Hello Southern Hemispherites!!

This topic contains 28,395 replies, has 835 voices, and was last updated by  Cinque 1 day, 9 hours ago.

Viewing 50 posts - 27,251 through 27,300 (of 28,498 total)

  • Afternoon all

    It was an eventful weekend, My wife’s uncle in Fiji passed away. The family over there streamed the funeral live, so my wife and her family had a get-together to watch the service and burial. My younger son had Parkour and my older boy wanted to do some shopping, so I ended up running them round their various activities. Then I had a walkaround with some people from the frisbee golf club, scouting out a possible location for a new course.

    Sunday I managed to get out for a decent 50km ride down on a river trail which was a nice place to ride. We also had a big family get-together to celebrate the birthdays that had taken place over October and November that we hadn’t managed to meet up for.

    Back to work today, but I only have this week to go and then I’m done for the year.

    Well I don’t have much time so I’ll catch up on the rest of the posts later, I hope everyone is ok, catch you all later.

    That must have been the longest hiatus we’ve ever had on this thread – over three days just one spammer which I got rid off. I even started reading another thread …. it was interesting to discover that people all over the world are still very actively practicing 5:2.

    LJ, that’s so annoying waking early and feeling hungry. Can cats be trained? I don’t know, but better you train it than it trains you! What about a cat flap? It’s day after FD for me and I’m not hungry at all. In a couple of hours, we’re meeting some friends from the village where we’re now winter moored for breakfast. I’m just waiting for OH to advise that he needs breakfast before we go.

    Neil, sorry for your loss. That’s a nice long holiday for you coming up.

    Anzac, you must be snowed under finishing up that contract. Are you getting excited about the holiday now?

    Good morning from another lovely sunny day in Sydney

    Just hanging in there without putting on weight but not really losing but given the stress I’m happy with that

    I’m very sorry to hear about your wife’s uncle Neil. It is sad when you can’t be at the funeral but at least now we can attend via lifestream. I’ve been to two funerals that way

    Thin, ha ha, not top secret about the new way that international payments will work but also not very exciting. The format of the underlying data that makes up a payment is completely changing to one that is higher quality, more consistent and more granular. I know the old format like the back of my hand but now I need to learn the new format. And the complexity is just the same so it will take a long time.
    Lovely to hear how highly thought of your DD was at her old job. And yes, I am getting excited about the holiday thanks. Just the thought that work is completely finished, there is no dog hair in my food/clothes/furniture, someone else is cooking and cleaning and nothing to do but swim, play cards, read, play tennis and go for walks. Bliss

    Your vege patch sounds great LJ and Mr Anzac’s garden is finally starting to yield now that the dratted constant rain has stopped. We had a nice cabbage salad with dinner last night and both the cabbage and shallots (green onions) came from the garden. We did throw in some crispy noodles and a nice sesame dressing. Yum. We also have a raft of herbs and the capsicums, chillies, passionfruit are all coming along nicely

    I still haven’t heard about whether the other job here is going to come to fruition. They promised an answer last Thursday and the anxiety is driving me mad. I had an interview with another big bank yesterday and although they are paying very good money I decided I would rather chew off my own arm than take it (if offered). I’m happy to have a good break but Mr Anzac, as CFO, is getting worried – I can tell. Too bad

    Thankyou Cinque, my gum has healed now but I’m having trouble coming to terms with the gap. Apparently I will eventually get used to it. I love your zen advice ‘the space between meals’. That is my biggest problem, I get bored or stressed at work and wander out to the kitchen looking for a snack

    I hope your OH is feeling better Lindsay and those puppies aren’t causing too much chaos

    Hi to everyone else, have a lovely day

    Good morning everyone,

    LJoyce, sympathy for your busy December. You just have too many friends and relatives!

    Sympathy also for being woken up early by that cat!
    I had to banish Miso from my bedroom at night and wait until she got used to the idea that I wouldn’t respond to her until it was light. She has pretty well got it now (except if I need to go to the kitchen in the middle of the night).
    Ofcourse, it is light early now, so the pressure is up a bit.

    Oh and more sympathy for your brain doing that flip that makes you hungry in the morning. Why does that happen just when we think we have our daily rhythms sorted?
    Mind you, if Silver Sylvia (is she one of those?) wakes you up at 4:30, you have been up and about for five hours by 9:30, so no wonder you are ready for a meal.

    I hope you got lots done on your chore day and now are having wonderful catch ups with friends.

    Neil, that was one big weekend. I am so glad your wife’s family there were able to watch her Aunt’s funeral. Sympathy.

    Woot for your last week at work before the holidays!

    Hi Thin!
    At least the spammers are fewer here these days.
    I hope it was a lovely meeting with friends and that all is going well.

    Anzac, how come they haven’t offered you that job yet? I’ve had fingers and toes crossed for so long! They had better get into gear.
    Intrigued that the updated data will be more granular. I have no idea what that means technically but it paints an interesting picture!

    Isn’t it amazing how a space in your teeth keeps bothering you! Hopefully it will gradually fade from your notice.

    I have also been thinking about how boredom makes it hard for me to keep ‘the space between the meals’. I’ve been too crook to do much and goodness me, my mind wanders to food…

    Well, lets hope today I can do some gardening. My friend gave me some cucamelon seedlings https://savvygardening.com/growing-cucamelons-in-a-garden/ I had never heard of them. I hope I can grow them, they sound gorgeous for salads and I think my granddaughters would like them too.

    Sending best wishes to everyone

    Morning all

    Wednesday weigh in, back down to my hovering weight that I was before the blip 2 weeks ago. I think if I can manage to avoid the weekend indulgence then I can start getting it to track back downwards, but it’s really hard not to crash on a Friday evening, sink a couple of rum and cokes and grab a bit of junk food watching movies with the family.

    Cinque, those cucamelons look cool, I wonder if they would grow over here, and whether you can get the seeds, because they look like something my wife would like to try growing

    Anzac, maintaining is definitely preferable to gaining. I hope your job situation sorts itself out soon.

    Thin, I spotted the post from the spammer come through but I just ignored it.

    Well, I have just 2 more days after today and then I’m finished with work for the year. I’m looking forward to having over 3 weeks off in a row for the first time in ages, although I’m guessing the first week I’m going to have to spend getting all the jobs done that need to be done (warrant for car, service for bike, hedges trimmed, garden weeded, Christmas shopping done, maintenance at frisbee golf course, etc) All the stuff I’ve been putting off because I don’t have enough spare time to do it while I’m working.

    I hope everyone is getting on ok and I’ll catch up with you all later.

