And haha, Thin, you were right to pick me up on my ‘sort of fasting’ really I am working on keeping to my 4 tiny meals which is so hard now I know I don’t get painful consequences if I slip up. And I really need some fast days to balance out the slip ups… but on the way (omg this is embarrassing) I argued to myself that trying to eat properly is almost fasting. (I am very good at fooling myself). Well, I have said it now, I can’t hide.

    But I was barracking for you Quacka! And woot! Aren’t you doing well! Yay for the 74’s!

    Neil, hooray for your fundraising! I did contribute (Joy).
    And hooray that your roller coaster is gradually heading to your healthy weight.

    Thin, I can relate to that awful feeling of overeating. I always was a binge eater and it always felt terrible. But there is something different now after my stomach got used to never being very full. And hooray it is a deterrent.

    As someone who was overweight and with eating issues all my life, it is fascinating to see the different journey of people who never had an issue and are now getting rounder and rounder. Good luck to your uni friend, I do hope 5:2 suits her.

    Congratulations on your big Perth sort out.
    Welcome back to your wonderful life on the water. I hope it is a lovely Spring.

    Gday, hooray to see you posting, sorry you have to do back up steps each time, but it is so good to have you here.
    Lovely to hear about your wonderful time at The Fringe, and hooray for delicious icecream.
    Good luck with the non dairy fortnight. It will be a win win, whether you find that ‘no dairy’ gets rid of those symptoms, or you find that you can eat dairy knowing it doesn’t cause those symptoms.
    Good luck with the mayo!

    Anzac hooray!
    I hope you found some great office clothes and get some really lovely people to work with.

    Lindsay, I am so sorry that you and Mr Lindsay have had to face the legal drama after the dreadful initial incident. It is so cruel and so bad for your health.
    Hold on to that truth, and I know you will be doing everything you can to keep as healthy and balanced as possible. I hope it is over soon and that then you can recover well.

    Thank you so much for letting us know what is happening.
    I was thinking of you when your island was buffeted by Alfred.

    Well I need to go shopping for coffee. Sending best wishes to everyone.

    Woo hoo mayo success – I’m so happy. I’ve also made a batch of cashew nut cheese and avocado chilli dip, although the dip is actually a Jamie Oliver salad dressing recipe that I adapted many years ago to make it my own. As all 3 contain apple cider vinegar they will all last in the fridge for many weeks.

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