    Anzac, like Cinque, I’m none the wiser about the new banking system being granular. That seems the opposite of becoming more smooth. Ha ha – I know nothing! Interesting to me was that, for our upcoming trip to Sweden, we will not be changing any money into local kroner. It is a completely cashless country, even the local buses don’t take cash. Your OH might be the CFO but you’re the income earner so it’s important that you get exactly the right job especially in such a stressful environment. I hope you get the one you want.

    Neil, if you really love the Friday night junk food, I’d consider that a ‘feast’ in a feast and famine regime.

    LJ, hope you’re navigating the numerous social events OK.

    We’re having a particularly social week, the breakfast with village friends, I cooked dinner for boater friends for the first time on the boat and tomorrow we’re meeting another live aboard boater for a pub carvery.

    England is falling apart. Inflation 11%. Crippling strike action by rail and postal workers, nurses, ambulance drivers, border force, bus drivers and others designed to inflict maximum pain on the public throughout December and Christmas. The hospitality industry is losing £1.5b as a result of their action. Illegal migrants arriving in record numbers yet the government blamed for not providing adequate accommodation (currently costing £6.8m per day for hotels) and being too slow to process them while tax-paying Britons are unable to heat their homes due to soaring energy costs, house prices dropping and, to cap it off, a publicity-shy couple in California reveal their deepest secrets to 8 billion people in an attempt to bring down one of the world’s oldest institutions.

    Be thankful for your lives downunder!

    Good morning everyone,
    I am having a coffee that is a bit too weak, yes, run out.
    I have just about recovered from minding the granddaughters last Sunday, and preparing to mind one tomorrow.
    It is all a I want to do, but how I wish I had a bit more energy.

    On the upside, I had 6 hours straight sleep last night! I usually wake up every 90 minutes, so what a treat!

    Neil the cucamelons are native to Mexico so you would need a very sunny part of the garden! I wish I could pop a punnet through my screen and then out through yours, so Mrs Neil could try. If these grow well I will see if I can send some seeds.

    Goodluck with your food tonight. If only it was easy to eat a tiny portion of takeaway junk food! Chew as slowly as you can!
    Woot! You are on holidays!

    Thin, it is all go over there!
    I know you won’t enjoy my socialist, anti-monarchical views on it all so I will just say I do really hope things start improving to make lives easier for everyone.

    Enjoy that social week, and goodness me, cashless Sweden does sound easy.

    I’m hoping to get organised with some shopping that must be done (coffee plus everything!) and ready for little Ms 6 tomorrow who has asked if we can make hand made pasta.

    Christmas is coming too fast!

    Sending good wishes to everyone

    I’m hovering halfway between my weekly weight range with one more social event to go until my next FD. I was hoping to get a little lower before our smorgasbord extravaganza but, with my trusty travel scales, I shall try my best.

    Cinque, so pleased that you can enjoy lots of time with the little girls but sorry the task wears you out so much. Six hours straight sleep sounds a lot better than waking every 90 minutes. Can you try to repeat whatever resulted in that?

    Whether or not I would enjoy your views, I fiercely defend your right to express them. Fear of offending means no meaningful discussion on anything. Only by hearing a sound argument can I examine my own views ….. but, yeah, this probably isn’t the place.

    So who’s fasting?

    Our carvery dinner was a disaster from an over-eaters perspective. I can’t trust myself. I started feeling regret when I saw the size of the plates. Or should I say platters. I felt sick watching how high some people were piling food on theirs and resolved to take teeny amounts of only select items. Nevertheless, I ended up with enough food to feed a family of four. I didn’t eat it all thankfully, striking a balance between waste and salvage – extracting all the meat for OH’s lunches and leaving those vegetables that were overcooked. I can’t remember the last time we had a buffet style meal, pre-5:2 I’m guessing, and I found the entire experience quite repulsive to be honest.

    On the positive side, it was good fun to catch up with our boater friend, first met in Wales during lockdown. We’d never been on each other’s boats before due to covid so it was nice to be able to invite him back for coffee. Sadly, he’d put his little dog Zip to sleep last week and was, of course, feeling bad and lonely on his boat.

    Good morning all, sunny and 27 in Sydney today. Whoo hoo

    Thin, Mr Anzac and I both detest buffet style eating. Apart from the fact that you end up over-eating, your plate has so many different flavours that probably don’t go with each other and then there is the whole germ thing with people sneezing or whatever over the food. The only times we have been sick on holidays tends to be after a buffet. Sorry you didn’t enjoy the food but glad you had a lovely time with your boater friend, albeit that he was so sad about his little dog

    Our ‘little’ dog is currently hiding under the dining table as he saw Mr Anzac get the dog shampoo out

    It was my birthday yesterday and we had a lovely lunch at the Motor Boat club in Sans Souci. It is one of my closest friends birthday 2 days before mine so we always have a dual celebration. I ate and drank too much so trying to make up for it today

    Cinque how awful that you generally wake up every 90 minutes or so, that must add to your exhaustion hugely. How did the hand-made pasta go with Ms 6? Mr Anzac makes his own pasta but we hardly ever have it but I must say once you have had home-made pasta it is a bit like business class…..hard to go back

    Still waiting to hear about the great job here but hopes are fading. He told me they are ‘desperate’ for someone with experience in this particular international payments stream, I’m already here so there is no onboarding or training, I already know the payments landscape here and there are 10 times more jobs than applicants at present…however the problem is that particular area does not hire contractors and I will not – repeat not (I wish they would stop asking me) go permanent. Crazy. He rang last Thursday to say he is still pushing hard and would let me know by the end of last week but I heard nothing. One more week is all I have left….then unemployed for the first time in 40 years. Gah!

    I hope everyone is ok, it is such a busy time of year. Take care and chat later

    Happy Birthday Anzac! Pleased you had a lovely lunch with your friends. Hilarious about Maxx hiding under the table hoping to escape the shampoo. Oh drat about the job and how annoying that someone says they’ll let you know and then doesn’t. Hold fast my friend, if this one doesn’t work out, I am sure you’ll get the right position in the new year what with so many jobs out there and your high level skills and experience.

    FD for me. Still under 60kg this morning. The fridge is becoming increasingly empty and I’ve worked it out so as to have no food waste besides three onions to be given away. Following the trip to Sweden, we’re considering flying straight out to Botswana after spending the night in a Birmingham hotel. It will be a challenge even for us to pack a 7kg bag for both -6C and 32C but we can’t rely on the trains operating and we need to be able to book our flights. I know I won’t get any sympathy here!

    Afternoon all

    Well I’m officially on holiday now! It feels good, but we got hit with some bad news on the last day. The car failed its warrant and needed $500 of work to get it roadworthy, we got medical bills and a bill from the school for attendance dues all turning up at once. I was feeling pretty depressed and that led to several rum and cokes, plenty of comfort eating, and the prospect of a pretty grim holiday financially. I went into the bank today and organised an interest only mortgage payments for the next couple of months just to give us a bit of breathing room. Hopefully we don’t get hit with any other expenses in the near future.

    On a happier note, holiday means more time for riding, so yesterday I got out for a really long ride. I hit 100kms in a single ride for the first time in a couple of years,it took around 4 hours but it was a really nice ride along the Brighton coast, over the hill to Lake Waihola, alongside the Taieri river, then across the Taieri plains.

    Thin, I hate the buffets too, not just the quantities that they encourage you to eat, but also the low quality food. If I’m going out for a meal I’d much rather have a smaller meal of better quality food I really enjoy rather than a mountain of cheap crap.

    Cinque, I think we all wish we had more energy, especially at this time of year, but ai hope you had a good time making pasta.

    Anzac, hopefully the work situation gets sorted, it sounds like the guy may be delaying to try to force you into signing on full time permanent.

    Well back to the art of relaxing. I’m hoping to spend the first of my 3+ weeks off getting the garden stuff done around the house so I’d better get into it.

    Have a good one everyone.

    Hello everyone,
    I just started writing yesterday when I got sidetracked by our zoomsisters starting an hour early and the day headed off and it has taken until now to have time to catch up.

    Sympathy for the buffet woes. I can relate to that ‘pile it up’ mentality. It is the same ‘don’t waste food’ and ‘get the most out of what we paid’ or just ‘get the most out of the opportunity’ inbuilt cleverness that sometimes works against us.
    I have to say to myself: “a protein and the best looking salad, that’s it!”
    I don’t go to many buffets but I did manage to make it work the last couple of times.
    I was better at that than not wasting stuff in my fridge!

    Happy Belated Birthday Anzac!
    Sorry to be so late, but hooray for your lovely day and may this year be a particularly lovely one.

    I am so, so, sorry that job didn’t come through.
    Best of luck in finding one that is all that plus they love someone who wants a contract. I hope you are in a position where you can just live happily for a bit until that right job comes along.

    Hoping Maxx survived the dog shampoo too!

    The pasta went so well. Little Miss 6 had it with butter! And I was pleased to notice it was just as much an egg product as a flour product and really enjoyed meals with a small amount of pasta with my veggies and meat. And with the pasta left (a couple of days later) I made an excellent lasagne that I still have portions frozen and ready to enjoy.

    I thought of my daughter’s hack to have mashed cauliflower in a bechamel, she finds it tastes better than the classic. I didn’t have cauliflower but did have (3!) big zucchini from these food boxes we get, so I grated half one and added it, and that was a success too.

    Thin, nice work eating out the fridge and wo! Sweden to Botswana! I hope you can adjust temperatures in the flight from one to the other. What adventures are in store.

    Even though I complained about waking every 90 minutes (or so) that is actually the excellent result of 30 years of learning to deal with terrible insomnia (a CFS symptom) and I am so glad I can get to sleep easily and then go back to sleep quickly each time I wake up (mostly).
    But still, that 6 hours straight was wonderful and didn’t I notice that I didn’t get as hungry!

    Neil, happy holidays and fingers crossed no more bills turn up!
    Hooray for wonderful holiday activities that are free! Happy cycling.

    Best wishes to everyone xxx

    Hello all, I have registered with my phone email so I can still stay in touch after today. This is a test post and I will post more soon


    Morning all just checking in.

    My holiday is going well, just a week in and I’m already feeling more relaxed. I’ve been out for a few good rides, taken the boys out for a few walks, and got plenty done in the garden with my wife.

    My weight continues to be stubborn.

    Have a great one everyone.

    Hi all, it seems I can still log in with my old account

    Day 3 of being unemployed and I love it! Only because I know it will be temporary

    We were supposed to fly to Vanuatu on Saturday however our flight was cancelled and rescheduled until today. So 3 precious days lost but at least we can still go

    I have big plans for when we return to totally get into healthy eating and lots of exercise. I don’t have work as an excuse and we are now planning another big trip at the end of next year. Something to aim for and motivation

    I hope everyone has a wonderful Christmas and please take care all

    Anzac, hooray you are still logged in easy!
    Cheers to you and Neil for those relaxing non work days. C

    Neil, cheers for just doing all the good things for your life and body, no matter what the scales say. Happy riding!

    How nice it will be, Anzac, to let go of all the stress and just concentrate on you. I do hope you and Mr Anzac have the best time.

    I’m going okay, but had a disappointing croissant and coffee at a cafe with my daughter yesterday. (The time with my daughter was lovely, the coffee and croissant weren’t).
    So annoying. Still, I am nicely in the mood to skip breakfast today to balance it out, and I have a good meal coming up after midday.

    Sending good wishes.

    PS I have those cucamelons planted and surviving. So far so good.

    Cinque, how can a croissant and coffee possibly go wrong? No excuse for that! But a lovely time with Rose, hurray!

    Neil, so pleased you’re having a relaxing time with family.

    Anzac, yippee for having all that work stress behind you. Too bad about the flight – the same happened to us, our flight to Botswana was cancelled – but with no alternatives offered for a refund or re-schedule! Just a cheerful message to say they were sorry for any inconvenience and to enjoy our flight! That’s Africa. I got it sorted after numerous calls and emails to Gabarone. The return flight is now delayed! Thankfully, when booking, I anticipated all this and planned a night in Johannesburg otherwise we’d have missed our flight back to the UK. Have a wonderful holiday and fun planning the next one! I’m afraid that air travel is fast losing its gloss for me.

    One of my (many) pet hates is the phrase ‘we are sorry for ANY inconvenience’ when it should be ‘we are sorry for THE inconvenience’. As if the cancellation of a flight you’ve booked might or finding a public toilet out of order might not cause inconvenience at all!

    I’ve survived the mini cruise, an extensive smorgasbord and two buffet breakfasts and I’m still under 60kgs. The food was superb and a fantastic opportunity to sample Swedish and Finnish food that we’d not otherwise know about. Helsinki is a beautiful town.

    Scandinavians seem trim and fit even with all the layers of clothing. But on the cruise, I did see some of the most enormous people I’ve ever come across. We’re very pleased we did it as the scenery was magical but ‘cruise culture’ is not for me. We had a comfortable cabin with an ocean view.

    Now in Stockholm, it was snowing and -9C when we arrived so stunningly beautiful. The corgi is short on legs but long on personality. She can walk for hours and is very well-behaved. She’s the only dog we’ve ever met that can ‘throw’ a ball back to the person who threw it to her. Quite incredible. DD is working on a couple more tricks.

    Happy Holidays all.

    Morning all

    Weigh in this morning I was down 1.5 kilos. It’s good to see a bit of movement on the scales. The weather here has been pretty grey and cold (it’s only supposed to hit 14 degrees today, yay summer!). I’ve still managed to get out for a few bike rides, but other than that just general chilling out.

    Anzac, enjoy your time in Vanuatu, I hope it’s a nice relaxing time. My sister is having the opposite work problem to you at the moment. She’s coming back to work after having kids and she wants to be part time permanent (she’s a teacher) but the school insists on making it a fixed term contract instead. Apparently the reasons they gave not to offer her a permanent position are bare faced lies.

    Thin, well done on staying under 60 during your cruise. I haven’t experienced much Scandinavian food, but I assume the traditional stuff would involve a lot of smoked/salted fish?

    Cinque as long as your croissant and coffee didn’t trigger a sugar/carb binge them having one treat every now and then isn’t too bad is it?

    Well got to go now, I’ve got to get my lazy boys out of bed and see if we can go out somewhere for an hour or two. I hope everyone else keeping radio silence at the moment is well

    Have a great day everyone.

    Neil, you sound very chilled and relaxed, good to read! Yes, a lot of fish. The food is very salty, we haven’t quite worked out why there’s so much pickled stuff. The extensive range of bread products are dense and fabulous and bizarrely not affecting me. Or maybe it’s the extensive corgi walking. DD is amused by all the products available in tubes (like a toothpaste tube) including ‘ham and cheese’, ‘mackeral’, ‘blue cheese’ and ‘salted cod roe’.

    I thought Cinque’s disappointment at the croissant and coffee came from either its delivery or standard (or both) rather than the fact that she’d chosen it in the first place. When I used to meet friends for coffee in Perth, the simple act of bringing the cake and coffee at the same time seemed a challenge for many (my friends’ cakes of course, not mine). Not to mention making my coffee hot.

    Hi all from a very sunny and hot Bannockburn…… yes, back in Central Otago and loving every minute of it, been gorging on cherries since our arrival a couple of days ago!

    Just thought I would check in, sorry to have been MIA for so long but I have been reading regularly and lurking quietly behind the scenes. I am currently fasting three days this week, Mon, Weds & Fri to get this weight gain back under control. I have been hovering and maintaining around the 66/67 mark but was suddenly spending more time in the 68’s with one or two shows of 69 something. Aaarggh, that’s too close to the 70 mark for me so I have to do something about it and soon and drastically. So far down 1.2kg since Mon morning and still have tomorrow to go!

    Must dash, out to visit a friend for lunch so will return and write more to catch up with everyone. Wishing you all a very merry Christmas with family and friends, hope it’s everything you wish for?


    Hello everyone,

    Sweden sounds gorgeous Thin.
    And that sounds like the best possible cruise!
    And what an amazing corgi.
    I am so glad you are so well prepared for the vagaries of travel.

    You are right about my cafe ‘treat’. The coffee wasn’t a good one and the milk didn’t taste quite right: not off, I am not sure what it was. They had warmed the croissant slightly, but there was a cold uninviting centre to it, so I only ate the outside. (Pulled off in nice crisp curls 😉 )

    I agree with you Neil. I treat an occasional croissant as a special, much loved, treat, so it was disappointing that it wasn’t.

    Turn, what a treat to see your post and hear your news.
    Yay for cherry season.
    Good luck with the 3 days a week of fasting, doesn’t the weight sneak back as soon as you take your eyes off it!
    A couple of weeks of that and then back to something sustainable and hopefully you will be feeling good.

    Merry Christmas!

    Turn, so nice to read your post. I’m not clear if you’re pet-sitting. Well done for getting on top of things with the extra fasts. Best not to let those kgs run away with you.

    Cinque, are you spending Christmas with your daughter, SIL and the girls? I hope it’s a relaxing time for you of doing not much of anything and being thoroughly pampered.

    I woke yesterday and decided I’d better make it a FD since we traditionally have a few Christmas treats on Christmas Eve. We were out walking in central Stockholm when we were offered a tasting of a Danish Xmas sweet treat and, before I remembered that I’d been fasting all day, I’d swallowed five little liquorice balls in different flavoured coverings. Disgusted by my impulsiveness. I later googled the delicacy and found out that I’d consumed only 140 calories so still managed to salvage the day. What an idiot.

    But today, my trusty travel scales tell me that I am 58.8kg and all ready for our Swedish Christmas Eve nibbling. My initial assessment of Swedes is upheld; overwhelmingly the people are tall, slim, upright and well-groomed. Absolutely everyone, old and young, speaks fluent English. Life expectancy is higher than in the US or the UK.

    Have a wonderful Christmas all. Remember, it’s just a day of feasting. I hope we can pull our thread back together in the new year.

    Hello everyone from stunning Vanuatu. Merry Christmas to you all It is sunny and around 30 degrees, humid and we love it. The resort is even more beautiful than we remembered. Our meals are included but it is very upmarket so no burgers or chips to tempt us. Of course we are eating too much but are not letting ourselves get into the headspace that we have to have every course on offer. Mr Anzac has had dessert twice and myself just once despite it being offered at lunch and dinner.

    We’ve done two tours but mostly just swimming, playing cards or the puzzle games we brought with us, walking on the stunning beach and basically having the big wind down we desperately needed. I normally have headaches every day but I haven’t had one for four days now! Not sure if it’s being away from the computer, lack of work stress or both.

    Once home I plan on doing four things only:. Cook healthy meals, exercise, clean the house (it really really needs a good spring clean) and look for a job. Yay!

    Thin, wow, Sweden sounds so beautiful and you describe it so well I can just picture it. -9 though…brrrrr. Sorry about the Africa flight debacle.

    Cinque what a shame about your much anticipated coffee and croissant

    I am going to post now before I lose what I’ve written so far and then carry on as wifi is unreliable.

    Part ii

    Congratulations on the 1.5 loss Neil, made even more impressive that you are in holidays and it’s Christmas time. Yay!

    So lovely to hear from you Turn, 3 FDs a week sounds incredibly difficult and I do admire your resolve

    Thin, when we got to the airport and checked in the girl called the manager over and I heard ‘they are not booked’ and my heart dropped like a stone. But they sorted it and here we are. The airport manager actually got on the plane before we took off and personally apologised for the huge disruption and thanked everyone for the way everyone treated the staff. I thought that was a nice touch.

    Hi to everyone else, i hope, like Thin, that we can get this thread alive again next year

    Good morning everyone. I hope you all had a lovely christmas.

    Anzac and Thin, the holidays both sound wonderful. It’s extremely hot here today so I’m envying Thin the Swedish weather.

    Turn and Neil, well done both of you on the weight loss just before christmas. I hope the good losses continue into the new year.

    I’m feeling exhausted today – fairly common for most of us on boxing day I expect. A friend is dropping over later and we are going to the shopping centre to look for long sleeve cotton shirts to keep the sun off when we walk. While I have plenty of summer tops, I don’t have enough of the cover shirts unless I wash every 3-4 days. Time to rectify that while things are on sale.

    In recent weeks I had many meals with friends and family. It was nice to catch up with everyone, but my weight is way up as a result, despite the 2 FDs each week. I’m back onto a strict routine today, starting with a much needed FD. I need to remember to drink plenty of water too as I can see I’m carrying extra fluid at the moment.

    Take care all.

    Afternoon everyone, I hope you all had a great Christmas. I ate a little too much sugar (as always), so I made up for it today by going out for a three hour ride, racking up 75kms. Yesterday was great though, the weather couldn’t have been better. We had a bbq lunch at my wife’s sister’s house and went for a nice walk through the bush with the kids after, had a 1 hour break then bbq dinner at my parents house. Then we watched the new family movie on Disney “Strange World”. The only thing that let the day down was one of our neighbours decided to play their music incredibly loudly until after 1am

    Well have a great one everyone.

    Happy Christmas to all of you, a day late. But it’s still Christmas here. We had a nice day at OH’s niece’s house yesterday and OH did very well, eating a big meal on his own with no spills. He was quieter than normal but otherwise seemed well. His sister was up from the mid Calif coast area and it was nice to see her. We hadn’t seen her since this time last year. There were 10 people besides us, family and neighbors of his niece from across the street. No masks, so I will be worried until this week is over and all of us are well. (I hope!) We’re all vaccinated and boosted. We normally don’t go anywhere indoors without masks.

    My weight has stayed in the 66’s, higher than I would like, but I don’t eat much of anything during the day and then eat more at night. Not ideal, but maintaining. There is just too much to worry about these days.

    Thin, Sweden sounds like a great place to spend Christmas. Anzac, Venuatu sounds exciting. It must be so nice to be able to travel again after all the Covid restrictions.

    I will get back and catch up soon. I miss everyone.

    Great to hear from you CalifD and LJ and get your latest news.

    Neil, glad you had a great day but you took me back to some stressful times of living in suburbia with inconsiderate neighbours. Nowadays we can just float away from annoying people. Not that there are any on the canals.

    Our Christmas dinner turned out great considering we were unfamiliar with most of the grocery products. No Christmas crackers, mince pies or dessert though. We started our day with a 90 minute video call to Sydney with family friends with whom we’d spent 26 Christmases prior to our moving to the UK. We ended it with a walk into the city centre where DD and OH went ice skating. After an hour, they’d both improved considerably. Thank goodness for hand warmers as I was just sitting there filming them.

    Here’s an article about IF to get the new year started. It gets more interesting as it progresses.

    Morning all, my weigh in today I bounced back up the 1.5 kilos I lost the previous week. It must be all the sugar I had over Christmas. We’ll see how I get on next week when hopefully it’ll all be out of my system

    It’s going to be a scorcher today, it’s 9:00am and already 27 degrees. The mission today is clearing the site of our old trampoline levelling it, and assembling the new trampoline that we got so my younger boy can practice his flips and spins for his parkour.

    Cheers for the link Thin. My goal for the upcoming year is to get into a more regular fasting schedule, rather than fitting them in when I can. I’m still trying to decide what days would be best to fast on though.

    I challenged myself to try my first category 1 climb on my bike yesterday so I rode up Mt Cargill in Dunedin here. It’s 675 meters high at an average gradient of almost 10%. That was an absolute killer and my legs were jelly by the end of it. But coming down was a lot of fun. Once I hit the sealed road halfway down rather than the gravel road up the top I was hitting speeds over 70kph.

    Well I hope everyone is having a good Christmas/New Year break and we’ll hear from you all soon.

    Good morning everyone from beautiful cool Melbourne.

    When I read your temperature complaint yesterday, Neil, I was still recovering from a night where the temperature didn’t drop below 27C! But luckily yesterday the cool came through, with some rain too. I hope that has got to you now too.

    Hello Anzac in sunny Vanuatu, if you are still there. I am so glad you are having the relaxing lovely holiday you needed so much.

    Hooray for no headaches! (How I do hope you can find yourself a job that doesn’t involve headaches. We only have this one life, so let’s have it without headaches, if it is at all possible!)

    LJoyce, hello friend!
    Yes, I was exhausted on Boxing Day, even though I had a very easy, gentle Christmas.
    We went to the park a door up from my daughters place and sat in the shade while the children played. Rose’s friend who lives facing the park came and sat with us and she knows everyone, so as anyone went past they would stop and chat, maybe sit for a bit. They included the woman who makes friends with the magpies (they bring her gifts of worms they like her so much) and the elderly jazz singer who was going from one friends house to another.

    Enjoy getting back to frugal eating after a time of feasts, and hooray for plenty of water. (My latest nasty symptom is post nasal drip, and if I am not completely hydrated it becomes post nasal clog-in-my-throat and I cough like I am going to die, so I am even more fluid diligent!)

    I am also enjoying frugal days.

    Cali, so many good wishes to you and your family. I do hope you are all fine after your social gathering. It is a plus having Christmas in summer here as we can be outside, or at least have all the windows open. My poor sister did catch covid (second time for her 🙁 ) and so missed our Christmas picnic.

    Hooray for maintaining your weight, that is wonderful.

    Thin lovely to hear of your ice skating expedition. My daughter sensibly took the little ones ice skating on our nasty hot boxing day.
    Ooh I remember fine times, feeling like I was flying around the rink! Those were the days!

    An interesting article, hooray for autophagy.

    Bye now, best wishes to you all

    i think your post is cool

    I have a question how to do the right exercises to stay in shape

    Hi everyone, we came home last night and with approx 3 tonnes of washing the weather went from warm and sunny to cloudy and cool. Oh well I will do it slowly and the forecast for next week is looking better

    We had such a lovely holiday but in the end were glad that we lost 3 days. We were ready to come home after 8 so 11 would have been too long

    How lovely your Christmas Day sounded Cali and so glad you could catch up with friends and family and that your OH coped well. We too are watching for symptoms after flying home as Covid is quite rampant again.

    Speaking of Covid, my sister messaged me in Vanuatu yesterday to say she, my great niece and nephew in law all tested positive that day. My heart sank like a stone because our 97 year old Dad spent 4 days with them up in the Blue Mountains over Christmas. However so far he is fighting fit and I just rang him and we was outside pruning ready to put his green bin out. Luckily he and my BIL were at the far end of the table and my great niece (who picked it up from day care) is too shy to approach her papa so they were spared.

    Thin….hahaha…just after my last post we waddled off for Christmas lunch only to find…horror of horrors….that it was a buffet! Yikes. It was actually quite well done and very nice and upmarket and Mr Anzac and I did the bogan thing and raced to be first in line so we would be the first to touch the utensils and get there before the other guests breathed all over the food. LOL. It is a small resort so there were probably 30 guests only

    Thanks for your lovely words re the headaches Cinque and so glad you had a gentle Christmas and did not exhaust yourself completely. Those dehydration symptoms sound dreadful so keep up that water please

    My weight is way up too LJ after being fed 3 meals per day for 8 days and doing nothing more taxing than a bit of walking and swimming. However feast is over and fast begins. I hope you were able to find some lovely long-sleeved tops

    Neil don’t worry about the 1.5 kilos, it’s over and so is christmas and we can all see throught the trees a bit better. That bike ride makes me feel exhausted thinking about it!

    Time to prepare dinner, take care all

    Hi everyone from a beautifully warm and sunny Lake Hawea morning. The birds are singing joyfully, a few cyclists are out on the track enjoying the morning sun with the keen jogger thrown in, and all feels well with the world. At least it does from this idyll!

    My weight is just holding steady but only just, really not where I want it to be but I have all week to rectify that, not feeling great yesterday with headache, sore throat, swollen glands, heavy eyelids, achy body! Took a Lemsip and a couple of paracetamols, had an afternoon nap and felt a bit better by the evening to go out with OH. It was his birthday yesterday so we visited our favourite brewery in Wanaka. I only had one small glass beer as I was driving but we did both have a chicken burger and chips which was just OK. Have to say my first burger eating out for so many years I don’t remember the last one I had! Certainly won’t be hurrying back for another one any time soon, that’s for sure.

    Planning a quiet day in the garden, particularly the vegie garden for me, now we are house sitting this lovely big house, dogs and cat, but might meet up with the couple in the cottage tonight for BBQ dinner, that’s easy and not too damaging.

    Wishing everyone a healthy and happy New Years and hope 2023 is everything you are wishing it will be. Turn

    Happy New Year to all of my dear friends here. A quiet New Years Eve at home. I hope you all have the most wonderful new year ever.

    After a couple years of drought we will have to be careful of what we wish for in the future. After a couple days of steady but light rain, we woke up to a strong steady rain that has been gong on all day with flooding in some places in our little town. We’re on the side of a hill and high enough to not have our home flood, but with the ground so saturated and surrounded with several large trees on a somewhat steep hill, I worry about slides. Hopefully our rocky soil that makes it so hard to dig holes will hold everything in place.

    OH continues to do pretty well and although I need to be with him all the time, he’s doing more things on his own and seems content. I hope to be here a lot more this year.

    I have to tell you about something I read in an online paper the day after Christmas. The columnist said it was Boxing Day, the day she understood that was for flattening all the Amazon boxes and boxes that gifts arrived in and throwing them in the recycling bin. 🙂 What can I say?

    Happy New Year everyone.

    Cali, great to hear from you. That’s a silly idea of what boxing day is. Of course we all know it’s called boxing day because you fight with the rest of your family over the leftovers from Christmas dinner 😉😆

    Turn, great to hear from you too. I want to head over to where you are soon, there’s a couple of new bike trails that have opened up recently. The one I really want to ride is the 50km Coronet loop track.

    Cinque, I have a very different experience with magpies than the lady you mentioned, the only thing they’ve ever brought me has been fear and bike helmet damage.

    Anzac, glad you had a good break in Vanuatu. I’ve had 3 weeks off and I still want more so I don’t think I can relate to being pleased about having a break cut short.

    Wano. The trick I’ve found is to make sure you find an exercise you enjoy doing. There’s no point slogging on a treadmill if you don’t enjoy running, because you’ll never keep it up. So try a whole lot of different exercises (walking, cycling, swimming, tennis, kayaking, etc) and find one you like. For me it’s been cycling. I’m at the point now where if I don’t get out for more than a few days I start getting a bit stir crazy.

    I’ve settled on my proposed fasting routine. I’m going to fast on Monday, control day Tuesday, non fast day Wednesday, fast Thursday, control day Friday and then non fast days in the weekend. Hopefully the structure is what I’ve been lacking.

    Have a great new year everyone

    Neil, I like your description of Boxing Day. 🙂

    Anzac, my 94 year old uncle caught Covid this last summer and did fine. He was able to get Paxlovid which maybe helped. He mostly had cold symptoms and a cough. He fared much better than my cousin who was really sick for several days and had weeks of fatigue afterward.

    Cinque, how cute that the friend who loves magpies has them bring her worms as gifts. From what I’ve heard about them, they don’t seem to know they’re birds, playing with family pets and sometimes people. Neil, could it have been the color of your helmet that the bird didn’t like? Cinque, sitting in the park on Christmas sounds just lovely. Much better when Covid is rampant too. We seem to have all fared well, even being around other people without masks. Maybe I am too paranoid? I’ve worn a mask in public places since the virus started. I never go into a store without one. But it feels so natural now, even when I’m the only one in the grocery store wearing one.

    Good evening everyone.
    Until school holidays are over, I’m going to have a busy time, so I’m grabbing a quiet moment to post before I get too far behind. I’m always exhausted by the end of christmas, and so relieved when I get to boxing day. Then I remember what’s coming lots of child minding in January.

    Cali, so lovely to see you posting, when it’s been so challenging for you to get a quiet moment to do so. I hope your OHs health continues to be stable this year.
    Good luck with the weather, flooding is our issue here in South Australia too. Although for us it’s swollen rivers as the flood waters make their way down through the river system.
    I’m with you on the masks. I don’t go into a public place without one either. I’m rarely the only person wearing one, but I’m definitely in the minority.

    Neil, I don’t think you’re alone as a cyclist being attacked by magpies. It seems to be an issue in Oz too. Everyone that I know who cycles has had issues. As a walker I don’t have any trouble, the magpies are relatively friendly around here and offer of up plenty of amusement with their antics.
    Your eating plan sounds sensible. I’m struggling with control days at present – so I’ve had to revert to 3 FDs a week.

    Turn, it must be quite a treat to have a temporary veggie patch when you have been used to living out of a van. I’m sure some fresh veg will make up for the hamburger. Hope you enjoy the house sitting, your description of Lake Hawea sounds lovely.

    Cinque, I hope your energy levels become stable now christmas is over.
    I loved your magpie story. I’ve always had friendly magpies where I’ve lived, but they don’t feed me worms. Quite the reverse, they watch very closely when I’m gardening, ready to grab anything that I might unearth that looks like lunch.
    I’ve been watching some vlogs on sewing/knitting ( https://www.youtube.com/c/RetroClaude/videos ), the lady who does them also has CFS and it’s been illuminating to see just how much and how often in impacts her life and her ability to make garments – especially as it’s her occupation and not just a hobby.
    Anzac, welcome home from your tropical holiday. I hope the perfect job opportunity presents itself shortly.

    Thin, are you still in Sweden? What happens next, are you going to Spain or Portugal for a stint of pet sitting as usual? I seem to remember there was some discussion of a trip to Rwanda, but I can’t remember what the final decision was on that one.

    I did have a few more restful days after christmas, but it’s busy again now. The addition of lots of child minding to my usual schedule always feels a bit overwhelming, but I will manage. Luckily it’s usually the week days that are busy, I can usually count on a quiet weekend.

    After the hot weather and plenty of garden watering, my veggie patch has exploded with produce. I pick about this much every 2-3 days: https://imgur.com/a/CkUAZsV
    A couple of days after christmas the basket was overflowing as I hadn’t had time to pick for a few days. So I texted all the neighbours offering home delivered fresh veg. They all said yes. What should have been a quick drop off to all the houses around me turned into all day talking and tea drinking. Every neighbour insisted on a cuppa and a chat. I left home at 10am and got home at 4pm without going more than 50 metres from house! Although it was nice to catch up with the all the neighbours, I think next time I might just leave veggies on the front porches and send everyone a text!

    Hello to anyone reading that I haven’t mentioned. Hope you are well.

    I’ll pop in when I can this month and hopefully get back to normal in February.
    Take care everyone.

    Happy New Year everyone, I’ve just caught up on the last few posts.

    LJ, well done with the veggies and how nice to have some quiet time at the weekends. I think you are a saint doing all that child-minding, it would drive me nuts. We just arrived back from the corgi sitting in Sweden today and it’s Botswana that we’re going to next week. From -9C and snow to 36C and thunder showers. It was a sad day as we had to say goodbye to DD on the train platform. We were grateful to have spent these three weeks with her but I have that horrid sinking feeling about not seeing her for around a year as she heads off to Central and South America.

    Neil, I think you will do well with the dedicated FDs. For one thing, everyone else comes to know the routine (so maybe your wife’s rellies won’t pop round with Indian treats on those days!) and for another, once you’ve said it out loud, you’re more likely to stick with it. You can always change the day but that’s much better than ‘fitting them in when you can’ in the first place. Too easy to shine it on.

    CalifD, it’s good to read your posts and to know that you’re coming back here more often. Pleased your OH is doing OK.

    Turn, enjoy your pet-sitting. I hope you feel better now.

    Cinque, nice description of the comings and goings in the local park. I hope you’re also feeling better.

    Anzac, how’s it going?

    There was a lot to do arriving back at the boat today and I’m tired. But I’m warm. Off to bed now.

    Good morning dear ones, and Happy New Year!

    Anzac, Nice to be back home!
    Sympathy to your sister’s family, I hope they are recovering well and that you dad avoided getting covid.
    (My sister is improving but her partner also got it, and he is having a hard time with it.)

    And thankyou, I am keeping up with the water. Hooray!

    Hello Turn,
    It sounds like you are in another beautiful place.
    Haha, I love your burger story. I find the same. My tastes have changed so much and it is rare for junk food not to taste like junk.

    Hi Cali,
    It is so scary that extremes of weather is now the norm. Thank goodness the younger generation seems bent on action.
    Australia’s story at the moment is the incredible destruction as rivers rise and flood hundred of kilometers downstream from the torrential rains.
    I am glad you are built on rock.

    I am also with you, still wearing my mask in closed or crowded places, and now one of the minority.

    Neil, I think it might be impossible to make friends with a hostile magpie while riding a bike. But what a pity idiots introduced our magpies there. Nearly as bad as the possums.

    It sounds like a good routine you have planned for yourself, I hope it works well.

    LJoyce, hello and yes, it is so wonderful and so tiring to be looking after children.
    I seem to need three days to recover after having a grandchild visit. So annoying, I want to do so much more. Fingers crossed I get a bit of extra energy.
    Hoping you are able to look after yourself while you also look after the kids.

    I enjoyed watching a bit of Retro Claude!

    I just loved your story of taking 6 hours to drop off some veggies to your neighbours, haha. What a precious day though, even if you were secretly wishing you could get to the other things you wanted to do.
    Wonderful garden!
    Mine isn’t doing much. Two out of 4 cucamelons have survived, but they are not growing fast. I haven’t managed to mulch so my poor garden has suffered on our nasty hot days.

    Thin, what a bitter sweet last hug of DD as she heads off. Hooray for video chats, and hopefully you will be able to catch up here and there.

    Best wishes to everyone, I am looking forward to this year with you all.

    Afternoon all

    I’m feeling pretty low today. My weigh in was way up, the heaviest I’ve been since I was on the way down the first time. I came in at 105.7 kilos. Really depressed that I’m now more than 20 kilos up from my lowest weight that I got down to.

    Sympathy xxx

    I hope you can just forget about the nasty scales for a bit and concentrate on doing what is good for your health. Do a couple of weeks on your new regimen, and concentrate on whether is is sustainable, feels good for your body, works so that you don’t overeat on the days that aren’t controlled, and then after a couple of weeks the scales can tell you if they agree with what your brain has been deciding.

    Good luck.

    Hello all from a cloudy Sydney (after two gorgeous sunny days) and looking at the BOM radar we are about to be hit with very large storms

    We’ve been quite busy catching up with friends and family but now have a fairly quiet time coming up so the big push to lose weight officially started today. Neil, I too am almost at my heaviest ever and it HAS to stop. I look and feel dreadful so let’s both put our motivation hats on and I like your new regime. We can do this, we really can

    Glad you are home safely Thin but how sad to say farewell to your DD for quite a long time. Botswana sounds amazing and I’m looking forward to reading all about it

    We have another trip in planning stage: Egypt, Turkey, Jordan, Greece for the main part then a few days in one of our favourite places, Venice. We have already booked Sydney to Dubai on Emirates Business Class on points for late November this year. There aren’t any First Class seats available so that is a bit disappointing. Anyway, I managed to lose 15 kilos for the last big trip in 2019 so I know I can again plus another 5 this time

    LJ, I agree with Thin that you are a saint to do all that child minding. Your relatives must be relieved they don’t have to pay through the nose for it. I know it is hard work so bless you for doing it. Hooray for so much produce but yes a bit frustrating to have to spend so much time delivering it!

    Cinque, love the magpie story, just love it.

    Hope you are fully recovered Turn and what a shame the burger and chips were disappointing

    My Dad avoided Covid so that is a huge relief. He came for lunch on Monday and we had a lovely catch up

    I’m so glad your OH is doing as well as can be Cali, may it continue. Fingers and toes crossed that the rain stops very soon and there isn’t any damage to your property.

    Must run, take care all

    Neil, I’m sorry to read about the 20kg gain from your spectacular loss when we first knew you. You’re starting a new regime of Monday/Thursday fasting. So it’s a clean start. I feel this will work. My advice (should you choose to accept it) is to stick to those fast days and make sure your extended family are on board and know the days. A lot of people equate feeding/cooking with love. They need to get re-educated on how depressed this makes you. Better that they’re slightly offended than you’re depressed, overweight and unhappy. Continue to enjoy your junk food/alcohol Friday nights for now. Later, you can work on that.

    Most 5:2ers choose two weekday fast days so you’re in good company. When I decided to begin this WOL, it happened to be a Sunday and I’ve always kept it as a FD because it means I couldn’t have a weekend blow out. If we had an event or invitation on a Sunday, I would change my FD to Saturday. Further invitations meant I had to decline. Always keep a FD in the bank, never in arrears.

    Give it some thought. We’re with you.

    12 hours later … Cinque, I am looking forward to hearing more from you this year too (when you can manage it) and hoping it is a good one for you health wise.

    Anzac, what a fab trip you’re planning! First class? Wow. I’m married to a pilot and I’ve only travelled on business class once and that was a very short flight. One of our friends is an ex-Emirates captain and he and his wife get one first class trip back to Oz every year (they live in Spain). They get a shower en route! Your OH must be well on the road to full recovery for you to be planning this big trip. What a great ending to such a difficult time for you both.

    Glad your dad escaped covid. Here, no one talks about covid any more. There’s a vile ‘flu going round England making people very ill indeed and challenging the already-stretched NHS. DD had it for three weeks as did most of her former colleagues.

    It seems quite warm here in England after Sweden. I have shed my gloves, coat hood over beannie, one pair of socks and one layer of thermals. We’re travelling on a proper airline to Johannesburg (meals and all!) and can take 8kg of hand luggage, another bag that fits under the seat and 23kg of check-on luggage. Good grief! I’ve been trying to decided whether I want to take advantage of that (OH is sticking to our standard 7kg daypack) and wondering what on earth I would take. I started thinking OK, I’ll take binoculars, my camera trap and my DSLR camera. Then I thought I’ll treat myself to a telephoto zoom lens which I’ve just ordered on Amazon. I can’t believe I’m doing this – making ourselves a target for theft and having all that weight to lug about. It will be a new experience.

    LJ, how are your travel plans shaping up?

    Thanks for the support everyone, I had my first fast day of the year today (I didn’t fast on Monday because I was going to wait until after my weigh-in to start the new routine). I did OMAD for my fast day because it’s always after work I struggle with eating. I had a coffee around 11am, some miso soup at lunch time, then I made a veggie bake for dinner. Total calories for the day: 620. I’m going to stop the weekend drinks for the first couple of months of this year to see if that helps. Control day tomorrow, I’m going to try to stick to around 1500-1600 on control days which I’m going to try to keep to two meals of 700-800 calories each and no snacks in between.

    I hope everyone is doing well and I’ll check in in a couple of days.

    LJ, loved your story about the veggie deliveries from your garden. That was certainly a long day! I noticed the rhubarb in your basket photo. I was just talking to someone the other day about rhubarb pie. So few people I know like it, but I could eat it every day.
    About a week before Christmas I was in the grocery store and got a phone call with the country code of 61. I thought it was you and wondered why you would phone me rather than using FaceTime or text. I felt a little concerned. When I got home I called the number back and realized it was our neighbors from across the street. I had left them a message earlier, not realizing they were on holiday in Australia. They called back to make sure we were ok. They spent 10 days and traveled all over the country on tours, Sydney, Melbourne, Adelaide, Cairn and some places in the Outback. It turned out to be a little over ambitious for that many days, but they had a good time. They liked everything except the Vegemite. 🙂 She couldn’t believe that I actually had a jar of it on my kitchen bench that I eat on sourdough toast almost every morning. Thin will love to hear that. 🙂

    Neil, you lost the weight before and you’ll do it again. This time you know how. Good luck to you.

    Cinque, sorry the grandkids tired you out over the holidays. But I know you love it. Sorry to hear your sister’s partner is still sick with Covid, but glad she’s recovering.

    Well, have to go and watch movies with OH and DS. We still do that together for 2-3 hours every night. We are watching the last of the series The Dr. Seuss Bake-off on Amazon Prime. I love Dr. Seuss and the creations the contestants come up with are just amazing. LJ would love the show!

    Hi all, the rain has finally stopped….yesterday it was biblical and completely washed out day three of the pink test (pink for Breast Cancer) between Australia and South Africa

    Thin, we did 5 legs in first class with Emirates during our 2019 trip and the first leg was Auckland to Dubai, 17 hours and yes we had a shower! It was awesome, you could jog around the bathroom it was so huge. We always targeted the A380 for that reason….talk about spoilt! yes Mr Anzac’s recovery is actually quite miraculous and for that we are truly thankful. He is a little anxious about his follow-up colonoscopy next month but that is understandable

    Cali, wow 10 days is very ambitious by your friends! Perhaps they didn’t realise just how big the distances are but glad they had a lovely time

    Good for you Neil, I haven’t attempted a FD yet. I’ve lost 800 grams already though by upping the exercise and downing the carbs. Yay

    Time to help Mr Anzac with dinner. Greek lamb, lemon potatoes and I’ve already made a huge salad with cos, cucumber, red and green capsicum, red onion, tiny tomatoes and a nice red vinegar dressing. Yum

    Take care all, hope everyone can post lots soon 🙂

    CalifD, ha ha, your neighbours must have seen nothing but hotels and planes. When we first moved to Oz, we had American friends announcing similar plans in ten days – but to include Perth and New Zealand as well! DD has left us a jar of marmite. I wouldn’t buy it but I used to love half a tsp of it mixed with brown rice so I’ll see if I still like it sometime. I’ll leave the axle grease to you.

    Anzac, that’s incredible that you have/had that many miles for first class. Did you get photos in the shower? We were offered an upgrade to business class on Brussels Airlines to J’burg for USD160 last week so I pounced. It was a mean tease as, when I went to pay, it said “oh sorry you’re not eligible because you didn’t book through the airline”. OH called the airline in Brussels and was told our best chance is to simply ask at the check-in desk. We haven’t queued at one of those in years.

    The UK will be introducing a new screening system in about a year that will eliminate the (often illogical) procedures we’ve all become accustomed to since 2006 such as removing shoes and belts, liquids in a ziploc, electronics in a tray and other measures that have made airline travel so unpleasant. As a pilot, some of these things make my OH so angry such as having his hangnail clippers confiscated. He asked, “do you think I’m going to burst into the cockpit and demand to cut the pilot’s hangnails?”. Last time, they found an empty 10ml tube of eye gel and took that. His friend in the US had a corkscrew confiscated – and he was the captain. Meanwhile, you can carry on board a lighter, a very sharp pencil or a razor.

    My new lens has arrived two days early so I’m off to collect it. Have a great weekend all.

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